Date at the movies (from the internet)


New Member
Mar 15, 2011
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I've arranged a date at the theater with a girl I've met through a dating site. I'm five years older than her (she's 18). Anyway, I've talked to her for three or four days (mostly on the phone). One time, we talked for a couple of hours straight (pretty AFC, I know).

The thing is: This girl seems kinky, freaky as hell. She isn't very good looking though. I'd say a 6. I know I'm better than her, but I'm really just looking for some play, as selfish as that sounds.

So I've never really had any problems setting up dates, getting numbers, etc. My problem has always been that I'm too timid to make moves. That's why I think this is the perfect situation for me. This girl seems easy, and it should be good practice for me. But I still have no idea of how to do it really.

So I'd like to open this up on any advice on how to get a little play at the theater. I know it's kind of silly and AFC to make out in a theater and everything, but unfortunately I don't really have too many better options at the moment.

*** I'll update this thread later tonight on how my game played out. So please offer any advice and I'll try and execute the game plan.

By the way, this is my first post, but I am a long-time reader.



Don Juan
Jun 10, 2010
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don't you know the movies for a first date is a big nono? you can't get to know them if ur watching a movie. go for a walk somewhere in town, grab a drink. movies are for second dates.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
IamAnAnimal said:
I've arranged a date at the theater with a girl I've met through a dating site..
Change the date to your nearest Cold Stone Creamry. You shouldn't set aside blocks of time in the future to for a date. The best way to go on a "date," with a woman is to have her meet you somewhere when you're already out. The problem with movie dates is that:

1) They're expensive. You want to keep the date under $40.

2) Movie dates aren't conducive to effin'. You need to be in a situation where you can practice and run game. Movies don't facilitate this situation.

IamAnAnimal said:
I'm five years older than her (she's 18). Anyway, I've talked to her for three or four days (mostly on the phone). One time, we talked for a couple of hours straight (pretty AFC, I know).
I hate to break it you dude, but there's a very good chance that in those three to four days you might have said or did something to turn her off. I've pretty well established that I'm "anti-texting", so I'll give you props for actually having the balls to speak to her on the phone; however, the phone is a tool with a specific purpose. That purpose is to arrange a date with her so you can see her in the future. No more of these extended phone conversations. You are not to stay on the phone with her for more than 15 minutes. If she wants to talk, she can talk to you in person.

IamAnAnimal said:
The thing is: This girl seems kinky, freaky as hell. She isn't very good looking though. I'd say a 6. I know I'm better than her, but I'm really just looking for some play, as selfish as that sounds
Unfortunately, you may have failed again. Kinky sex talk means nothing. This is nothing more than a sh*t test and attention whoring. The next time the conservation goes to sex, tell her you're "not that kind of guy," and why are you assuming that I want to have sex with you?" Let her know you're not cheap and you're slong isn't for every one. Say it in a playful tone though. Or tell her that would be great only if you weren't gay.

IamAnAnimal said:
My problem has always been that I'm too timid to make moves. That's why I think this is the perfect situation for me. This girl seems easy, and it should be good practice for me. But I still have no idea of how to do it really.
So some research on this site on "kino escalation," and "demonstrations of higher value." I also recommend The Game, The Mystery Method, and How To Succeed With Women.

IamAnAnimal said:
So I'd like to open this up on any advice on how to get a little play at the theater..
As I've already stated, don't go to the movies. Invite her out to an activity you're already embarking on. Call her say something to this affect.

IamAnAnimal: Sup?

Online Chick: Nothing much, blah, blah.

IamAnAnimal: I'm about to go look at some jeans. Meet me at the mall.
It doesn't have to be the mall. It could be where ever. The important thing is when you call for the "date," you need to already be in the mist of doing something. From there you can take her to Cold Stone, McDonald's Subway, etc. Good luck.



Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Well, your entire world view stinks for one thing. You need to resort to someone you don't even find attractive to work up some nerve? Continue thinking like that and you'll be with mostly 6s for life. Here's what I instead suggest: Stop bothering with women you are not attracted to and go after what you actually want. And don't just do it based on looks, find something that really turns you on about a girl: she's *****y, she's submissive, she's aggressive, whatever and don't settle for someone who doesn't have those traits. Now, if you're not really sure who you are yet and just want to experiment, that's different than just selling yourself short and being too afraid to succeed.