dat azz's FR log

dat azz

Don Juan
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
I can approach people of any age, size, sex, or shape, but I have an irrational fear of approaching attractive women (don't most of us? lol). The plan is to approach as many women as I possibly can throughout the day and condition myself to become a more social guy around hot bitties. I was never good at cold approaches, so I want to improve that area of my life. I'll be updating this as often as I approach.

Approach #1 09/22/09
I was walking around my campus for a good hour, looking for the nicest girls I could find. I went into the grocery store to pickup something to drink since I was parched after so much walking. I noticed 2 cute girls walking behind me and decided to try my luck.

(Checked them both out and made eye contact with the HB8)
Me: Hey.
HB8: Hi.
HB5: Hi.
Me: (forgetting all the PUA material I've ever read) Where are you guys from? I noticed you weren't speaking English.
HB8: I'm from Germany, I'm visiting my friend (points to friend).
Me: Ooh. That might be a problem. I'm Polish, I don't think we will get along LOL
*(small talk about college and our majors.. lasts 5 mins)*
Me: It's fun talking to you, but I am hungry, I'm going to grab some food.
HB8: Us too, we're going to the cafe.
Me: Sounds good, let's go!
*They uneasily look at each other*
HB8: ..Uh.. okay, you can follow us, I guess.
Me: Actually, I think I'll get food with my girlfriend (I don't have one lol). See ya later, nice meeting you.
*Shake hands*

I didn't like the nervous looks they gave each other, so I bailed. It was more of a friendly conversation than me trying to get her number, but at least I approached an attractive girl.

More to come.
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Don Juan
Jun 28, 2009
Reaction score
That's awesome. I also forget everything I read on the site once I start speaking with an attractive girl - I don't know what it is. That's why IMO you need to make some of this stuff a lifestyle so it just become natural.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
good stuff man. Keep them approaches coming!!!

dat azz

Don Juan
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
I went to a kegger with my buddy. It's my other friend's house, so I had a little VIP access haha and it looked good hanging out with the host for most of the time. I'm checkin' out all the girls at the place, saying hi or just some small talk to everyone I see.. "Awesome shirt! It's too hot in here huh? How you doing?" I was dancing with this one girl, HB7. I was getting tired, so I grab the guy's hands who was just chillin behind her not really dancing and was like "grab the b1tch and dance bro" hahah the kid was cracking up and he was loving it. The girl did not like being called a b1tch, but I was too drunk to be worried at the time. I really should have built more rapport with the girls I met, cause I talked to them for like 5 seconds and left. 0 number closes. I went outside to smoke and just started talking to everyone there. Everyone was really friendly (once we started smoking haha). There were 2 girls there. One was an HB8 the other an HB10.

I really dunno where I went wrong with the HB10. She was hanging out with this 250+ neckbeard and was flirting with him. He was an okay guy, but wtf. You're an HB10.. you can do better.. like me :D. I ignored her a little since, well, she was around this guy's neck the whole time. I vaguely remember our convo. On the train ride back home, I was like:

Me: which stop is yours?
Her: *silent and glaring at me*
Me: what?
Her: *silent and glaring at me*
Me: I took your breath away huh?
Her: *silent and glaring at me*
Me: Are you trying to be mean or are you just dumb?
Fat neckbeard: (very hostile) WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?
Me: I am not fighting you over some skank. Peace.

My friend and I left, he was not getting good responses from the HB8 either so we said fvck it and went to find some more chicks. I know it shouldn't get us down, but my friend and I felt really ****ty after all of that. We hung out with them for 2+ hours and were heading back to their place when they started getting cold, clearly not wanting us to come. Just because you're beautiful doesn't give you the right to be an arrogant and stuck up person.

So we get off the train and walked around for a little. It was 3am in the park when I opened this group of girls and a guy (gay) just chillin on the grass.

Me: HEY!! Are you guys causing any trouble?
Them: No!!! (playfully) We're good girls :D
Me: haha good. I'm DA, this is my buddy xxxxx.

We talked for a while, my friend was making out with one of the girls and I was talking to the other 3. Now, I don't know whether this 1 girl (HB9) was genuinely into me or she just wanted to show off to all her friends that I have her attention. But, fvck, I don't know, I was convinced after hugging and kissing her that she liked me. As we're going back to the gay kid's apartment (he was actually a chill dude), one of her friends, the one who was desperately trying to get my attention and approval, goes "HEY HB9, YOU CAN **** HIM LATER, COME HERE FOR A LITTLE" and the hb9 left our warm cuddling walk and went to her friend. **** that jealous cvnt. HB9 was very unresponsive and straight up cold to me for the rest of the night. I asked for her number just as I was leaving and she gave me a "nooooo sorry."

Ah well, I'll keep trying.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 3, 2009
Reaction score
BC Vancouver
Basically force yourself to move, and when your close enough there is no going back and you may as well just say **** it and say hi to the girl.

dat azz

Don Juan
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
I've been living in the past/future for too long. I always look back on my failures or mistakes and think less of myself. Or, I look into the future and think "oh, tomorrow I'll approach 500 girls! but not tonight, I just don't feel it." I need to learn to live in the present and make what I want happen. I have such aspirations, I have such potential, but I either remember a stupid past event, or make an excuse and say I'll do it tomorrow. I wonder how long I could keep doing this.. forever? I'll be 80 and think, 'okay, tomorrow is definitely the day!' haha. I want to be in control of my reality and suppress that miserable and pathetic voice inside my head that's holding me back. Alcohol suppresses that voice quite well, but I can't afford (money-wise and health-wise) to drink every time I'm going out. I like these quotes, check em out.

“Everything you can imagine is real.“ -Pablo Picasso

"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him." - Buddha

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." - Buddha

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." - Buddha

Some food for thought.
Peace out.