Danced with a guy's GF at the club. He comes up to apologize to me after.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not sure it was bragging, I felt like it was the OP saying "Look at this interesting interaction."

And I don't believe there are any rules, so if OP wants to go up and try to AMOG a totally innocent guy, that's his prerogative. Of course the other guy could try to re-AMOG OP, etc.

I don't look at it through a lens of morality, I look at it as the jungle. There are no rules in love and war.

When I was 22 I AMOGed this acquaintance of mine and f*cked his girlfriend after making him look like a total clown. It took a couple of nights -- not one night -- because the two of them were sort of peripheral to a group of friends and we all hung out on a few occasions. Was much more subtle than OP, though. It wasn't about physical intimidation as much as interacting with him in a way that made him look really pathetic.

And this guy was physically bigger than I (as most guys are), but he was a real wimp. I don't even know why I did it. F*cked his girlfriend a few times and then one night he called her up while I was there. I answered her phone as she tried to stop me and told him, "I'm done with her, you can have her back."

Even after that, about 6 months later when I was leaving town to go to a different part of the state, she tried to get into contact with me because she wanted a last f*ck I guess. I instead called up her friend who was a solid HB9 to try to get with her. The friend blew me off and told the girl, who then stopped speaking to me.

I actually made a number of enemies while doing this so it's probably not something I'd do again, but it was an interesting situation.

About a year ago I looked up the guy and his girlfriend on Facebook and they were married with at least one kid! I was stunned, she treated him like absolute sh*t and was a big slut to boot. I wouldn't be surprised if the kid isn't his.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
Zarky said:
I'm not sure it was bragging, I felt like it was the OP saying "Look at this interesting interaction."

And I don't believe there are any rules, so if OP wants to go up and try to AMOG a totally innocent guy, that's his prerogative. Of course the other guy could try to re-AMOG OP, etc.

I don't look at it through a lens of morality, I look at it as the jungle. There are no rules in love and war.

When I was 22 I AMOGed this acquaintance of mine and f*cked his girlfriend after making him look like a total clown. It took a couple of nights -- not one night -- because the two of them were sort of peripheral to a group of friends and we all hung out on a few occasions. Was much more subtle than OP, though. It wasn't about physical intimidation as much as interacting with him in a way that made him look really pathetic.

And this guy was physically bigger than I (as most guys are), but he was a real wimp. I don't even know why I did it. F*cked his girlfriend a few times and then one night he called her up while I was there. I answered her phone as she tried to stop me and told him, "I'm done with her, you can have her back."

Even after that, about 6 months later when I was leaving town to go to a different part of the state, she tried to get into contact with me because she wanted a last f*ck I guess. I instead called up her friend who was a solid HB9 to try to get with her. The friend blew me off and told the girl, who then stopped speaking to me.

I actually made a number of enemies while doing this so it's probably not something I'd do again, but it was an interesting situation.

About a year ago I looked up the guy and his girlfriend on Facebook and they were married with at least one kid! I was stunned, she treated him like absolute sh*t and was a big slut to boot. I wouldn't be surprised if the kid isn't his.

Haha that's cold, but pretty boss. But honestly, being the person who someone's cheating with is far better (at least on my morality scale) than being the person cheating. I don't cheat, but i dont have a huge problem hooking up with a taken girl unless i'm cool with the guy. If a girl wants to cheat, she's gonna cheat, might as well be with me.

She makes her own decisions and if she's willing to cheat on her boyfriend, then that says something about their relationship. I don't care how much of a seducer you are, a girl can always say no. In a way i think it's almost better that you said you were banging his GF, so at least he knows. And if he wants to keep being a chode and stay with her, then that's all on his stupid ass.

It's a dog eat dog world


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
yougottaknow90 said:
what's pathetic about TC is not that he acted the way he did, but the fact that he felt the need to brag and share it with the rest of us.
If i wanted to simply brag, I would've invented a much better story, probably ending with me banging a girl. It was the most entertaining part of my night, so i wanted to post it and see what people thought. I could care less whether a bunch of people on the internet think i'm a douche or not...


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2012
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Bro you have got a lot to learn...

1. Don't listen to Zarky. She is a 15 year old lesbian who dildos herself to trolling and misleading guys on this forum. Anything she says is meant to troll or steer you in the wrong direction.

2. You sound like a tough guy to me. So, let me tell you, you're gonna learn the hard way as I did. There is always someone bigger and badder than you - always. One day you're gonna underestimate this person and learn a lesson in humility and keeping your mouth shut.

Here's why you f@cked up:

You exerted your power over a weaker man. Bravo, you bullied him. This not only tells me how insecure you must be big man, but it also tells anyone else who saw. So, if those girls saw you doing this, chances are you lost. Anytime a girl notices 2 males competing over her she has the power. By making it noticeable that you're competing, you lose. Let me repeat that: YOU LOSE.

Look man, I know size can get to your head. But, I'm also a muscular guy. The size where people know my presence when I walk into a room. Except, I know this about myself. So I don't feel the need to inappropriately make it known.

Use that competitive personality of yours for the right things. If you go into business one day, then yes, it is a dog eat dog world. Use that part of you to succeed. Even then though, don't rub the smaller dog's nose in its own sh!t.

A real man uses his power only when he needs to use it.


Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Great job OP. You boasted the girl's ego up so high and you got nothing in return.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
On Earth
Next time try to squeeze his d1ck. Then he won't fvck her like he did later that night.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
PackDaddy said:
You exerted your power over a weaker man. Bravo, you bullied him. This not only tells me how insecure you must be big man, but it also tells anyone else who saw.
Actually, he was bigger than me. He just wasnt particularly attractive or confident. I'm in good shape and im cut up pretty well, but most guys are bigger than me when i walk into a given bar. Probably should have mentioned that initially.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 5, 2012
Reaction score
I guess I would have gotten a lot more out of this thread if I knew what an AMOG was...

EDIT: Googled it. OK, so well done for not being a total d1ckweed I guess, and at least you had control of the situation, but maybe tone it down a bit. There's no need to be aggressive in that situation. And yeah a strong handshake actually means nothing. Firm and brief is fine. And intense eye contact should probably be reserved for the bedroom.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
I just got relentlessly AMOGGed the other night when i was out with my plate from some insecure little SOBs just like yourself attempting to bully me...i hate will get your ass beat soon when you cross the right person...


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
This happened at a club awhile back... not a big deal but I thought I'd add.

I was off dancing and noticed my exexex-girl (gf at the time) sitting against the table as she usually does... she didn't want to dance so she just sat down. Anyway a guy walked up to her and started talking I guess. She just sat there staring off into space. I walked up to the guy and I said, "Hey take a hike dude",
the guy looked back at me and said "I think the lady and I are having a conversation here". I stared right into his face and said "Did you hear what I said? Fvck off!".

He left.

I'm curious what you would have done if he had said that to you. In retrospect, I wish I would have ditched that girl.... if I could go back in time, I would have said to the guy "Hey, you, here's $20 bucks, PLEASE, take her, you have a nice life".