crumbling the alpha male

Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
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heres the question:

I recently moved into a house for college with 3 guys. we all have common friends, but none of this really know each other.

I am an alpha male among the groups Im in. unfortunately, there is another alpha male in the house.

about a week after we moved in, I decided that I did not like the room I was in, although it really is the best room in the house. Instead, I decided I wanted to take the living room, because its the biggest room in the house and I freaken want it.

there is another living room, and it would actually make a lot of sense for me to live in this room, as its on an extreme of the house, and would not intrude on anyones privacy, like my current room is, as I am walking thru 2 of the 3 roommates rooms to exit the house.

there is a slightly smaller room that we could use as a living room.

I already got the 2 other roommates on board about me living here. the other alpha male tho... he seemed really angry when I told him the plan. I got the vibe that the only reason he was angry was that my room would be so much better than their rooms, despite the fact that it actually gives them more privacy for me to live in that room... he just doesnt want me to have the best room.

I worked a couple of angles on him. he's non commital, so I worked the "if it doesnt work, I can just move back in to that room" angle... although we know that wont happen :p

I worked the its best for the whole house angle. I worked the "the other 2 guys are down for it" angle. his alpha pride, I can see is starting to break a little bit. I even got him to say that "maaaaaaaaybe if the other guys are on board for it, then he would say ok... majority rules... "but he wanted to talk to another one of the roommates who also has doubts.

I want to be present for this, as well as have the other guy present, who I also had won over to try to gang bang this guy into submission.

If I get this room, i am declared alpha male in the house, and that would kick ass.

any of you guys have ideas as to the things I should do to manipulate this situation more?

I just dont want to **** where I eat... and its tough to get your way without coming across as confrontational. I want to remain on good terms with them, but also get this room and be the undisputed alpha male of the house.

the guy has been trying to show his alpha status since we got in the house, and its pretty much between us, as Im not giving. advice?


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Hey, um...guy...
Just what exactly do you think is an Alpha Male?

I mean really.
Indulge me here.


Enjin 7

Don Juan
Aug 30, 2005
Reaction score
if youre 39... i hope it would be similar to your role in your house


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Enjin, do you mean to say that you want to be the "father" to your buds?

Sh*t, that's pretty noble of you. I mean that.
You must have a really good heart, man.
I would have never expected that from a young guy.

Bro, my hat is off to you, buddy.
Let me know if I can help. Whenever you need advice.

And, no, I am not at the stage where I'm "threatened" by other AMs anymore. Most of my buds have their own strengths and weakness, we're through all the macho drama.
We compete, but there's respect and admiration. AMs can be good friends, bro.
Trust me on that.
I'd go to war with my buds, man.
To WAR....


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
First problem is that you're asking his permission. You should ask his opinion but never compromise your stance. A true Alpha Man in competition with another will not ask his permission for a goddamned thing. I understand compromise and it's a very useful idea but never forfeit your position based on what the other guy might think or do.

It's clear you want the house to run smooth, however, if you take charge then do it and don't go lax when it gets tough.

perfect examples:

If I get this room, i am declared alpha male in the house, and that would kick ass.

any of you guys have ideas as to the things I should do to manipulate this situation more?
"If I get this room"? What the hell is that? Sounds defeatist to me. Lose the word "if" from your vernacular.

And even worse is the fact that you'd want to "manipulate" anything. Manipulation is such a beta trait. If you can't get what you want straight up and direct you shouldn't have it.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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Wow guys.
Crumbling the Alpha Male!
Its a regular guy u stupid, not a fvking Berlin Wall