Crazy b!tch wants to fight!


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
Here's a little story from my past. I don't know why I thought of it now but it is something that I'm curious about.

I was about 28 and drinking at a pub with a few friends (male and female) and playing some pool. There was an older woman (mid 40's) who was watching us with her female friend. She was a weathered looking cougar complete with leathery skin, bad fashion sense, and tobacco stained smile. Nasty b!tch would be a good description. Anyhow we finished our game and sat down to chat and drink a little.

Out of the blue the woman threw a totally unprovoked nasty comment over to our table. We hadn't said a word to them and for no reason at all she was pissed off at us. I had my back to her and was the only one to turn and respond. I can't quite remember what I said but I know it was something smart alec and said with a smile. She didn't respond and I turned away.

Next thing I know I feel my chair being tilted back and someone's hand goes around my throat hard. It was the nasty b!tch! She had my chair back at about a 45 degree angle and her nails were digging right into my neck! If she let go I would fall right on my back and probably hit my head.

She holds her face right close to mine and starts going off about how she's going to kick my ass right there in front of my friends. She starts demeaning me and calling me foul names. All the while she keeps feigning like she's going to let the chair go. Not just let it go but slam it down hard. She's taunting me. Wanting me to react. Basically she's putting a big show on to show everyone how tough she is.

Being in that position of just about falling on your back definitely had me concerned. Her nails were digging into my neck and that didn't feel to good either. I could feel my face going red and blood beginning to boil. I have strong feelings about violence against women but I have to admit I would've loved to kick this b!tch's ass. I'm not even sure if she was a woman to tell you the truth.

I did think about punching her. Both my arms were free. However even if I hit her she would just slam me down on my back and probably start kicking me and sh!t. I'm sure I could've made my way to my feet and fought with her but is that the right thing to do? I even thought about kicking my legs up and over and grabbing her head and bringing her down with me. Still an ugly scenario.

Instead I just calmly stared her right in the eye while she was spouting off. I told her to put my chair back several times but otherwise didn't say anything. She wanted me to get provoked so she could slam that chair down. I could feel it. I didn't bite and stayed cool despite all the insults and coping with that feeling of teetering on the brink of falling backwards.

Eventually after an extremely awkward 2 minutes or so she put me and the chair back up and let go of my neck. She took a quick step back expecting some retaliation but I just kept my back to her and did not respond. My friends were all sitting there wide eyed and wondering what I was going to do. I brushed it off calmly and just made a funny comment to which everyone chuckled.

The b!tch heard this and started mouthing off again so I just turned my chair a little so she couldn't surprise me from behind again and I smiled at her. After that we ignored her comments and shortly after they got up to leave. As she passed our table another comment was made and I just said "Whatever you crazy old b!tch" and they left.

Nothing more was really made of it but it is something that I obviously remember 10 years later.

I know some of you guys have good imaginations so I thought I would throw this story out there to see if any one had any good responses or ideas of what to do in a situation like this.

Or do you have any funny stories of your own about confrontations with women who "want to go". :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
I am surprised non of your friends did anything to that awful lady while you were in such a vulnerable position for so long.


Nov 4, 2010
Reaction score
did you get her number?
might be crazy but the sex would jave been awesome I bet


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
betheman said:
did you get her number?
might be crazy but the sex would jave been awesome I bet
I wonder how she would've reacted if I said "You know I've been looking for a take charge woman. Can I get your number?"

That would actually be pretty funny.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
I'm having a hard time imagining a way to come out of that scenario looking good. Sounds like a no win situation.

bam bam

Don Juan
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
lol wtf... what kind of friends do u have? besides that, I would of punched her teeth down her throat and walked out of the bar... getting tooled by a women like that doesn't get you any points in life..


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
bam bam said:
lol wtf... what kind of friends do u have? besides that, I would of punched her teeth down her throat and walked out of the bar... getting tooled by a women like that doesn't get you any points in life..
My friends were 2 males and 3 females and they were throughly enjoying the show! :)

I'm sure if something happened they would've backed me up, but even so that particular group probably couldn't of helped me much.

The place wasn't a bar. It was a quiet and classy pub. Which I didn't elaborate on in the original post sorry. A nice kind of place where people are eating dinner etc. While I could've easily whooped her ass I'm sure, it was just the wrong place to be caught rolling on the floor fighting a woman. Let alone a stark raving leatherfaced coug.

Yes it was embarrassing but even more so if I would've had a grappling (lol) match with that b!tch.

Not too worried about losing points in life over this one. Just a humorous story. :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
you did good dude.

firstly, brushing it off just shows your friends you dont stoop to that level.

secondly, as you said, no love lost or found in fighting in a no good, leather hide..

letting that **** slide is the best thing you did.

ill tell you why:

i have a friend who is turning 40, couple months ago, he walked into his house to find his wife, mother of 3 kids, sleeping with her P dealer. He didnt even know she was ON p.

he kicked her out the house and told her if she comes back with him he'll bury her in his backyard.

they left.
the next day he comes home from buying groceries to find his wife and the P dealers 45 year old sister outside his house trying to break in.

she says she is taking her clothes and just doesnt want drama.

he lets her in along with the other lady.

ten minutes in, he sees the wife trying to disconnect his new LCD tv. saying she helped him bought it and she is taking it now. he argues.

gets attacked from behind by the leather skinned other lady.

he tries to protect himself and elbows her and pushed her back. he goes to the kitchen to get the phone to call the cops and she picks up a broom and walks into the kitchen.

the closest thing available to him is a kitchen knife he picks it up.

she drops the broom runs out with the wife,

he spent a week in prison on assault and attempt to injure charges.

All the cop heard was :
Man with knife, elbowed lady.

a week in county prison. his case didnt even get heard until he was infront of a judge and his lawyers called in his 12 year old son who was watching all this happen from the backyard on his way back from school.

he is not banned from seeing his wife, who has taken half his sh!t to leave with a P dealer.


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2009
Reaction score
When I was in highschool there was this girl from my neighborhood who started hanging out with really scuzzy/grimy types and they rubbed off on her really bad. She started doing coke and developed a reputation for trashy tackiness. The coke and other drug abuse resulted in a pockmarked sort of ugliness to her visage which was a shame, since with proper hygiene and upkee, she had potential to be at the least a HB 7. The tragic part to this anecdote was the fact that we used to be at the least, quite amicable since I recall even giving her driving lessons when she first got her license. I actually went out of my way (being only 16 myself back then) and risked getting my mom's car getting wrecked to give this thankless b!tch driving lessons. Anyways, that was before she chose the skank route...

fast forward to grade 12 and this girl is by now a certified hoochie. My friends and I were sitting in a Tim Hortons (a canadian donut shop franchise for all the non-canucks), when she walks in, high off her rocker on cocaine and wearing a tiara, of all things LOL...

I looked at her and inquired if she won the tiara at some trailer park beauty pageant or something along those lines which elicited laughter from my friends...While I was still laughing she comes out of nowhere and slaps me as hard as she could physically muster, in the face, catching me offguard. Now my funny lil quip may have been offensive in retrospect, it did not warrant a slap to the face and in a moment of rage I recall debating whether I should retaliate by slapping her back, or just doing nothing. I was brought up to never hit a female, but her behaviour was the least of all, feminine...and after doing a zillion calculations in my head in a span of a split-second, I decided the best way to retaliate was to spit on her face.

10 years on, I look back on this incident and think just walking away and acting completely unfazed or with a smirk would have been even more effective, still, to this day I dont regret spitting at that b!tch's face.

bam bam

Don Juan
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
slickaz said:
you did good dude.

firstly, brushing it off just shows your friends you dont stoop to that level.

secondly, as you said, no love lost or found in fighting in a no good, leather hide..

letting that **** slide is the best thing you did.

ill tell you why:

i have a friend who is turning 40, couple months ago, he walked into his house to find his wife, mother of 3 kids, sleeping with her P dealer. He didnt even know she was ON p.

he kicked her out the house and told her if she comes back with him he'll bury her in his backyard.

they left.
the next day he comes home from buying groceries to find his wife and the P dealers 45 year old sister outside his house trying to break in.

she says she is taking her clothes and just doesnt want drama.

he lets her in along with the other lady.

ten minutes in, he sees the wife trying to disconnect his new LCD tv. saying she helped him bought it and she is taking it now. he argues.

gets attacked from behind by the leather skinned other lady.

he tries to protect himself and elbows her and pushed her back. he goes to the kitchen to get the phone to call the cops and she picks up a broom and walks into the kitchen.

the closest thing available to him is a kitchen knife he picks it up.

she drops the broom runs out with the wife,

he spent a week in prison on assault and attempt to injure charges.

All the cop heard was :
Man with knife, elbowed lady.

a week in county prison. his case didnt even get heard until he was infront of a judge and his lawyers called in his 12 year old son who was watching all this happen from the backyard on his way back from school.

he is not banned from seeing his wife, who has taken half his sh!t to leave with a P dealer.
he should of packed her junk and tossed it out when she got it or left it in the garage... Or he could of called the cops to be their when she took her stuff to avoid hassles... his fault for not thinking... once the ties are cut in a bad manner with a person you should be at your highest guard... those are the people that can hurt you the most since they know you the best...


slickaz said:
he spent a week in prison on assault and attempt to injure charges.

All the cop heard was :
Man with knife, elbowed lady.

a week in county prison. his case didnt even get heard until he was infront of a judge and his lawyers called in his 12 year old son who was watching all this happen from the backyard on his way back from school.

Whoever calls the cops first has the advantage. If something like this happens, make sure you call first...