Confused with this girl.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Hey. i'm going to try and make this as short as possible. I am helping clean up the oil spill, its a summer job away from home. I worked for two weeks and got this girls number who I work with, she put her number in my phone actually. We texted and talked on the phone for the time i was gone. We had phone sex once and she has told me (many times) she is attracted to me. She is engaged as well. We went to a bar the other night and afterwards we walked downtown for a couple of hours. She was all over me and kissed up and down my arm/hand. That was brought up today and she said she probably shouldn't do that agin, I just changed the subject. I tried to kiss her but she only wanted a kiss on her cheek (dont worry, I didn't ask).

I have read an article here about the first kiss I'm going to try hopefully tomorrow night. I would just like a summer fling and I'm not an expert with this so any tips (on seducing her) on the situation I have described would be greatly appreciated. I apologize for any spelling errors I may have missed in advance.


Master Don Juan
Oct 15, 2009
Reaction score
When girls are engaged ....they want to know if they still are attractive. This girl may just be an aw.

Ps. Watch it people are getting sick while cleaning the oill spill. In the late 80s there was a huge spill named exxon valdez. Guess what most of the clean up crews are dead now. Corexit is extremely poisonous.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the warning. I work at one of the staging areas so I have no contact with oil.

What is an aw? That makes since. She told me she's done this before so there is no telling how it will turn out.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
It's been a month since I have posted here and I have made progress. I only post when I feel I really need advice on a situation. Hopefully someone will offer meaningful advice. I will try to keep this short but it is hard to give enough details without being long so bear with me.

I am still confused about what situation I am in. We're 4 hours apart.

The Good
We hung out ~5 times when I was working down in her town. The last night we hung out we had sex. Afterward she asked if I was going to break up with my gf to which I replied I was unsure. I asked if she was getting married and she said no, I left it at that. She went to a city the other day with her fiance and his parents; on the way home she texted me and said she misses me and that she would have had a better time going with me. I think she is very unhappy with who she is with now. We almost went once but ended up at another destination instead. She texts good morning sunshine/sweetheart/hunny, and has done this for awhile.

After that night I went back to my home town because I was finished working and had stuff to get done here.

The Confusing
I asked her to go to the beach with me in a couple of weeks and she said she'll have to ask her fiancee. She has said this before when we planned a trip to Cedar Point but ended up not going for reasons which we couldn't control. I asked her again today and the conversation went a little like this:

me: Do you find out if you can go to the beach?
her: I don’t think it’d be very girlfriend like for me.
I acted confused here because she didn’t say 'fiance like' since she is engaged.
me: You know you'll have fun.
her: I know, but I don't think it'd be very girlfriend like for me.
me: Well, I'll have fun without you.

I thought about saying later that "I don't see why it would be not very girlfriend like of you since we’re friends/siblings.” (I'm thinking that may just be a **** test.) I joked with her when we went to the beach about how she’s like my little sister, she also joked to me about being like her brother. I don’t want to say too much about it though because I may come off as desperate or something.

I feel that she has feelings for me but I am a newbie in this situation so I am unsure. I may have feelings for her as well. Should I tell her that I’m unsure of what we are doing and stop talking to her or LJBF her.

I may have left out some details that could help but this is all I can think of at the moment.


Main thing I posted for was the beach thing. I'm thinking that may just be a **** test. I'm still confused and would like to opinions on this.


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2009
Reaction score
So you're chasing an engaged woman and are contemplating ways to get better results? Seriously?


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
Well, I'm looking for good advice on what to do in my situation. Should I stop talking to her? I figure advice here could be better than what I could come up with.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Damn nice dude! you fuked an engaged girl! man i hope one day i can get up to that level! ha nice work. I'm not someone to give advice yet...just wanted to say congrats for that!


Don Juan
May 9, 2010
Reaction score
This is stupid. Where do you think your relationship with this girl will go? Would you want a cheater as your girlfriend?

You banged her, that should be the end of it.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2005
Reaction score
I'd like to bang her again.

I don't know where the Hell the relationship will go, that's why I need guidance. I've been in relationships the past 4 years almost so its weird getting out of one.

She may only be cheating because her relationship is going terrible, from why all she has told me about her past. Women lie though.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
JMooney5115 said:
I'd like to bang her again.
Then whatever you said,whatever you did,or however you acted and behaved towards her that got you to sleep with her the first time,just do it all over again.

No point in re-inventing the wheel,just do what works.

You say you'd like to "bang her" again. Ok,so let's say that happens.

Then what? You come back here asking what to do to "bang her" a third time?

I don't understand why you're here seeking information you ALREADY have.

JMooney5115 said:
I don't know where the Hell the relationship will go, that's why I need guidance.
You need guidance for what?

Other than wanting to bang her again,you haven't stated what it is you're after here. And since nobody here knows what you want,how can anyone "guide" you to it? We can't give guidance without a CLEAR KNOWLEDGE of where you want to go.

So if your goal is just sex,just do whatever you did before to get it.

If it's some type of relationship with the girl,well unless you want to be the next guy she's screwing around on,you might want to reconsider.

JMooney5115 said:
She may only be cheating because her relationship is going terrible, from why all she has told me about her past. Women lie though.
Her relationship may be bad.

And? So what if it is,she's still in it.

The relationship being bad or good means NOTHING.

The thing you need to look at is this....she's still in it.
She's still this guy's fiancee.
THEY still have plans to be married.

You said that this girl has traveled to other cities with this guy AND his parents.

You tried to get her to go to the beach with you and SHE SAID that she's have to get PERMISSION from her fiancee.

There's no way in the hell I'd be entangled some girl who has to ASK her fiancee to go out.

But that's just me.

Once you say EXACTLY what is it you want with this girl,we should be able to help you out.