Confused and fed up


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
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So at first I was unsure with some of advice here, due to majority of users been burned and now are bitter. But I'm heeding advice full force now. At first I thought my ex was sincere but that's a joke.

(Broken up for close to 3 months) NC for almost 2 months, until below:
First week of text messages she sent: I miss you, everything about us was real, wished we lived together instead of broke up, I miss kissing you, sex, touch, etc I replied sparingly not reciprocating fully to her.

Second week: Texts spread out on her part, texts song reminds me of you, a day or two no contact, i assumed her interest was up due to all the above messages, asked to meet up, schedules conflicted. She didn't counter offer date. I went nc she now doesn't text been since Sunday. I am going full on ghost now, fed up and regret even replying to her to begin with.

Why do girls do this? If she had no intention of meeting or whatever why even say all that crap? Seems so pointless to me.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
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Yeah I was foolish to think otherwise, actually pisses me off to do that, outta respect of what we had, wasn't all bad relationship, we shared some really good times. And she just dangles some hope in front of me just to ease her own insecurities. Sad, very sad and cruel.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
She wanted the validation of seeing if you still liked her.

Happened to me with my ex and with a HB9 that showed very high interest at the first date but gave me mixed signals big time afterwards.

I went NC for weeks and they started to text me, some stuff like above, the HB9 even suggested a meet up directly.

When I replied 10mins later, Ok see you in 30mins at X loc. she replied 'sory I can't make it my aunt is coming, only see her once a year' lmao...

So they only tried to figure out if you were still interested and not mad or anything, its their hamster spinning coz they didn't hear from you.

When they checked upon you and figured out you were, they got the validation and youre out again..


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
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Yeah I feel you, ex my was hb7 and I know she has options. I think sometimes we over analyze and don't realize girls do have a life with a busy schedule. But no counter date set up pretty sums it up for me, which I didn't get.

Taking this as a learning lesson for sure. In the beginning of break up I was really going through it but as time presses on I'm starting to realize wtf was I thinking!

Only reason I miss her is because I'm not spinning plates right now, I really don't have huge urge to but I know I need to get abundance on my mind.

Only question is why seek validation? I mean I wouldn't be surprised if she has a new dude or some tool texting her, branch swinging?


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
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Nn877 said:
Yeah I feel you, ex my was hb7 and I know she has options. I think sometimes we over analyze and don't realize girls do have a life with a busy schedule. But no counter date set up pretty sums it up for me, which I didn't get.

Taking this as a learning lesson for sure. In the beginning of break up I was really going through it but as time presses on I'm starting to realize wtf was I thinking!

Only reason I miss her is because I'm not spinning plates right now, I really don't have huge urge to but I know I need to get abundance on my mind.

Only question is why seek validation? I mean I wouldn't be surprised if she has a new dude or some tool texting her, branch swinging?
Because attention and validation is a big ego boost for women. We care about sex and they care about attention and validation.

+ it's only one text and they figured it out.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
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So she just text me "how was your New Years?" I want to reply but now I know she's trippin that I didn't text her yesterday, no more validation from me.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
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Before I learned the facts...I had a woman who broke up with me 3 times...scared of commitment. Then after no contact few weeks later.."I miss you..I think about you when I wake up..before I go to sleep"..and I would get suckered. The last time she did that I said okay come over tomorrow with some wine, watch a movie, dinner....we f'cked like little bunnies...sat naked in tub....She started making long term plans...meeting her family...holidays...weekend trips. I jumped in with both feet!!! Then I asked her...are you sure you are not going to flake again..."blablabla...I do not want to stay alone the rest of my life....I am here with you aint I" as she deeply looked into my eyes.
For sure ...this was was real...
Next two days we talk...text..and then...silent. She texts...."I am sorry, but I am not ready for a relationship..I guess I will be by myself the rest of my life......blablabla"
WTF....!!!!! I do not remember being made such a fool worse than what this woman did to me...or should I say, what I allowed myself to be made.
Not her fault....and that is when I took my first red pill.
She still texts on holidays....I ignore it...and I know some time soon she will either call and tell me how much she misses me in hopes that I am stupid enough to take her back. If I do it will be just for a booty call without emotions.....gee maybe I do believe in revenge....a revenge F"CK!
Bottom line...we have all been there at some times in our thing is to ignore her and never never never respond. Lesson learned....Abe


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
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Nn877 said:
So she just text me "how was your New Years?" I want to reply but now I know she's trippin that I didn't text her yesterday, no more validation from me.
DONT DO IT...YOU WILL REGRET AGAIN>>>AGAIN>>>>AGAIN. Delete her number ...everything!!!


Dec 10, 2013
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abe0 said:
Before I learned the facts...I had a woman who broke up with me 3 times...scared of commitment. Then after no contact few weeks later.."I miss you..I think about you when I wake up..before I go to sleep"..and I would get suckered. The last time she did that I said okay come over tomorrow with some wine, watch a movie, dinner....we f'cked like little bunnies...sat naked in tub....She started making long term plans...meeting her family...holidays...weekend trips. I jumped in with both feet!!! Then I asked her...are you sure you are not going to flake again..."blablabla...I do not want to stay alone the rest of my life....I am here with you aint I" as she deeply looked into my eyes.
For sure ...this was was real...
Next two days we talk...text..and then...silent. She texts...."I am sorry, but I am not ready for a relationship..I guess I will be by myself the rest of my life......blablabla"
WTF....!!!!! I do not remember being made such a fool worse than what this woman did to me...or should I say, what I allowed myself to be made.
Not her fault....and that is when I took my first red pill.
She still texts on holidays....I ignore it...and I know some time soon she will either call and tell me how much she misses me in hopes that I am stupid enough to take her back. If I do it will be just for a booty call without emotions.....gee maybe I do believe in revenge....a revenge F"CK!
Bottom line...we have all been there at some times in our thing is to ignore her and never never never respond. Lesson learned....Abe
Funny little story. Women can be some very sad creatures.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
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Thanks for the read bro, I can def relate to you, she bombarded me with so much miss you and us and all this bull****, before this site I would believed all of it, but I feel enlightened now. Honestly part of me still has hope and wants to reply, but I'm sure it's just another way for her to get attention.

She has to be thinking, did he meet a girl last night? Or why didn't I text her and she's texting me now for validation. Truth is my New Years was horrible, I went out with friends for drinks but I was thinking abt her the whole time and this past year, told myself to remember that feeling and never allow a woman to gain that kind of power over me.

I swallowed the red pill at midnight. Moving on.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
She wanted the validation of seeing if you still liked her.
is it possible she's reading similiar advice over at don and they're telling her to play hard to get to spike his interest up?

just saying.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
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Update: texted me "I was thinking of us last year on New Years" this morning. This girl is relentless with her ego seeking validation. Still no meet up offers from her. She must have don jane subscription. Lol. It's crazy.

I didn't respond. I look at either say let's meet, and enter fwb territory or stop texting me all this nostalgia crap. She must have pride or just wants me to chase after her, which I'm not. Thanks for support guys.

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
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TheGambino said:
Because attention and validation is a big ego boost for women. We care about sex and they care about attention and validation.

+ it's only one text and they figured it out.
^ This, girls have been given attention their whole lifes and they should love it who doesn't like being told how great they are all the time. So when one of her major contributors leaves it really sucks for them.

Some girls will let you take their number and talk to them on the phone send messages even when they have no intention of getting with you.

In your case my friend I will probably say it is a bit about old feelings, but not real enough feelings to go out of her way for you, shes more interested in you giving her attention.

Spin some more plates, don't waste your time on this.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score
Not gonna lie it's hard to think her words are not sincere and more just looking for attention. If she misses "us" so bad why hasn't she said let's meet or I want to see you. I agree with you guys abt the attention. She must not be getting it at the moment and who else to turn to....

rushing dude 123

Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2006
Reaction score
Stop over-analyzing this, spin some plates. If she comes around she comes around, you can even play her stupid game...., but not for one second start concentrating on her and if she still likes you. Don't get involved emotionally at this point, I can see by the way you talk that this is starting to happen.

Advised medication: Go out with more chicks!


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Nn877, she's using you for her ego boosts. I think you should text. Yep! text this:

"Oh hey, I had a fantastic NYE with <insert a female name in here>! Drank lots, and it ended up super crazy! It felt like a dream! I'm still high on the experience!"


And that's it. Let her master spin and power up the city you live in. Reply nothing, ever, after that.


Don Juan
Dec 21, 2013
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Haha at vlad's post, "had best night of my life!" Hamster would break off the wheel.

Thanks for the advice rushing, I actually have a date tmw night lol. Hopefully it will help keep my mind off my ex, tired of her games of ego boost. I feel like I am over analyzing, need to stop trippin about it. I wouldn't say I fully pedestalized her but she was one of the most attractive girls I've been in a LTR with. I've been with my fair share as well.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
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Nn877 said:
Not gonna lie it's hard to think her words are not sincere and more just looking for attention. If she misses "us" so bad why hasn't she said let's meet or I want to see you. I agree with you guys abt the attention. She must not be getting it at the moment and who else to turn to....
Read my post over and over and over again!!!!! They will use you ... spit you...and do not think twice about it. Iif you can get a booty call from her with emotional involvement...great!!!....but do not get attached to this sicko!!!!!