Common sense, pride and self honesty: Core inner game


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2012
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Over the last few weeks I have noticed that there has been many questions posted on this forum that could be addressed and solved by just using three values that I believe are core elements to any man’s inner game.

These are common sense, pride and self honesty.

For some reason it seems to me that many people are putting up posts asking questions without demonstrating any of these three things. Unfortunately, if you are unable to demonstrate these three fundamental mental capacities in every area of your life I think you are doomed to fail and not just with women.

Below I have given you some explanation as to why you should be using these three elements to help your quest to control your inner game.

Common sense:
Common sense will stop you acting like a fool. It will help you think clearly. If you put your hand on something hot does it burn, hell yeah. Common sense would tell you that if it burnt once don’t put you hand on it again. You had to learn this but it was a lesson learned. If a girl is flaking, once is ok with a valid reason but if she does it a second time, don’t ask someone on here what to do, you already know what to do, nothing. Leave it be. Use you common sense, have some pride and move on. If she comes back then OK but that’s when you demonstrate more pride and let her back on your terms.

Pride will stop you tolerating foolish behaviour and even spur you to take care of yourself, inside and out. Pride will help steer you when someone treats you poorly, it will stop you becoming needy and desperate. When I refer to pride, I am talking about the positive sense of the emotion, not the kind of pride that stings when your ego is bruised by rejection. I’m talking about the kind of pride that stops you putting up with a woman’s drama when she throws you a s*** test. You will need to use common sense and self honesty to decipher which level of pride you are functioning on.

Self honesty:
What I’ve found throughout my life is if I am honest with myself I will often find the answer. Lie to everyone else if it serves a purpose (this may put you on the wrong side of pride to be on) but if you can’t be honest with yourself then you have already lost. Self honesty will allow you to accept your mistakes and grow from them. Don’t think that if you don’t acknowledge your faults and weaknesses no one else will be able to see them. Common Sense would tell you that it doesn’t work like that, an ostrich buries its head in the sand but the predator can still see the prey. Self honesty will also help you demonstrate your pride, and keep on the right side of it. Self honesty will also help you make common sense decisions.

So the next time you find yourself in a quandary, use some self honesty to get a feel of the situation, act like a man who is proud of himself and for gods sake, demonstrate some common sense.


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2012
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Single4Life said:

I did think of this scene as I was writing but this isnt the kind of pride I am referring to. There are two sides to pride, a positive and a negative. The positive is what you feel from a level of accumplishment or taking pride in oneself. The negative is the kind that stings when you get rejected. It is the positive side I am referring to in this thread.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2012
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I think this is a great read. Thanks for the write-up . For someone like me whos been "out of the game" for about 4 years due to back-to-back relationships (yikes) ; It made me stop and think about my atitude not only for working with women, but also just self-confidence and self-image.

Im finding more and more that women especially can tell if a guy has confidence or not.


Don Juan
Aug 21, 2011
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seethehoop said:
I did think of this scene as I was writing but this isnt the kind of pride I am referring to. There are two sides to pride, a positive and a negative. The positive is what you feel from a level of accumplishment or taking pride in oneself. The negative is the kind that stings when you get rejected. It is the positive side I am referring to in this thread.
What you are talking about is self-esteem


Don Juan
Jun 13, 2012
Reaction score
Self esteem is group of beliefs and emotions combined of which pride is a part of but I agree self esteem is more the term I was looking for.