College Guide


Don Juan
Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
I've done a search, and didn't find any good threads, so lets make one.

I thought I'd make a thread for all seniors in high school to refer to. High school is pretty much over and we're all pumped for college. I see it as a fresh new start with new people. In my high school, its all guys so this will be a nice change.

Lets post some advice for each other. I think facebook comes in handy nowadays. Once you're accepted, you can use your e-mail to signup and meet other kids who will be attending also. I guess you can talk to them and get to know them. Once you find out who your roomate is, call them up and get to know each other and also figure out who's bringing what.

I plan on having an awesome dorm room...posters, mini fridge, computer, game systems, make it cozy.

As for freshman orientation, I'd like some tips on how to feel comfortable and meet people. I'll be coming from the east coast to a midwestern school thats highly populated.

Its a state school, so a lot of people will know each other. Its going to be kind of hard to adapt without knowing anyone. Any tips?


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
I am in the same boat as you. But I am not sure where I am going to college yet.

I agree with the contact your roomate part, that is important. I personally want to know what he is bringing to the room, so that we don't end up bringing too much and cluttering the room. Also, I wanna find out his work ethic. What type of schedule will have to be created in order to get my school work done.

Also, I think checking out local jobs is important. Any college student getting a job should tell their employers about their schedule and all so that there is a chancd that the employers will be flexible.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
jlazz said:
I've done a search, and didn't find any good threads, so lets make one.

I thought I'd make a thread for all seniors in high school to refer to. High school is pretty much over and we're all pumped for college. I see it as a fresh new start with new people. In my high school, its all guys so this will be a nice change.

Lets post some advice for each other. I think facebook comes in handy nowadays. Once you're accepted, you can use your e-mail to signup and meet other kids who will be attending also. I guess you can talk to them and get to know them. Once you find out who your roomate is, call them up and get to know each other and also figure out who's bringing what.

I plan on having an awesome dorm room...posters, mini fridge, computer, game systems, make it cozy.

As for freshman orientation, I'd like some tips on how to feel comfortable and meet people. I'll be coming from the east coast to a midwestern school thats highly populated.

Its a state school, so a lot of people will know each other. Its going to be kind of hard to adapt without knowing anyone. Any tips?

Are you the one going to IU with me?
P.S. - INDIANA UNIVERSITY is the sickiest school ever. I visited it and its so nice. Very nice business program (#8 in the country) and was ranked the #1 party school in 2003! :cool:


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
You guys are lucky! I'm staying in the same 'coaching centre'/prep school as with HS(the decent thankfully enough) and all the hoties seem to have vanished...

Im in the UK system btw. For you amaricans here a quick run down: You do you'r O-level/GCE/GCSE after school, then you either do an A/S A2 or (in some cases) take a course in bussiness. This system is used prety widely around the world(UK, HK, lots of parts of the indian subcontinet and africa).

Talked with some peeps and aparantly many US universitys( will look up perticulers if anyone is interested) will accept an A level degree. So if your worried about college pays you could try it out anyway.

Got some Q's though: How does the US system work? Like you go to HS, do your GED's, then go to college for an SAT, then to univeristy?


New Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Exo said:
You guys are lucky! I'm staying in the same 'coaching centre'/prep school as with HS(the decent thankfully enough) and all the hoties seem to have vanished...

Im in the UK system btw. For you amaricans here a quick run down: You do you'r O-level/GCE/GCSE after school, then you either do an A/S A2 or (in some cases) take a course in bussiness. This system is used prety widely around the world(UK, HK, lots of parts of the indian subcontinet and africa).

Talked with some peeps and aparantly many US universitys( will look up perticulers if anyone is interested) will accept an A level degree. So if your worried about college pays you could try it out anyway.

Got some Q's though: How does the US system work? Like you go to HS, do your GED's, then go to college for an SAT, then to univeristy?
The US System works a little differently than you have described. In the second semester of your junior year in HS and the beginning part ( perhaps the first semester of your senior year in HS ) you take your SAT/ACT's [The SAT is more of a "reasoning test" logic, grammer, sentence structure etc... The new SAT also requires you to write an essay, which can be a mximum of 2 pages on a subject they give you. Two graders read over the essay nd give you a score from 0-6, resulting in a maximum score of 12. The other sections of the test cover: Math, Reading Comprension etc... and the max score is 2400 (it used to be 1600)] The ACT is different from the SAT as it tests you more on what you have learned in HS; the ACT includes Science sections, graphs etc... College's will accept both of those tests. After you take your SAT/ACT and come out with a score you like, you send your scores, along with your HS trasncript and college application to the office of admissions of the university that you're applying to. On the application the University will ask you what major you plan on taking (Your major decides what College within the university you will be studying in: Engineering, Liberal Arts etc...) Of course you can always change your major once you actually get there.

In the US, "University" and "College" are synonomous. When you hear a person say "I'm in college." It means he's at University. Now technically all the Universities have different colleges; liberal arts etc... it's a little bit different from the European system.

If you're looking to apply to an American University, Look that College's (University in Euro-Talk hehe) web page, ( for example) go to their Undergraduate Admissions page and click on 'International Student' it should give you all the information you need on how/when to apply and how to do it. Good Luck!


Don Juan
Mar 22, 2006
Reaction score
"the sickiest school"....that one quote by todd sums up the wonders of the american education system.

american college life has always screwed up girls. too much beer, sex, and little boys. thank god continental europe isn't like that. seems that the uk is kinda similar to the usa. doesn't surprise me. in the uk people send their little children off to boarding schools before they are old enough to ride a bike.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks chassoi!

I doubt the family would let me move but, damn a reall college would be a lot cooler than what I'm doing now (which is litrely the same place I did my HS with the same teachers and a new time table).

What those numbers in the admision requirments? Like I got a b average with an A in english lang, how would that rate for most places?

Also, just out of curiosity what are GMAT,GED for? My CC has courses for em and the GMAT candidates look like they could be my granddad, adult education?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 28, 2005
Reaction score
elmo said:
"the sickiest school"....that one quote by todd sums up the wonders of the american education system.

american college life has always screwed up girls. too much beer, sex, and little boys. thank god continental europe isn't like that. seems that the uk is kinda similar to the usa. doesn't surprise me. in the uk people send their little children off to boarding schools before they are old enough to ride a bike.
Incase you don't have any idea...Indiana University is #8 in the country for business...So before you go ahead and say that its just there as partying as its sole purpose, you want to get your facts straight. Yes its a good party school but its also has one of the best programs in the nation, thanks.:rock: