College Girls are So Lame


Don Juan
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
I miss High School. I miss High school girls.

My first few days of College were amazing. I met so many new people, and so many hot women. But 3 weeks in, I'm bored out of my mind of the general personality of most of these chicks. I'm still hanging out with girls from my old High school, College girls are ****ing lame. They're less fun, and a whole lot less outgoing.

In High School, if you caught eye contact with a hot girl as she walked by, she'd stare into your eyes as you walked past, not letting off eye contact until you completely pass each other. Moments like those were ****ing POWERFUL. Immediately you'd want to bone that girl. I miss those moments.

In College, if you do happen to catch a girl looking at you, she immediately looks away like a scared little school girl. When I do get extended eye contact, the girls look like ****ing maniacs. Not seductive like in High school.

In High School, girls had something interesting to say when they approached you. I remember on the first day of my senior year, a sexy Puerto Rican girl came and sat next to me, I said hi, she said hi, than she was like "i have to go pee" and left to the bathroom. Than she came back and was like "much better". That's how you make a good impression on a guy.

In College, girls who approach you seem to only want to talk about lame subjects and issues. They'll ask you where a certain building is, what high school you went to, what your major is, lame. Than they have ****ing agendas. Don't get me started on this ****. One girl I was talking to started blabbering to me about womens issues and how they don't let women fight on the front line in the army. Like I give a ****. I never spoke to her again.

Their lameness puts me in a position where I think, if I bring up something in conversation that isn't lame, like partying or drinking, she'll look down on me.

In High School, girls were a lot more outgoing and fun. Some examples, I'd drive through the parking lot blasting techno, I'd see some girls walking ahead of me and they'd break out dancing to my music. They'd say things like "my friend thinks your hot". They'd yell 'Hi!' as you passed them in your car, they'd yell 'Hi' from the football bleachers when you're all the way on the bottom. Girls you never even saw before in school would act like they'd known you all their lives.

I have yet to see any of this in college. College girls are too damn serious to randomly start dancing at the sound of music. They walk around campus with a stern look on their face, with their chins up, acting like they're better than everybody.

I think the issue is that all the cute confident chicks from High school had ****ty grades, so they couldn't go to a decent college. And I got stuck with all the boring ones.

Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Maybe its time to step up your game instead of complaining?!

Maybe in highschool you were the big fish in a small pond, but now in college you are the small fish in a big pond and it doesn't become any easier after college when you need to get a job and be out in the world in which essentially you start of being the small fish in the open ocean.

Adopt to the changes and step up to the challenges that would make you a better man.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2006
Reaction score
girls are way more chill and EASIER in _college_. END OF STORY

now here is where id tell you to up your game or just stop complaining, but instead of that i have some advice for you:

im a 3rd year in college now. the first qtr, maybe even half of the 2nd qtr too, i wasnt really enjoying myself. i dont really know what it was...maybe just the sudden change of scenery. give it a few months (youre only what? 3 weeks in? if that?) give it a half a year and youll be having a blast. hit the gym in your spare time, get hammered. get some drinking games going in your room just be havin a good time


Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2009
Reaction score
Is this a joke? All college girls fvck. Highschool has all these roadblocks--parents, "too young", "too pure", "looking for an LTR", legality issues, and a lot of the girls are immature.

College you just fvck the girls. end of story.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Juice09 said:
My first few days of College were amazing. I met so many new people, and so many hot women. But 3 weeks in, I'm bored out of my mind of the general personality of most of these chicks.
Seems to me like you complaining about being bored with the personalities of "those chicks",even though these are the same women that three weeks ago you claim that made your first few days of college "amazing".

I didn't know it was their job to keep you entertained.

How could personalities that took 17 to 18 years to form change in a matter of only three weeks?

It's you dude. You entered college,a world you've never been in before and the "newness" of it was exciting/amazing. Then after a few weeks,you started to get accustom to the college life style,and the novelty began to wear off.

It's not that these hot girls were all "amazing" in the beginning and now have all changed. They're the same as they were.

You changed.

Juice09 said:
In High School, if you caught eye contact with a hot girl as she walked by, she'd stare into your eyes as you walked past, not letting off eye contact until you completely pass each other. Moments like those were ****ing POWERFUL. Immediately you'd want to bone that girl. I miss those moments.

In College, if you do happen to catch a girl looking at you, she immediately looks away like a scared little school girl. When I do get extended eye contact, the girls look like ****ing maniacs. Not seductive like in High school.
This is crazy. Well what do you expexct?

You say in high school if you make eye contact with a girl,she'd hold contact until you two passed each other,but in college they look away like "scared little school girls".

It's two different environments. Normally in high school,the kids you go to school with,they were with you in junior high,all the way up til the 12th grade. There's the occasional new student,but generally you all somewhat "know" each other even if you never speak to one another.

In college,it's different. There are new people,strangers if you will,from other parts of the country,other parts of the world even.High school is somewhat of a controlled environment,where most colleges are an open campus.

Of course women may be uneasy with some guy giving them prolonged eye contact,they don't know you.

You're lucky you didn't get maced. :crackup:

Juice09 said:
In High School, girls had something interesting to say when they approached you. I remember on the first day of my senior year, a sexy Puerto Rican girl came and sat next to me, I said hi, she said hi, than she was like "i have to go pee" and left to the bathroom. Than she came back and was like "much better". That's how you make a good impression on a guy.

In College, girls who approach you seem to only want to talk about lame subjects and issues. They'll ask you where a certain building is, what high school you went to, what your major is, lame.

So what if the girls approaching you in college approach with something lame to say. At least they're approaching. Why aren't you cutting the dead topics they bring up and changing the subject to something more interesting FOR THE BOTH OF YOU?

All you're letting us know is that you have a weak frame.

If a girl approaches you talking about majors,and you spend the next 30 minutes bored out of your mind talking about schoolwork and classes,THAT'S YOUR FAULT.

YOU SHOULD SWITCH THE SUBJECT to something both of you would enjoy talking about.

Juice09 said:
Their lameness puts me in a position where I think, if I bring up something in conversation that isn't lame, like partying or drinking, she'll look down on me.
Yep,just like I said. You have a weak frame.

You scared to bring up something you think would be more interesting to discuss because you're afraid of being looked down upon by some chick you've known all of 5 minutes.

Therefore,you let her "lameness" dominate the conversation.

Weak frame.

Juice09 said:
In High School, girls were a lot more outgoing and fun. Some examples, I'd drive through the parking lot blasting techno, I'd see some girls walking ahead of me and they'd break out dancing to my music. They'd say things like "my friend thinks your hot". They'd yell 'Hi!' as you passed them in your car, they'd yell 'Hi' from the football bleachers when you're all the way on the bottom.
That's because of the "controlled environment" of high school. Girls feel safer in high school than in college,so yeah,they'll be more open,feel more at liberty. Plus they see you everyday,so there's a familiarity there.

Juice09 said:
Girls you never even saw before in school would act like they'd known you all their lives.
That's because they have,or at least that's how they'll feel if they been at the same school as you for the past 6 or 7 years,perhaps even longer.

Juice09 said:
I have yet to see any of this in college.
And you're not going to either. Like I said,most colleges are open campus,where anything and everything can happen. And just like everything is new to you there,it is to them as well. They're less likely to yell out to some random guy,"My friend thinks you're hot" if they've never seen you before because you're a stranger,not someone they've been around for the past 3 or 4 years,but have never spoken to.

Juice09 said:
Does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?
I think it's just you.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
Maybe girls in college are more mature budy. I find that to be the case, honestly what would you think if a 20 year old came up to you sat down and said i got to go pee. Who gives a **** just go pee, that was ok to do when you are 15-16 but not when you are 20-21.


Don Juan
Aug 28, 2009
Reaction score
You must change the conversation immediately or else you will be doomed to the friendzone. People enter the friendzone easier in college than in high school!


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Really, to be honest, I stopped reading after a paragraph or two.

You're getting nowhere being negative. Look, high school is done. There's no way you can hit rewind on that and relive it, so adapt with the times. College girls are fantastic - both surprisingly sophisticated but also still up for a great time and casual sex. Put a smile on and enjoy it!


May 30, 2009
Reaction score
You have a point, College chicks are lame. I felt this way when I was an undergrad and a grad student. They are conceded, sorority *****ess and they are just good for a fubk. But don't worry, once you are out of college and meet some more mature woman, those days of having something meaningful will come back....College chicks are just lame. You are correct. So just fuvk them and don't take them seriously. They are not meant to be in a relationship with. You are not crazy. You do have a point. You are not acting like a woman, you are just seeing another part of superficial world that is women.