College girl talking sh1t about me so I can hear it


Senior Don Juan
Mar 15, 2014
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This evening I was at a casual restaurant where you seat yourself. I was on the patio, solo, at a table eating a gigantic sandwich. (I usually tip big when I place my order and the sandwich seems to get bigger each visit.) While the place was busy, it was by no means packed nor were there people waiting. I was on the patio at a table big enough for 2 but with only 1 chair. I ate at a leisurely pace and about halfway through, this 7 and 9 show up and sit down with the guys next to me. About 15 minutes in the 9 starts talking quite audibly to her friends about how she wonders if I know I still have half a sandwich sitting in front of me. I ignore and carry on doing wtf I feel like doing which means taking even longer to take a bite of my sandwich. I eventually eat the rest of the sandwich and I sit there leisurely sipping water and just relaxing. Ten or so minutes later another guy shows up to their table (he drags a chair over from another table) and she again begins speaking quite audibly about how it's taken me an hour to eat my sandwich, part of which is inaudible. Clearly, she's quite frustrated by my presence and wants me to know about. This time I turn and make eye contact with her for 5 seconds or so, and I don't make a sour or angry face, but just look at her like she is a piece of worthless trash, and she shuts the fvck up and freezes as if she received my piercing gaze exactly as intended. At this point, I am ready to leave but I stay another 5 minutes out of spite, all spread out and comfortable-like. I slowly gather my wallet, phone, etc and depart with equal nonchalance.

Part of me wanted to confront her verbally (something like "You seem to be really consumed by my eating habits. Why is that?") in order to call her out on her sh1t behavior/put her on the spot/make it awkward for her, but I could see how it'd probably lead to me getting kicked out and her looking like a victim: 3 possible white knights would probably be ready to defend, 2 bouncers ten feet away, and her less attractive friend jumping on the bandwagon.

You could say just ignore the dumb b1tch and don't put so much thought into it -- which is reasonable and relevant advice. But it got me thinking about feminism, entitlement, shaming, the modern world, etc. Perhaps this tiny incident was just another indicator of something larger.

I'd like to hear how some of you sosuavers would've handled this scenario.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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People Really don't do that around where I live. You must be in a Fakery City where people, or just, idk, like teflon. There's parts of the country where people are smart and parts of the country where people be dumb. I mean, maybe in the year 2050, there will be no place to escape stupidity, but as of now, there are places with people who are genuinely Happy and intelligent and can convo about high-level subjects, anywhere anytime.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
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You are making all kinds of assumptions about her state of mind that might not be correct:

"Clearly, she's quite frustrated by my presence and wants me to know about."

She might even like you. She might have said the same to a person at her own table. I consider her responses to you quite amusing and something you can have fun with.

First of all, what would be my own inclination would probably be.....

Look, she is engaging you as an equal and she is giving you LOUD visible attention. That means she's into you either negatively or positively, but you got her attention. If she couldn't care about you she would not give you that kind of acknowledgement. This girl just acknowledged you. That's good for you.

More over, she is not even trying to be an equal with you, she places herself below you, which is good.

You do not even notice her attraction/respect.

So what it comes down to, since she is making this a PUBLIC THING anyway, you can have fun with her in public.

So the obvious thing to do is to exaggerate her statement. So just top it. "Some people just eat SO SLOW don't you think?".

"I mean, you'd think these people wouldn't even EXIST, right? :D"

Then you can say "How about you, would YOU like to eat my sandwich instead? You seem to be hungry for it."

That will instantly turn her into a sweet, shy, even polite loverbird who feels slightly embarassed but in a good way. But at this point there should have had to be a reason for her approaching you, so there is an obvious interest she now cannot deny.

The most blunt thing to do is to suggest she comes sit at your table so it evens out more.

Personally after her "no....." and her "....." whatever muttering to explain herself I would say something like "So what about you? Would you not rather like sitting at this table instead? You can look at that sandwich all you want you know! :D". She might even go "wel.... okay :) :) :) :)".

She's cute and shy now. It's amazing. I love these girls.

The other day I was sitting somewhere eating food like that and a group next to me was very loud. Then one of them said to one of the loud ones "sh, quiet down, this guy might be annoyed" (that's weird to say in English, but natural in Dutch). So I said -- this was not meant to be heard by me of course. So I said "Why, you suppose there's someone else in here?"

The whole group cracked up with laughter for 15 seconds and we both really couldn't stop laughing after that. The girl had this shy embarrassed thing and I got a better look at her, they were all quite ugly I must say. What you would call "proles" in 1984 speech.

Fat, ugly, unhealthy people with nothing interesting career wise. Nevertheless, I got a good experience with the girl (the only interesting person in the group) and talked to her a bit before they closed to themselves again mostly.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
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Poonani Maker said:
People Really don't do that around where I live. You must be in a Fakery City where people, or just, idk, like teflon. There's parts of the country where people are smart and parts of the country where people be dumb. I mean, maybe in the year 2050, there will be no place to escape stupidity, but as of now, there are places with people who are genuinely Happy and intelligent and can convo about high-level subjects, anywhere anytime.
You mean no more dumb girls? :(.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Dryden said:
You mean no more dumb girls? :(.
It's usually outoftowners or, indeed, college girls who act that way around here, because Most people are very friendly where I live, unlike the big city I was born n' raised in, where people were, on the whole, seriously twisted in a knot all the time and very insecure with themselves. I was the Same way before I moved away to a place where people are normal and not insecure.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
she was showing off and may have had a couple of drinks, and being a bytch. You did the best thing you could have done. Anything else would have caused a problem, and the people with her might realize all this later. Maybe they learned from her crappy behavior, mavbe not.

But you did the right thing.

All you can hope is this happens to some of them now.
I've had a couple of times like that too. Makes you wish you had a small squirtgun (hidden of course) to spray some skunk scent over that way...


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2013
Reaction score
glass half full said:
she was showing off and may have had a couple of drinks, and being a bytch. You did the best thing you could have done. Anything else would have caused a problem, and the people with her might realize all this later. Maybe they learned from her crappy behavior, mavbe not.

But you did the right thing.

All you can hope is this happens to some of them now.
I've had a couple of times like that too. Makes you wish you had a small squirtgun (hidden of course) to spray some skunk scent over that way...
Seriously stop feeling like a victim.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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Malcontent said:
This evening I was at a casual restaurant where you seat yourself. I was on the patio, solo, at a table eating a gigantic sandwich. (I usually tip big when I place my order and the sandwich seems to get bigger each visit.) While the place was busy, it was by no means packed nor were there people waiting. I was on the patio at a table big enough for 2 but with only 1 chair. I ate at a leisurely pace and about halfway through, this 7 and 9 show up and sit down with the guys next to me. About 15 minutes in the 9 starts talking quite audibly to her friends about how she wonders if I know I still have half a sandwich sitting in front of me. I ignore and carry on doing wtf I feel like doing which means taking even longer to take a bite of my sandwich. I eventually eat the rest of the sandwich and I sit there leisurely sipping water and just relaxing. Ten or so minutes later another guy shows up to their table (he drags a chair over from another table) and she again begins speaking quite audibly about how it's taken me an hour to eat my sandwich, part of which is inaudible. Clearly, she's quite frustrated by my presence and wants me to know about. This time I turn and make eye contact with her for 5 seconds or so, and I don't make a sour or angry face, but just look at her like she is a piece of worthless trash, and she shuts the fvck up and freezes as if she received my piercing gaze exactly as intended. At this point, I am ready to leave but I stay another 5 minutes out of spite, all spread out and comfortable-like. I slowly gather my wallet, phone, etc and depart with equal nonchalance.

Part of me wanted to confront her verbally (something like "You seem to be really consumed by my eating habits. Why is that?") in order to call her out on her sh1t behavior/put her on the spot/make it awkward for her, but I could see how it'd probably lead to me getting kicked out and her looking like a victim: 3 possible white knights would probably be ready to defend, 2 bouncers ten feet away, and her less attractive friend jumping on the bandwagon.

You could say just ignore the dumb b1tch and don't put so much thought into it -- which is reasonable and relevant advice. But it got me thinking about feminism, entitlement, shaming, the modern world, etc. Perhaps this tiny incident was just another indicator of something larger.

I'd like to hear how some of you sosuavers would've handled this scenario.
Holy cow man that is some seriously immature sh!t on her part. Either that or she was interested in you and trying to bust your balls a bit. I can't imagine any mature and sane person giving a sh!t or even taking the time to notice the pace at which a stranger is eating. Maybe she thinks so highly of her own looks that she thought you were eating so slowly to be around her longer.

I can remember WAY back I was at a friends house for a BBQ and I was getting super harassed by a chick for how I was spicing and cooking my steak. It was way over the top and the chick was being super loud and obnoxious about it. At the time I just kind of ignored it and it was pretty awkward but later found out that chick was really into me and that's just her sense of humour. Looking back I wish I would've busted on her a bit.

In your scenario you had a pretty golden opportunity to make her look pretty silly.

I'm picturing this....

Her: Can you believe how long it's taking that guy to eat his sandwich?

You: Excuse me are you hungry?

Her: No.

You: Are you sure? You SEEM very hungry.

Her: Well I'm not.

You: Well I couldn't help overhear you talking about my sandwich. It's a VERY odd thing to be paying SO much attention to someone else's food like that. Here you can have it.

Pass her the plate

Her: No no thanks.

You: Are you sure?

Then she'd probably turn to her friends and try to make you out to be the weirdo. Whatever she says at this point though, just makes her look worse because it is a pretty stupid a$$ thing for her to be commenting on your food. Her friends would see that.

To put the icing on the cake I would've finished up and then as I was leaving I would've made a bit of a scene.

You: Excuse me waitress can you double check and see if that girl over there wants something to eat. Poor thing was trying to steal my sandwich!

Walk out


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
You did the right thing. Be careful man , the collage rape hysteria is serious. She just can accused you of rape with no evidence whatsoever and your life will be ruin.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 15, 2014
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Thanks for the replies.

Part of me did think she may have been flirting/trying to get my attention in some dumb, childish way. Maybe I should've lightened up about it. Maybe I was taking it too seriously. It was just so absurd to me.

There was some eye contact stuff going on when she walked in. I also noticed an 8.5 at another table check me out a couple times. I had just worked out, so I was a bit 'swole' as the kids say these days.

But I guess it was just annoying as fvck to me (attention wh0re/obnoxioius territory), even if she was trying to be cute. And, yeah, she was drinking and probably had a few before she got there.

If something like this happens again, maybe I'll try to be less of an ornery codger and make a joke out of it and see how it goes. Who knows, maybe I'll get some of that 20 y.o. puzzy. And not to worry, I'll film it to protect myself against any false rape claims.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Yup you handled well, and yes your instincts are correct that you should lighten up. Remember, not giving a F is a great weapon.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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Poonani Maker said:
It's usually outoftowners or, indeed, college girls who act that way around here, because Most people are very friendly where I live, unlike the big city I was born n' raised in, where people were, on the whole, seriously twisted in a knot all the time and very insecure with themselves. I was the Same way before I moved away to a place where people are normal and not insecure.
You know, when I have to travel to more rural parts of the state I live in, the attitude of the people I encounter is so much more pleasant. It almost feels like I'm in another country or something.

Where I currently live you tend to find busted chicks working in retail/fast food, but out there I'll see truly hot chicks working at hardware stores, fast food joints, etc.

I'd love to move out there but the commute to work would kill me. It also seems like relationships with family, marriage/kids, neighbors are much healthier.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Look at her, roll your eyes and laugh. That will piss her off more than anything you could say or do and diminishes her position in front of others instantly. It shows you are totally unaffected by what she says and confident in your station (which is far above hers).

Treat her dismissively like the peon she is. Little people hate being waved off but they know their place around big people, especially when you are prepared to pull rank.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
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Dryden said:
Seriously stop feeling like a victim.
You need to take your blinders off and accept reality for what it is, and move the fvck on. Please tell me you're not one of those glorious White Knights that comes to the woman's rescue. pfft.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
glass half full said:
You need to take your blinders off and accept reality for what it is, and move the fvck on. Please tell me you're not one of those glorious White Knights that comes to the woman's rescue. pfft.
Read what Live Free says above. That's not a victim talk, it's reality. The sooner you find reality the better off you'll be. Life isn't a dream.