Cognitive dissonance and infatuation? (my theory)


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I was mulling this over today, while thinking about a woman I met. I had just managed to break myself free of one "one-itis" and, although my chances of ever hooking up with this new woman are slim (major age diff, plus she's married), I noticed that I was already starting to put her in the last girl's place. I wondered why, when it was quite obvious from the word-go that my main personal interest in this woman was a sexual attraction, nothing more.

I want some feedback on this idea. Shoot it down if you have to, it's the only way I'll learn. :D

I seem to remember in one of my psychology classes a particular experiment where scientists recruited two groups of people to perform a mundane task (turning spools over or something like that) for a long period of time. At the end of the experiment, half the people were given 1 dollar as compensation and half the people were given 20 dollars. Then both groups were asked to rate how much they enjoyed the boring task.

The results were that the people who received the meager compensation of $1 reported enjoying the task much more than the ones who were given $20.

The theory proposed to describe this behavior is that, initially, all of the subjects found the task extremely boring, but the group receiving $20 in compensation could justify doing the task for the money they received, so they were not afraid to admit boredom with it.

$1, however was not enough to compensate the members of the other group for the time they spent performing this task. This created a "cognitive dissonance" in these subjects. They had performed a task they hated for little compensation and felt a need to justify their actions, so they CONVINCED themselves that the task was more enjoyable than it was...they changed their perception of the task to account for the discrepancy between their feelings and their actions.

I think this is similar to what happens when "AFCs" become infatuated with a woman. Look at it this way: any man with a set of balls wants to have sex with women. On the other hand, many men are taught today that this desire is somehow "inappropriate" and that we should seek out "the one," the girl with everything we want, the one we want to marry.

Despite society's attempts to control the male sex drive, men still want to get laid. Inevitably, a man finds himself attracted to a woman. Maybe he has sex with her, maybe he just wants to.

But society has taught him that this is WRONG, and that he should not be attracted to a woman for solely sexual reasons. As a result, a cognitive dissonance develops. On one hand, the man desires this woman sexually or maybe even has sex with her. On the other hand, he denies and decries his sexual desires. He needs to make some excuse for his desires and actions.

So he changes his cognitive perception of this woman to something more in line with what is socially accepted. He makes himself believe that the woman he is drawn to sexually is "the one," that she has more to offer than she really does. He convinces himself that she is "perfect" and "pure" and puts her on a pedestal, thus justifying his desire for her.

The problem with this is twofold. One, excusing your sexual desire for a woman by making her out to be more than she is puts tremendous pressure on her while making YOU seem less masculine, thus "chasing her away."

The other part of the problem is that now that you have convinced yourself that this woman is "perfect," you can never truly be happy with her anyway. To be with her is to be unable to deny her flaws, which you have convinced yourself she does not have. It breaks down the very premise you have used to justify being with her.

Many of the ASF and PUA websites put forth the same primary attitude needed to be successful for women: making no excuses for your desires as a man. There's nothing wrong with being sexually drawn to a woman, and you have to respect and be confident with that part of yourself.

The trap that AFCs fall into is that they try to excuse and justify something that really needs no justification. They end up tweaking their reality to suit society's impression of them, rather than being confident of who they are and taking charge of their OWN lives and reality.

In essence, infatuation and, to an extent, "one-ism" is a result of being uncomfortable with yourself and your sexual desires. So the moral of the story: be comfortable and confident with your sexuality and your desires as a man. :)


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by InLawsHateMe
Alls I got to say about that is "..."

How about that for dropping some knowledge on yo ass?!?! :)
I figured after that post, I owed this forum a REAL thought. :D


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
Squirrels, you have reedemed yourself in my eyes..that is an excellent analogy of one-itus/cognitive dissonance

But as a Psych Major Im going to play the devils advocate..

I have this friend who is a like an Uber-DJ, he pisses me off..he gets laid by a different girl every weekend, he is funny, ****y, confident, good looking , muscular, and athletic..and makes about $100k Year

He can go up to chicks and say "hey ! Wanna fvck?" and they will start cracking up and making friends with him..then he will eventually bang them..(This is no JOKE..this guy gets away with alot because of his personality/looks)

But I would never trade shoes with him, because he has emotional problems related to one-itus

He slashed his wrists 3 times (over 2 different LTR's) and is a major stalker when he breaks up with a girl (drives by their house..hangs out, throws flowers on their balcony, calls 24/7)
he talks about them all day..couldnt eat..couldnt function..and would bang 2-3 broods a week to try and get over the one-itus..

The point is .. while your theory is a great explanation of how society has changed men to have "one-itus"

the fact is some people are affected by them more than others..some guys don't care at all..some others try and commit suicide for attention..

which makes me think its the "coping style" in life people have learned to deal with the one-itus..there is a billion factors involved , but this post is getting way to long

... Nation!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Well really all this self improvment is really becoming ones own biggest influence. Breaking through illusion. Accepting what is and thriving.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
So if I understood correctly, to paraphrase you mean oneitis and infatuation is caused by compensating for lack of sexual satisfaction due to guilt about one's sexuality.

Your theory might work if infatuation was a phenomenon associated ONLY with men in our culture and ONLY with men who are ashamed of their sexuality. Oneitis isn't a new thing - just look at the literature from other cultures and you can see how many people have been affected by it. I'm also sure you can ask any DJ here if they ever get infatuated to some degree anymore (though still under control) and they would say yes - if anyone said no they're either in denial or they have no pulse..


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by Shiftkey
So if I understood correctly, to paraphrase you mean oneitis and infatuation is caused by compensating for lack of sexual satisfaction due to guilt about one's sexuality.

Your theory might work if infatuation was a phenomenon associated ONLY with men in our culture and ONLY with men who are ashamed of their sexuality. Oneitis isn't a new thing - just look at the literature from other cultures and you can see how many people have been affected by it. I'm also sure you can ask any DJ here if they ever get infatuated to some degree anymore (though still under control) and they would say yes - if anyone said no they're either in denial or they have no pulse..
It really depends how you define "one-itis." If by one-itis, you mean any time someone is attracted to one women and ignores others, then yes, you're right. I don't think of it as a disorder, however, if someone finds a woman that DOES fulfill his needs and stays with her for that reason. The only time I would think this would apply is when someone is attracted to a woman who is sexually attractive, but otherwise lacking. Because of society's imposed values, being attracted to a woman for sex alone has become a taboo and isn't a sufficient justification, so one is cognitively created by the attract-ee.

It IS particular to this culture, but not exclusive to it. I know some cultures take a more open stance toward sexuality, but we're not the only ones who repress it.

Starman, as far as your friend is concerned, it sounds like there's a lot more going on there than "one-itis". But, like anything in psychology, NOTHING is a blanket-rule. There's always an exception. Maybe he views these one or two girls he has become obsessed with differently than the other girls he just screws around with. HIS perceptions of the situation matter the most. Have you asked him what he thinks about what he does?

I was a psych major for two years. I quit it, because there's so much complication to the human mind that anyone can create a theory, justify it with some "controlled" experiment, and write a book pretending like they're an expert, without really answering any questions. It's like watching those Discovery Channel specials that end with, "Has man found the tomb of Jesus? Was there life on Mars? What happened to the Giant Squid? We may never know. To order a copy of the presentation you just saw, have your credit card ready and call...."

Thus, I don't expect anyone to take this thread too seriously. After all, I'm still new to "DJism" and there are a lot of things out there I still haven't seen and can't account for. I DO believe this is what was happening to me, but again my perspective could be skewed. ;)

According to Socrates, the wisest man in the world is the one who knows he knows nothing. Theories are only based on what we can perceive and are pretty much MADE to be challenged or discredited.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2002
Reaction score
chicago,il , usa
In Simplistic terms..he is saying we get "oneitus" because we are raised as children to cherish ONE WOMAN ONLY..and that thoughts of multiple women is Wrong..SO in order to alleviate any guilt..we forsake many woman..and stick to one girl..trying to get her attention/affection

Squirrels..It upsets him to talk about his wrist I dont go there

This person definitely has some emotional issues that goes way beyond your theory(i.e. maybe biological? his mom is kinda looney jehovah witness..and his dad was a violent alcoholic)


Don Juan
May 1, 2003
Reaction score
Good Post it made me think. I still contribute (one-itis) to being brought up in different types of family situations. Having a screwy relationship and view of your mother and father growing up can really make you disfunctional as an adult. An I view one-itis as a form of being disfunctional. Of course this is just one angle I view it from and it probably works different for different people.

Also if you don't love yourself and it doesn't work out with the chick your infatuated with you don't have anyone to fall back on because you don't trust/love yourself, you're not good enough of a partner even for yourself. There's no safety net if you will.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2002
Reaction score
london, England
I think it's a whole lot of crap, society does not encourge men to get infatuated as a guilt of their sexual desires.

Years ago men fell in love much more than women ever did, that was because women had to suppress their sexual desires and chose a man who was a good provider, finanically.

Now women get infatuated a lot, but men still to get it more intense and much more easy.

Hey, but wouldn't life be boring if you never got infatuated with anyone? You have to let yourself go and risk heart ache.

Ronin I

Master Don Juan
Mar 8, 2003
Reaction score
On a different note - the study suggests that you should definitely have a woman at least pay her own way on a "date".

The theory proposed to describe this behavior is that, initially, all of the subjects found the task extremely boring, but the group receiving $20 in compensation could justify doing the task for the money they received, so they were not afraid to admit boredom with it.

$1, however was not enough to compensate the members of the other group for the time they spent performing this task. This created a "cognitive dissonance" in these subjects. They had performed a task they hated for little compensation and felt a need to justify their actions, so they CONVINCED themselves that the task was more enjoyable than it was...they changed their perception of the task to account for the discrepancy between their feelings and their actions.

So if you pay for a woman (dinner/drinks/whatever) she can justify the date in her mind as getting the dinner/drinks/whatever out of it.

But, if she pays her own way (or better yet for everything) since they have a need to justify their actions, they will CONVINCE themselves that the date was more enjoyable than it was.

I think we're onto something here :D .