Clubbing alone... again, and again... a FR


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Hey guys. I got out of work at 12, was downtown by 12:30 ready to party. I braught a bottle of taquilla in my trunk so I wouldnt have to pay bar-prices. I took 4 swigs of josequervo n started my walk to the strip.

The first few places I went to were dissapointing. Empty. So I decided to hit a different place than usual. GREAT IDEA!!! The place was amazing... it was on the roof of a 5 story building with a bar, raised dance floor, the whole bit. I did 1 lap around the place to check things out, then settled at the bar. I started talking to some guys - they were cool so I asked if they wanted to meet some girls. One said yes, so I turned to some girls who had really *****y looks on their faces:

Anth <I hold out my hand to get their attension> - Hi! You guys look like youre having a very important conversation, pardon my interrupting...
Girl1 - Oh dont worry about it! <smile>
Anth - I just wanna let you guys know that my friend josh <point> thinks youre really cute. But hes afraid of girls.
Girl1 - Hes afraid of girls? Why!?
Anth - Well Ill be honest, you guys are pretty intimidating! <laugh> U guys should meet my friend josh! <I wave him over and yturn to girl 1> So whats youre name? <I hold out my hand as if im gonna shake hers>
Girl 1 - Im GIRL1 <she holds out her hand to shake mine, but I take her hand by the wrist and move it infront of josh>
Anth - Josh, meet my friend GIRL1

They start flirting so I walk away. I dance by myself for a few min, but the dance floor is all couples so I go to the bar and get some water. I take another lap and go to the bathroom. I see the Girl1.

Anth - Heeeey!
Girl1 - Hi!
Anth - What'd you do with josh?
Girl1 - I donno?
Anth - Did he run away?!
girl1 - I think so
Anth - Oh Jeeze

I asked her name, she told me, and she shook hands very firmly, so I asked her if she was a business or law student, turns out shes law. We talked about that for a few min, she seemed really interested, but then said, "Ur on the wayt o the bathroom right? <yeah> How about you meet me at the bar in a few min?" To which I replied, "Its a big bar." She said we should meet at the east side of the bar, so I left for the bathroom.

I finish and go look for her, shes gone. This was odd cuz she seemed really interested. I left the bar to walk around. I didnt make any eyecontact with girls... none were lookin at me? But then randomly some girls in a car driving by yelled, "Heyyy I love youre shirt!!!" And I smiled and they were really cute, but they just kept on driving.

Back at the skybar I order a water walk around again. A good song comes on so I turn to a girl Id noticed before:

Anth - Hey!
Girl2 - Hi
Anth - Now, I saw you dancing before... to really crappy music... but now this unbelievable song comes on and you stand still?
Girl2 <listens as the DJ mixes in the new song, she recognizes it> - Ohhh I like this one!

She starts dancing, so I start dancing, shes impressed. Her friend starts slapping my ass so I turn around and make a shocked/surprised face. They both laugh and I tell them that Im "not just a sex toy" and that Im "fragile." The friend wraps her arms around me and says "I like him!" And then we all start dancing again. A second friend comes up and introduces herself then turns to the first girl and says:

Girl3 - This is that hott guy!
Girl 2 - I know!
Anth - What?!
Girl 3 - We saw you when you walked in!
Anth - So you were just... watching me from afar? I feel so... used! <they laugh>
Girl2 - We were hoping youd come dance with us!

Then we danced. And I got bored so I turned to some kid who was like, half raving, and started to do some simple moves. HOLY **** THIS KID WAS THE BEST DANCER ID EVER SEEN!!! It was unbelievable... amazing rhythme, great moves, and he was a good lookin kid. Some techno came on and he grabbed some glow sticks - it was the coolest thing Id ever seen on a dance floor.

So Girl3, which was the one I really wanted (by far the hottest) went and danced with him. He was a really nice kid, just got back from germany, so I didnt want to ****block him. Instead, him and I dance off (he kicks my ass though) and chill for about an hour. We exchange #s, Girl3 gives him her # with a little of my help. I winged for the kid pretty well, facilitated the #close, ect.

I take another lap around the club, and some girl is just sitting talkin to her friends on a bench. I plop down next to her.

Girl4 - Hi!
Anth - Hi whats up?

We started talking, somehow i worked in the "Im scared of girls" line, she laughed and kinoed me. Then a few friends of hers came up and we all talked. Just "so what do you do?" crap. Then some guy came up and said "these girls are spoken for" So I looked at girl4, who looked at me and then rolled her eyes, as if to say "Bull****" I looked the kid dead in the eye and asked "which one have you spoken for?" "This is my wife" He puts his arm around one of the friends. The other friend leans in and says "Im married to, but Girl4 isnt!" So I just cold shoulder the guy and keep chatting with Girl4. But then one of the friends taps me on the shoulder and wispers "go, quick!" I look around and theres 6 guys standing around me, looking right at me. I dont even think twice I just look right at my feet and walk away. There was no need to get in trouble over some girl who was probably married and needed a good lay.

I say goodbye to matt, the good dancer, and girl3 and girl2. Girl2 wanted to give me her # even though she knew she was 10 years older than me, but I just told her Id see her at SKYbar again. I left the club, walked to my car and on the way I saw a cute girl walking alone. I said hi and smiled, she smiled back and said hi but I couldnt tell wether or not she was really happy to say hi or just doing it out of reflex so I just kept walking.

Thats my night. And Ive got a few questions:

Ok, so I get the random "youre so hot" comments, and the eyecontact, and the ass grabbing, and all that ****. But I only get it from 8.5's and down. Every now and again a 9.0 will oodle me, but not often. I like to approach after eyecontact - ESPECIALLY when I am out alone and have no wing or safety. But the only eyecontact Im getting is with 8's and below... is this because 9s dont think Im hot? Is it because they are used to dating hot guys and im nothing special? Are they just plain not interested?

Honestly, even with very hot girls, whenever I open a set correctly (with proper confidence, charisma, and charm) they are VERY receptive. I RARELY get a HARD rejection. But I find it hard to convince myself to walk up to random girls who arent making eyecontact with me??? When you guys go out do you wait for eyecontact or what?

When I did laps NO ONE made eyecontact with me. But those girls said they had noticed me a few times... are girls just being sly about their attraction and Im missing it... or am I only working my magiv on 8's?


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Another thing... like when I interrupted the hot girls talking to introduce josh... they had cold looks on their faces before I entered the set, but as soon as I did they were all smiles. Are the hot girls just trying to scare away undeserving guys? Usually, the cold faced girls are all smiles after hte approach... its rare that they are ACTUALLY in a COLD mood. Any thoughts?


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
Reaction score
all the 9s probably have their eyes full with every guy in the club looking at them. they know their hot so probably don't need to give out that many signals. I mean, their going to get approached just by being there.

don't worry about it.

maybe you were just missing the eye contact that night? being in a new place on your own?

I want to see a video of your dance moves!


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Tony i like your style.

The problem with trying to eye contact 9's is that they are in their own little world and you have to penetrate it.

When you see a 9 walking through the mall, she's not eye contacting ANYONE, she is walking straight ahead eyes fixated into the distance, ice queen style.

Maybe its different in your area but around here thats how the 9's do it because there are not very many 9's around.

i have found that they usually warm up with smiles almost the instant you start talking to them.

This is all referring to cold approaching a hb 9.


Master Don Juan
Sep 29, 2001
Reaction score
Eye contact doesn't work here in Ohio. I seem to get better looking when i'm in Florida.