
Sax God

Senior Don Juan
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
You can find me in St. Louie
I have noticed, while perusing this forum, that there is one commonality in each post. In each post, there is always AT LEAST one person who comes in only to insult those who look at these techniques as a legitimate form of seduction.

These posts are here for the benefit of others. As long as one person is helped by a post, the post is a valid technique with enough credibility to be on this site. That's the sole purpose of this site. TO HELP OTHERS AND TO SHARE OUR THOUGHTS AND IDEAS ON SEDUCTION TECHNIQUES!

The mere fact that you gentlemen (and I use the term extremely liberally) are in here tells me that you're open-minded to the ideas here and should be, at very least, tolerant to the ideas of others. By posting on here, THESE GUYS ARE TRYING TO HELP YOU! Give these guys the respect they deserve. Who knows? Maybe if you try some of these techniques, you'll come around.

There is no room for the closed-minded in this forum. After all, it is entitled "Unusual Techniques in Seduction." If you aren't willing to think abstractly and give some thought to these ideas, GET OUT NOW!


Sax God