Chick is freezing me out


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score
I met this HB8.5 a few months ago and we started hanging out. I made it known from day one I was sexually attracted to her but never had the balls to make a move. I would jokingly ask her when we were gonna hook up and she'd give me the "it might ruin our friendship" routine, not in a serious manner, but a very playful one.

So a couple of weeks ago she comes over to chill with me one Saturday night. I wasn't expecting anything to happen. She'd chilled with me plenty of times without anything happening. Something just seemed different that night. I had been reading these forums alot and decided "rejection is better than regret" so I started kino'ing her and kissing her neck. We ended up passionately making out all night, stopping short of sex because it was "that time of the month." A couple nights later I go over her house and we end up in her bedroom, again making out all night stopping short of sex because she was still on the rag. Bummer. This was a Tuesday night.

She invites me over to her apt Friday night, commenting that her roommate is out of town for the weekend. I'm thinking "hell yeah, she's off the rag now and I'm in there." I go over there and we're sitting on the sofa chillin and watching a movie. She cuddles up next to me and is wanting to hold my hand, giving me little kisses, and various IOI's. After the movie is over I began the seduction process and hit a brick wall. She wouldn't make out with me for more than a couple minutes and would hardly let me touch her. It was so obvious I started to tease her that she was being frigid because she no longer had her period as an excuse not to hook up. She just giggled and played it off.

Sunday night she comes over and the same exact **** happens. She was over my house for 6 hours and we maybe were physical for 10 or 15 minutes. She'd kiss me, but wouldn't let it escalate to making out. She'd hold my hand but wouldn't let me do any heavy petting. I was like WTF? So I ask her, "HB it's obvious to me that something isn't right here. A week ago you and I were making out all night and things were getting pretty hot and heavy. Now all of a sudden you won't kiss me more than 5 minutes and act like you don't want me touching you." She basically blew me off and said I was analyzing things too much. Bullshyt.

I'm not sure how or if to proceed with this. This chick is a "good girl" so I don't know if she's feeling guilty about giving me too much too soon, or just playing games and being a **** tease. I'm not interested in dating this girl, but I am interested in finishing what I started. Any observations you guys might have I'd appreciate.

The Bad Ass Canadian

Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
She isn't freezing you out, but you are letting her dictate the pace of the "relationship"... which is a no-no. Chances are she's holding back because you went too far too soon.

Don't make the mistake of assumng she's a "good girl"... Even the good ones will do crazy things when the right buttons are pushed. If you're assuming she's a good girl, you're automatically making her behaviour acceptable, but it isn't.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2005
Reaction score
jus lean back man... it takes self control but it'll be worth it


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
She invites me over to her apt Friday night, commenting that her roommate is out of town for the weekend. I'm thinking "hell yeah, she's off the rag now and I'm in there." I go over there and we're sitting on the sofa chillin and watching a movie. She cuddles up next to me and is wanting to hold my hand, giving me little kisses, and various IOI's. After the movie is over I began the seduction process and hit a brick wall. She wouldn't make out with me for more than a couple minutes and would hardly let me touch her. It was so obvious I started to tease her that she was being frigid because she no longer had her period as an excuse not to hook up. She just giggled and played it off.

This is exactly how girls use $ex to control you. That giggle was her way of saying 'look at this fool, i have him right where i want him, i can do whatever i want'. And you know the worst part about it, she LOVED it bro.

Sunday night she comes over and the same exact **** happens. She was over my house for 6 hours and we maybe were physical for 10 or 15 minutes. She'd kiss me, but wouldn't let it escalate to making out. She'd hold my hand but wouldn't let me do any heavy petting. I was like WTF? So I ask her, "HB it's obvious to me that something isn't right here. A week ago you and I were making out all night and things were getting pretty hot and heavy. Now all of a sudden you won't kiss me more than 5 minutes and act like you don't want me touching you." She basically blew me off and said I was analyzing things too much. Bullshyt.

Now she is just toying with you, she is getting a 'high' off of the power trip. You should have told her you were busy that Sunday night and let her stew for a couple of weeks. Instead, she comes over and she's all smiles inside because she knows who has control (she does). Noticed how she got annoyed at the end. Her high wore off, so she blows you off and gets pissy.

What you need to do is step back from this girl and get control of the situation.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
Well its seems like you made a good push but where is the pull? Afterall you don't a relationship with this girl so it may just be one of those things that happens when you don't expect it.

The amount to time your are seeing her sure looks like you a dating her so I'm a bit confiused about your true goals.

Or maybe she is just flakey thinking that your aren't relationship material either and is just passing the time until something good comes along.

I'd just back off, date other women and let her come to you.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Down South. Between the Y junction.
You're not really that much fun if you keep whinning about how unfair she is being such a cok tease...

JUST BE FUN, and she'll let you stick it in her coz she'll wont be able to resist...


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks for the input guys. Her and I were supposed to hang out tonight and watch the season opener of Nip/Tuck. I went out for drinks tonight instead and came home to a cell full of text messages from the her wanting to know where the hell I was. I was in a semi bad mood when I went out tonight but after meeting a hot little nurse I don't feel so bad. There's something to be said for the "spin plates" theory.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score

So she calls me tonight and wants to come by and talk. She tells me she likes me BUT isn't sure if she's ready for a relationship. I told her I was cool with that and felt the same way. The bad part with this chick is NO RELATIONSHIP, NO BOOTY. I asked her if she'd be cool with me dating other women and she said she would NOT be. I couldn't help but laugh at what she was trying to suggest.

Me:"Will you be cool if I date other women?"
Her:"No, probably not"
Me:"Do you expect me to not date other women as long as you and I are doing whatever it is we're doing?"
Her:"I guess that's not realistic"
Me:"So what are you saying then?"
Her:"I dunno"

She left my house looking very confused and sad. I told her it was fun while it lasted and that our friendship hopefully would not be ruined.

I'm guessing that not attempting to contact her in any way is the way to go? I'm not quite sure if tonight was a shyt test or not. I want this chick to miss me, call me, and then come and **** me silly. Advice?


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
I like that last conversation you had with her. I think you did the right thing putting the pressure back on her and making her realize how unfair she was being. I wouldn't contact her just becuase i wouldn't care enough to want to contact her...but that's me I have my eggs in several baskets so to speak. You shouldn't contact her because you're regaining control of the situation like a well versed player using his skills. Try to keep yourself occupied with something else, another girl, hobby, fix up your car whatever; just something to keep your mind off this chick. In all likely hood she'll be calling you in the next few days anyway but keep your control and make her make up her mind and since you already layed the ground work for this it shouldn't be too hard.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks PR, sound advice. My eggs aren't all in one basket so to speak, but I do dig this chick more than the other two. In fact, the other girls are what have kept me from Oneitis.

The name of the game now is waiting. Personally, I find this the hardest part. It is one of the differences between a DJ and an AFC. I would be bummed out if I never hear back from her but that's a risk I'm willing to take to have fun with her on MY terms.