

Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zeland
I've screwed it up with a lot of chicks, who hasn't?? and over the years/months i've lost weight and improved my skills with women a lot, still not perfect but I'm learning from my mistakes a lot

I live in a small town, so there not that many girls, and the closest other town is small and i pretty much know all the ones there and screwed it up with quite a few.

I just wondered what your guys opinion on girls changing there mind and coming out of the friend zone, although I don't want to use the word friend zone because not really friends, but someone who you could say you have already made your impression on and you could say they have already decided what kind of person you are, and your not bf material.

Can women really change there mind like that so you are bf material (after weight loss and new skill) and i don't mean 10% of people i meant a whole majority?

Also on weight loss and changing there mind , i've lost quite a bit of weight, have you guys had any experiences with them changing your mind after you've lost weight??


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
heh..i get more girls looking as i gain weight..way too tall for my age

but as for girls changing their minds...why not? they change their minds about everythign else..that's why they want a confident and decisive man

but if you don't accept maybe you should consider accepting yourself...rather than trying to change their minds..lose weight for your own benefit not for on your inner and your outer does everything else works that way

girls never indefinitely consider someone only a friend...unless you've raped/murdered/etc but even then..there are exceptions.....same with may say a girl is in your friend zone...but next year she might look different and you change your mind..shallowly i might add

there are no absolutes in this world..besides death but technically even death is something that isn't absolute considering reincarnation/nirvana/ etc.

john paul

Senior Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Paradise City
Your asking whether a girl who may already have a bad or poor impression of you could change her mind?

Of course you could create attraction in these girls!

People change and they know it. It wont happen overnight but you can change people's opinion of you by losing/gaining weight, improving your clothing/style, and attitude/confidence/inner game.

Girls who you thought would never like you can all of a sudden have a crush on you. You even have a bit of an edge over the popular guys.

They will see you as a new guy, not one of the boring jocks that they have known for several years. You will be new and exciting to these girls.

If someone ever says "wow you have changed so much these past months Analizit!" just reply "yeah well Iv matured a bit" or "Iv grown up." Letting the girl know that your legit and here to stay.