Careers you can get into quickly


Sep 10, 2014
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This is true. The young, single women often time can't make the financial aspect work though because they don't have the money to pay bills until their commission checks start arriving. That discourages a lot of attractive, 20 something women from doing residential real estate sales. A lot of those women in sales roles can get other sales jobs that pay a base salary + commission. Many companies want to hire attractive young, childless women as sales reps. This sales in pharmaceutical sales, medical device sales, or beer brand/liquor brand sales reps.

Young, single, childless women also would prefer not to work weekends. There are many other Mon-Fri sales jobs that don't require weekends.

Residential real estate sales tends to attract married moms and divorced moms with good divorce settlements.

The schedule in residential real estate sales on weekdays allows moms to parent more easily. On weekends, when a married or divorced mom is working open houses and settling purchase contracts, the kids are with their dad in either case.

There are plenty of attractive, 30+ year old MILF types in residential real estate sales. It's a better fit for them than the childless women.

At $7.25-$10 per hour, you're either living with your parents or living with several others on your own while collecting welfare.

$20 per hour with a 40 hour work week is $41,600/year.

$40,000-$45,000 a year in my city will enable a person to get a 2 bedroom apartment with a roommate in a 35+ year old complex. That person can likely afford having a vehicle. It's not going to be great. This lifestyle is easier to pull off for younger women than younger men in my city because men's SMV is judged on income/employment.
$41000 these days is not much and if you want to have a relatively comfortable life without living paycheck to paycheck and skimping on a lot of things, it will be quite difficult in most places in the US to do that. In other countries where the cost for things is much lower, sure, you could live like a king. In the US, not so much.


Apr 22, 2023
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Hey, I completely get where you're coming from. When I started out, I was fresh outta college, dabbling in the real estate scene and yeah, the initial period was tough. Those delayed commission checks were no joke! I eventually switched to a sales role with a tech startup - consistent pay, no weekends, it was a relief.
A sales role but not in selling real estate?


Nov 24, 2019
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No. I worked for a big platform that specialized in building CRMs. After spending years in tech startups, I was ready to venture out solo.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
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I think you are asking the wrong question and you need a longer window of time to make a good career decision.

five years from now, what do you think you want to be doing and how much do you want to earn five years from now?

next, how will you make that happen?

I asked myself this question in January 2015 when I was earning $45k. I now earn $300k and just turned 40. Right out of the military, at age 27, I was earning $8 per hour!

Successful people think longer term and can delay gratification.

best of luck


Master Don Juan
May 20, 2016
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I think you are asking the wrong question and you need a longer window of time to make a good career decision.

five years from now, what do you think you want to be doing and how much do you want to earn five years from now?

next, how will you make that happen?

I asked myself this question in January 2015 when I was earning $45k. I now earn $300k and just turned 40. Right out of the military, at age 27, I was earning $8 per hour!

Successful people think longer term and can delay gratification.

best of luck
As of when you posted this I've found a free program for the trades and am planning to become a welder.


Apr 22, 2023
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Insurance sales is a career that comes to mind, it is an easy career to get into i heard.

Stock trading on your own personal accounts is an instant start up, but it takes years of learning to be successful

that website called Onet is useful for researching various careers, expected salaries and job titles


Nov 24, 2019
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Interesting points you brought up. I've had a couple of buddies dive into insurance sales straight after college. They did find it relatively easy to break into, but it definitely wasn't a walk in the park. They had to deal with a ton of rejection, which can be pretty tough, especially when you're just starting out.

Personal stock trading has always intrigued me. The whole 'financial freedom' and 'be your own boss' thing sounds super appealing, but it's no joke that it requires a ton of learning and experience. I've made a few decent trades here and there, but it's far from a consistent income, at least for now.

Regarding job research, I absolutely agree that sites like Onet are beneficial. But what I found even more helpful is a bit of elbow grease – good old-fashioned networking, informational interviews, job shadows, and stuff. It's a hustle but worth it to really understand a field. You can see this blog post I stumbled upon a while back. It has some fantastic tips on how to dig deeper into job markets and find those hidden job opportunities that don't always show up in a standard search.


Apr 22, 2023
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Probably the fastest ways into a career is simply nepotism and somebody you know closely that gives you a free chance.

i live in NYC and have a very thick Australian accent and it can make business challenging when I am the only person from Australia