Career path


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
What would you do? Would you go to the place of your desire and hold off your studies for a year at the earliest or would you settle for where you are, wait 2 years and then do an exchange program to go where you want to be?

I have had a hard time figuring out this decision.

If i go with option A, i would be working and then start studying at the earliest when i am 21-22 (I'm 20).

I'd also like to hear from successful professionals. I know that companies hire young-er people to start working right after finishing college. I'd be 25-26 when i would be done with my career. I am planning to study economy and also go into an area where i would like to expand. Elon Musk did physics along with economy.

If i go with option A, i would be able to start the business empire with my business partners. I can't do that from where i am since the distance is too much. My best friend told me to go with option A and not to look back. My only worry is my career and when i would be able to start studying. My parents, especially my mom, are overwhelming me and i have until the end of this month to decide this.


What do you want to do?

If you are tech saavy, I would recommend skipping college and go for certifications. An economics degree is worthless, unless you plan to go to a graduate program. I unfortunately have one.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
BeDJ said:
What do you want to do?

If you are tech saavy, I would recommend skipping college and go for certifications. An economics degree is worthless, unless you plan to go to a graduate program. I unfortunately have one.
I would like to study and be where i want to be. However, i will most likely have to pick one of the two for the upcoming year or so.

I'd like to get an MBA as well. Hm. I have the connections and the preparation to do good with an economics degree. The problem is that the country i am currently in is a 3rd world country. Most people give me an autistic expression when i ask them if they understand the stock market or residual income.

Option A is the USA = Work here and hope for the best in a year to start studying
Option B is this 3rd world dumpster = Study here