Career change into nursing?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2009
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Just curious, how many of you guys would consider a career change into nursing? I'm actually considering it... I fell on hard times over a year ago and haven't been able to land a stable job since (and yes I've lowered my standards and applied everywhere). I have a BS and the industry I'm in is a crap-shoot, and a lot of the jobs in my sector are being outsourced. I'm considering applying to a 2nd degree nursing program in my hometown. I could get a BSN in 16 months after starting the program. Would it bother you that there are some people that view it as a woman's profession?


May 30, 2009
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My buddy is making 75 K right now. With a ten grand bonus. It's not a woman's profession. It's a way to make money, especially if you like helping people. I am considering doing my PhD since I can't find divk with a Master's.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
I'm a critical care RN in Canada. I can see how some people could still potentially consider it to be a woman's job, but when you're making 80-90k a year and only working 13-14 days a month who cares? I find the work rewarding as well as a great learning experience. Furthermore, its setting me up for my next career goal of becoming a CRNA (nurse anesthetist).

In the ICU you look after some really phucked up people. You'll see severe sepsis, ARDS/ARF, crazy ass traumas, transplants, etc. etc! Its not like you sit there and spoon feed patients, give back rubs and get bedpans. You'll have to titrate ionotropes/vasopressors, analyze ECGs, work w/ some crazy technologies like pulmonary artery catheters, art. lines, CVCs, crazy wound healing devices like wound-vacs, CRRT/IHD, and even MARS. You can also be a part of the Code/medical emergency teams (responding to cardiac arrests/medical emergencies anywhere in the hospital). Working codes is a total rush!

My first degree is in Mol. micro. I could have done a Masters/PhD afterwards, but elected to get an after-degree B.ScN because I liked working with people instead of being stuck in a lab all day. I don't regret my decision at all. If you're a secure guy and you enjoy your job, why would you care what others think of you and/or your work?


Don Juan
Jun 15, 2004
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Im a med student, and I have worked with some bad ass mo fo nurses. 2 of the Coolest ****in dudes I've ever chilled with and lifted (weights) with are nurses. Just do it man. A career in healthcare is where its at, don't matter whether ur a brain surgeon or a phlebotomist.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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For the first time ever, nowadays even nurses are finding it tough to find work. However, in the long run, it's a good field, and nurses who have the alphabet soup of certifications can name their price. It's almost like being a junior physician without the headaches of malpractice insurance and student loan debt.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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MatureDJ said:
It's almost like being a junior physician without the headaches of malpractice insurance and student loan debt.
That's called a physician's assistant. :)

I'm slated to start PA school next year. VERY different from nursing need a pre-med background and the requirements are pretty variable from school to school. PA's make 80-100k in most cities, and can work in every medical specialty. They also have full (or near-full) prescribing rights in most states. If you like the idea of being a doc but don't want the debt and commitment of med school, it's a great choice.

As far as the nursing, I'm glad Fugly chimed in. I've known several male nurses and they were all cool dudes. Most male nurses work in emergency medicine or critical care, naturally, because it's more intense and involved than 'standard' nursing. The benefit of nursing programs is that they arent that hard (from what I hear), and you are done in less than a year and a half. You probably wont have a super-cool CC job right out of nursing school, but you can work.

As far as the stigma---yeah, it exists, but I don't think it's going to have a measurable negative impact on your life.


Jul 30, 2003
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A murse? hahaha fk no son. Im becoming a Marine not no fkin murse. Its a womans profession, just like being a secretary. Also I dont know where people are getting numbers like making 90k a year and only working 2 weeks out of the month? LOL nurses are some of the most overworked people there are in healthcare.

I mean, look its an honorable profession for sure. No hate on nurses or murses. You save peoples lives thats all that matter but expect to get sh1t from people like fockers father in law in meet the parents.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Julian said:
A murse? hahaha fk no son. Im becoming a Marine not no fkin murse. Its a womans profession, just like being a secretary. Also I dont know where people are getting numbers like making 90k a year and only working 2 weeks out of the month? LOL nurses are some of the most overworked people there are in healthcare.

I mean, look its an honorable profession for sure. No hate on nurses or murses. You save peoples lives thats all that matter but expect to get sh1t from people like fockers father in law in meet the parents.
nurses work long shifts and get weird time off. And yes, they make some mad bank. its basically recession proof, and you can locate anywhere you want. its certainly not my thing, but its definitely a very viable career path for someone who doesn't want to be at a desk all day and wants to help out.

Edit: lets not forget its like 95% women and 5% guys. as an average guy, I bet you could pull some mad a professional way though of course!

Don't think being a marine is easy either. If you wanted to get into the armed forces for a cushy job, do AF, but you need some school for that I guess. Anyway GL with the marine thing, sounds brutal, but you'll be ripped afterwards for sure.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
I strip part time for the extra cash... and its SICK cash... especially because its all tax free. Obviously you have to look the part and be decent at what you do, but I think its ridiculous to make 150-200 cash (that's base pay w/o tips!) in 20-30 minutes for basically partying with chics!

Its weird how much money you can make as a guy working in traditionally female jobs.

Oh, here's a posting from my health region:

You'll see the starting wage is like around $32. I have a couple of degrees and have one years experience, so my base wage is around 35/hour. With shift differentials and everything its close to 37-40/hour. OT here is 2 x base pay. If you do the math you can see you can EASILY make 80-90k.

I work 12s'. I do 4 on and then get 5 days off, with the occasional stint of 5 on followed by 4 off. You have A LOT of free time ... almost too much free time!

A few of my buddies are RNs in the military, and a lot of them have really cool deployments.

Its not a job I can do forever, but its getting me where I wanna go.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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I'm currently an LPN at a nursing home in the Philadelphia area.

I make a little more than 25 an hour (more if I contract out with an agency) and work 3 days a week for 13 hours each. That money is pretty comfortable in Philadelphia for a single guy and I only went to school for a year to get it.

My job is pretty low-stressed as far as the nursing field goes. I do more care than your average RN (although a good RN will be wiping butts too!) but most of my job is med passing and helping with ADLs. Leaves me time for RN school or my (in the works) private Ambulance company.

Even for LPNs there are plenty of job openings. For RNs the prospects are even better. But they may be picked up at odd hours. That is just the name of the game. This contributes mightily to the stress factor. And I can not "stress" that more. It's a crazy job with a crazy workload. If you are an RN in a hospital you will be working just about every minute. Your patients will not CARE that you're overworked either. They are, quite understandably, worried about their care and not your workload. Negotiating that is very tough and you have to be internally tough to deal with the barbs and still give them the care they deserve as your client.

Sisyphus7 said:
Would it bother you that there are some people that view it as a woman's profession?
Not for nothing, but if you are the kind of guy who worries about what other guys think of your job, a job that you work hard at, then maybe nursing isn't for you. I personally have NEVER had someone **** with me over my choice in career other than a joke or two, but doing something I love and making a difference in life is WAY more important to me than anything some random person might say. My friends and family are happy with what I do and, more importantly, so am I.

PS: since it's so important around here, you will not be seen as an "Alpha" as a nurse. Is that a problem?


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2009
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Thanks for the replies.
Fuglydude, I too have decided that I like working with people instead of being stuck in a lab/office all day too (I have done both). This may sound strange, but I have found that it's only when I move outside myself and do something for someone else that I find peace.

MatureDJ: Yea, seeing even nurses having a hard time finding a job is concerning. Although what people in the medical field say is a tough market is probably different that of some other fields. I figure with the current state of the economy and the aging baby boomer population it should be a safe investment.

Julian: I've considered the military, manly air force officer school, but even that is competitive in this economy. I have had too many friends that have had their lives totally screwed over by the Marines, but that's another story...

Believe me, when you face long term unemployment and a bleak future/economy you really start to look for secure professions that are not outsourceable and more or less recession proof.

FairShake said:
PS: since it's so important around here, you will not be seen as an "Alpha" as a nurse. Is that a problem?
Can you explain this? I always thought of it more as a way you carry yourself rather than a profession. I used to think that your profession defined who you are, after being out of work for so long I know this is not true.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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ANY job in the health care industry is a win-win. See what kind of skills you already have, and figure out where in the health care industry you can use them.

I fix medical equipment. The money's good, the job is fun, the female nurses are hot, the old people are hysterically insane, and with the aging baby boomers, you won't have to worry about job security for the next 40 years or so.


Master Don Juan
Apr 26, 2006
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I have a handful of guy friends that are in nursing and I initially think "that's different", but then I immediately realize these guys will be making bank.

If you can stomach it Do it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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Sisyphus7 said:
Can you explain this? I always thought of it more as a way you carry yourself rather than a profession. I used to think that your profession defined who you are, after being out of work for so long I know this is not true.
You can't carry yourself by the PUA definition of an Alpha and be a good nurse. So you cannot be an "Alpha" at work. You are a caregiver and you react to their needs. So that's out completely.

You can conceivably be an Alpha in your personal life but most people don't see male nurses that way. If only it were as easy as pursuing your passions but in reality it isn't. People are shallow and male nurses are still seen as failed doctors, gay, or wimps by the great unwashed. Now I don't give a ****. Do you?


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
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I know a guy who is in this he gets insane a mount of days off and is making serious bank. It feels like he is always on vacation! he pretty much parties every day the lucky son of a gun.

If you are reading this thread and undecided on a career and want to make serious money and get insane amount of days off THIS IS IT!

if i could only go back in time...


Jul 30, 2003
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synergy1 said:
Don't think being a marine is easy either. If you wanted to get into the armed forces for a cushy job, do AF, but you need some school for that I guess. Anyway GL with the marine thing, sounds brutal, but you'll be ripped afterwards for sure.

Of course its not easy. Thats why I want to do it. Earn the title of United States Marine. To me its the most alpha thing that a man can do. I am a little older then most recruits and have been around the block a few times, which is fine. It will be brutal...and Im not joining the Marines to get in shape, Im already in pretty good ripped shape, but hey why not get paid to stay that way right? hah. I originally planned to go AF, it just wasnt sitting right with me, I said **** that and enlisted into the Marines. Ill be going enlisted flight crew. Maybe hit OCS in the future and be a pilot.

And Sisyphus...the Marine Corps is not for the soft. Not saying your friends are..because aLot of people get fked up in combat. I was born for this sh1t. My mind would be fked up if I had to be a nurse or a desk jockey in some cubicle. Its just not me.

Anyway good luck on your decision regardless...we are all young men we need to rise up in life and do what makes our hearts soar. Not just settle for less or the easy route. Do what will challenge you, what will satisfy your life and needs. Dont just do something for the money because you will hate every minute of your life even if you are making some bank. It will lead to an unfulfilled existance.

Do something that will make your children proud and yourself happy. Achieve greatness. Dont settle for anything but that.


edit and Sisyphus. Your energy is low level. Just by your chosen username it seems that you are a person that maybe is struggling in life and sees no end in sight for this. The myth of sisyphus is that he was a deceitful crafty inidividual who upon his death was doomed to forever push a giant stone up a hill, but when it reached the top it would roll back down and he would need to do it again.

now is this the type of person you want to come across as?


Sep 13, 2009
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Nurse is a job not a career

Career is where you grow and have people work under you

Sisyphus7 said:
Just curious, how many of you guys would consider a career change into nursing? I'm actually considering it... I fell on hard times over a year ago and haven't been able to land a stable job since (and yes I've lowered my standards and applied everywhere). I have a BS and the industry I'm in is a crap-shoot, and a lot of the jobs in my sector are being outsourced. I'm considering applying to a 2nd degree nursing program in my hometown. I could get a BSN in 16 months after starting the program. Would it bother you that there are some people that view it as a woman's profession?


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
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Los Angeles
My sister's an RN. My girl's an RN/NP. With OT they make bank. Maybe not six figures because they're still pretty young, but enough to be comfortable.

Here in LA, even an LVN will pull in around 20/hr. Not bad for only around a year of school. I know a ton of dudes that are going for RN or LVN because they need to make money

Fairshake said:
You can't carry yourself by the PUA definition of an Alpha and be a good nurse. So you cannot be an "Alpha" at work. You are a caregiver and you react to their needs. So that's out completely.
This is totally the wrong way to look at things. When you're in the clubs, be a pimp. When you're mackin on a chick, be a man. But when you're at work, be a professional. Seeing EVERYTHING through an alpha male filter is how you become that wierd dude nobody wants to be around and end up having frame control insecurity issues. Generally speaking, a woman would rather be around a male nurse who loves his job and is genuinley happy than a doctor who hates his job. Sht, you even got doctors posting on this forum who can't pull ass and are lost because they went into the profession thinking their job was gonna get them laid (go look up vonbock)


Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
Los Angeles
studd said:
Nurse is a job not a career

Career is where you grow and have people work under you
Bullsht. Nurses have literally a ton of career paths that are open to them. You can start off a CNA, then get an LVN, then go to school, get a BSN and an RN cert, then go to grad school and get a Masters in Nursing Administration with an NP cert. As an NP, you can focus on a concentration like anesthesiology, pediatrics, dermatology, geriatrics, critical care, etc. Some of those, like anesthesiology and dermatology pay around 150k. Or you can go into administration and deal with the business side of things. You can work in a doctor's office, a hospital, private clinics, on the road, whatever environment you want. Meanwhile, there's a definate hierarchy so you will have people working under you. You don't gotta deal with all the job searching bullsht the rest of us have to do, or cyclical industries that lay off every 5 years, or sht like that. You get flexible schedules, excellent job security, and can do mad OT if you want. It's a great job if you don't mind healthcare


Master Don Juan
Oct 19, 2006
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I'm working as a CNA in a hospital right now. I was lucky to get in, because I have a sister who works there as an RN. I'm studying to become a nurse. It'll probably take me 4 to 5 years to finish that, because of waiting list and all that.

Anyhow. The hospital is definitely full of women. Beautiful nurses are everywhere. I get to practice all my DJ skills everyday, but I definitely don't ask anyone out. My gut tells me not to.

In terms of nursing being a woman's job. It's definitely something you'll be thinking about when you first get into health care. Sometimes when I'm at work, I'm like, am I in the right place? I feel like the only guy here. Then I see the janitors and security guards and I start breathing a little bit better.

Sometimes I'd see male nurses. Or so I thought, until they start talking a little bit differently than I expected. Now that I think about it, I haven't yet to see one nurse who I would think is a REAL MAN. Maybe one or two and the rest are like guys who won't admit they're you know what. It makes me want to go wheel into different direction.

Naaah. Don't stress bro. Health care is fun. My sister gets paid almost $60 an hour. It's a great job. It's not an easy job for sure but you'll get used to it and you'll love it.

To clear things up a little. NO, Nursing is not a woman's job. From my experience, it comes down to how you handle yourself. Show me a woman's job and I'll show you how a man does it. We need more male nurses out there.