Can you justify not paying for sex


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Espi said:
Consider this:

The whoar you referenced was at least 100% honest and fully disclosed the price required for her services...

Your GF or wife won't be so...honest. They'll instead demand that you take them out to dinner and buy them gifts before there's any mention of sex.

Point is: you ALWAYS pay for sex...whether it's with a whoar, or a wife, or a GF.

Don't be fooled.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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C&P'd from Dissention:

One of the unspoken fundamental assumptions of PUA advice is that a mans life is “meaningless” or “unsuccessful” if women don’t want to have ‘unpaid’ sex with him.

So here is a question:

What aspect of a womans willingness to have ‘unpaid’ sex makes it so meaningful?

It is the “having sex” part that makes everything else attached to it meaningful. So why keep on trying for ‘unpaid’ sex while denying yourself good sex.

Let me put it in another way.

How many of you will have sex with over 1,000 different women, all of whom are above average in looks?

Unless you are a famous guy or a very lucky PUA, it is unlikely you will ever reach 4 digits.

But if you are willing to buy sex… almost any guy with a decent job can suddenly bang over 1,000 different women in his life.

Think about it..

50 * 20 = 1,000

There are 52 weeks in a year..

Let’s say each woman costs you about 200$/hr.. Heck make that 300$/hr.. who cares?

Note- It is cheaper outside anglo-saxon countries.

Now even at 300$/hr, 1,000 women = 300 k, the price of a decent house in the suburbs in many parts of north america (principal + interest)

300k/ 20 = 15k/yr. So you could bang a different woman every week for the next 20 years with the same amount that will buy you a decent house. Think about it.. a different, and better than average, woman to suck your cøck properly + ride you like a crazed cowgirl + taking a nice pounding for every week of your life.. for the next 20 years. The median income of a guy with a useful undergrad degree from a state university (or better) is around 50k, if you have a job.

Or you could buy a nice house to keep your ‘new’ wife happy.. the same one who banged tons of bad boys and would not give you the time of day in her 20s. Maybe you will get a year or two of decent sex till she pops out some kids (hopefully yours).. and then you will be lucky to get it once a week, if she does not divorce and make you pay for the kids (hopefully yours) while she is getting hammered by a parade of bad boy. But who knows.. she might even stay around and nag you to death..

You want to slave for an ungrateful and rapidly aging woman? want to slave for social approval? want to slave for ungrateful kids? want to slave for an ungrateful employer?

For what?

You cannot take anything with you after you die. In the end, the only thing that matters is whether you enjoyed your existence, the way you saw fit.

Your choice.. I made my years ago, and still have ‘unpaid’ pussie on the side.

Night Owl

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2007
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Why pay for it when there is plenty of free decent puzzy out there?

Seriously, if you have an itch there is always somebody out there that it will scratch it for you for free. Prostitutes can only exist while men with no balls haven't bottle to go out and ask for what they really want.

Women want sex as much as we do, but because of our stupid fears and short comings millions and millions of men and women on this planet are not getting what they want tonight or any other night for that fact - good sex that both are willing to give for free.

Think about, is there any other male animal on this planet that pays the female for sex because he hasn't got the balls to go and ask for it? She wants it, he wants it, they just do it... No daft chat up lines, games, expensive meals out or getting telephone numbers - Do they wait a few days to ring back, I think not. While other animals are busy shagging themselves senseless, we either sit at home alone or go around collecting telephone numbers, or trying and failing to mate with the opposite sex.

We are meant to be the smartest animals on the planet and the most bloody stupid too. we have mastered the skies, put a man on the moon, but totally fail to hook up with the opposite sex.

Paying for sex is a ball-less cop out. Stop paying for it and grow some real man balls and get out there and tap into the endless supply of free sex out there.

The rest of the other animals are laughing their butts off at us....


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Rollo Tomassi said:
From that link -

It is not as if women will stick to you, not break up and not cheat on you.. ‘game’ or no game.
An example of several Argument from Adverse Consequences.

Again, I have nothing against prostitution in theory or practice. I agree with with the article that it's the "easiest way" to lay 1,000 women, and that sex doesn't have to be "meaningful" (whatever that even means).

If you extend the argument, the easiest way to shoot your load 100,000 times in your lifetime is to masturbate. Nothing wrong with that either. Hell, it's free, and you can do it with any imagined woman you want.

Prostitution has its place, but is it better than learning how to dominate your social settings - all social settings - to get what you want out of life (women included)? That's not to say alphas don't solicit - of course they do. But for those men who need to learn game, I think prostitution is better used as an indulgence than a habit.

Or am I way off course?


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
I don't like the math in that article, it hurts it more than it helps it.

15K a year for prostitutes? I bet you could spend a lot less on different women... a LOT less, the only difference is that with the 15K, there's a GUARANTEE you'll get sex without the drama.

Let's just say that on average with spinning plates that a DJ has about 3 dates a week with an average of 50 dollars per date (way above what most of us would spend on women, but just for averages sake).

That'd be just about 150 a week and then multiply that by 52:


That's just about half of the 15K intended for high-end women that'll cost 300 for an hour.

Now, is it REALLY worth the 15K for guaranteed sex? Wouldn't this just dull the senses after a while? Just knowing that you could pay for it every week and not have to have some sort of "challenge" for it?

It also makes me wonder if we sometimes actually get excited whenever a woman plays games with us, just for the sake of being able to recognize them and disarm those tests, leading to a better "sense" of sex.

I could handle paying every once in a while, but paying every single week would seem like a desensitization to our masculinity. Maybe I'm just dealing with extremes which is why I'm not in total agreement with the article about the Sophistry of paying for sex, although I do see the point to doing so.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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I didn't say I agreed with this guy's take on prostitution as a viable substitute for sexual variety, but he does illustrate some very honest insights. On some level I think guys hate to confront the truth in this guy's premises - as a man you will always pay for sex to some degree, in some respect. Even if all you ever did was beat off to internet porn you're still paying your ISP to do so. For men, sex will always be a transaction and on some level of consciousness we register this. We like to fight the idea by thinking that we're different for NOT paying for it, but we are in one way or another, so it's like this inner turmoil that we want a good moral conclusion to.

If you have even moderate means, direct prostitution is always a viable option. When we opt not to directly pay for sex there's a certain amount of self-affirmation that has to go along with that as a rationale. And again, on some level we'd like that choice to be appreciated by women, but they don't. "Hey babe, I could pay for 52 women to bang me like porn stars this year, but I chose you because you're special and I'm above all that." As tactful and as covertly as you could rephrase that message, you'd still come off as a schmuck.

My personal take on this goes as follows:
Buy a man a whøre and you get him laid for a night. Teach a man to sarge and you get him laid for a lifetime.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
Rollo Tomassi said:
My personal take on this goes as follows:
Buy a man a whøre and you get him laid for a night. Teach a man to sarge and you get him laid for a lifetime.
Gold, Rollo, gold.
Words to live by.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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I've never slept with a hooker, the times I have almost pushed myself to do it (let's face it there are some HOT HOT ones about), are usually met with experiances of watching old, ugly, unwashed, low tier guys coming out of her room.

I.e hookers will fuc* anything, the problem I have is I have no clue the level of dreg she has just been with.

Yeh you can get that with any girl, but i've yet to see a hot girl - want to suck a old, scruffy man off for a few bucks - unless that man is rich.

Hence hookers fuc* anything, I know it's there, I know it's available, but for me i've never been interested. Maybe when i'm pushing 65 or so, that seems to be the age group that I see approaching these woman mainly from my experiance.

Diffference with a prostitute and a none prostitute? The prostitute is at least honest about her intentions.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Rollo Tomassi said:
Buy a man a whøre and you get him laid for a night. Teach a man to sarge and you get him laid for a lifetime.
That's it in a nutshell.

I'm willing to bet (and I'm sure history has shown) that if prostitution were 100% legal, we wouldn't necessarily see a dramatic drop in conventional sex/relationships. That is, men would not simply cast all non-professionals to the side and nut off in bordellos for the rest of their lives.

It would, however, present a viable alternative and even the playing field in ways that would make womynkind's short curlies stand on end.

A lot of it is supply-and-demand. A man rooted in a community with ample income and game doesn't necessarily need a hooker, though he may indulge from time to time. But a traveling salesman or a military man stationed far away with fleeting connections who's hard up? Different story. (Even a lot of women agree that men in combat deserve some slack.) Or consider a group of guys at a bachelor party who don't have time try their odds with pick up and just want the supply for the groom, right now.

Heck, seeing a prostitute before a date might even be good for a newbie learning game. A buddy of mine used to visit a cheap rub-and-tug massage parlor before he'd take out a hot chick for drinks. Helped clear his mind I guess.

Da Realist

Master Don Juan
Sep 1, 2005
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Memphis, TN
Basically you pay for sex anytime you have it whether it's with money, thrills, or intimacy. Either a woman wants your money for her own end, just wants the thrill of ****ing you because they see or have heard something, or they do it just to be close to somebody. The thing is that it all gets mashed up for a prostitute or normal woman with the right guy. Married women will have sex just to keep the guy paying the bills and hoes will throw some at a guy for a lower fee if he makes her feel better than the usual johns.

But how to justify spending money is easy if it's just once in a while because, like I said, it's just a way to relieve stress when you may be having a dry period. Now to do it heavily is another thing because with a lot of women all you have to do is stick around long enough, tell them some stuff that makes them feel good, and they'll throw their panties at you basically.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I was in a town in Russia, and the going rate was $7/hr, so I partook of the action very often.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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BUt $70, I'd ask, how long? 15 minutes? If an hour or even half hour, hell yeah.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
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corrector said:
I would never pay for any "sex" with a hooker because, they either have spaces in their teeth and won't be using your money to fix them (i.e. will buy drugs instead of saving for a dental job), and they probably have drug marks all over their body with STDs.

Also I'm a Christian and this is a sin.

Would I pay to go to hell? No - that is absurd. Paying money to a prostitute is absurd. The devil uses prostitutes to bait people and lure them to hell.
Sounds like a fun place to be.

Either that or be in Heaven with Christians -


Hell with hookers, sex, drink, drugs and rock and roll - you can't die again, oh you may get burned and tortured from time to time.

Or heaven - filled with people who cant have sex before marriage, have to tow the line of conformity, people who will probably, well actually bore you to death with the writings in the bible and a superiority complex that is derived from a hidden knowledge of a garbled jumbled up comic book - best thing about heaven? You get a cloud to sit on whilst being bored to death (again).

Hell here I come.

I'd rather bake in hell, than be surrounded by religious nut jobs all saying ' I told you so '

Not been with a prositute but if this is the entrance exam - i think i may have to try one, the most dirtiest, ho I can find.