Can Females ask a question ?


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
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Ok love the message board guys.. :)

I have come here out of absolute desperation for help ;)

Let me summarize my situation...

I Met a guy 2 years ago... we are both involved with others...

I was very naive to so many things living a sheltered life raising kids being the good mom..... So i meet this guy and he comes on very strong... Normally a turn off for me .. I like elusive men aka jerks lol.... I shy away some from his advances... but he persists with his one liners, compliments inviting me out. I turned him down..... I did give him some erotic pictures.. That seemed to ingite his attention even more...... But he began to play so many headgames... I wasnt used to such behaviour so i fell hook line sinker.... He would tell me we shouldnt talk anymore... so i would go away and see him few weeks later and he would pull me back in.... he would use such manipulation tactics on me i see this now... he would make me believe he was very well endowed yet never proving it to me.... In fact if i asked for a hug etc he would shy away.

So on we go months roll by i am becoming more hooked and Massive oneititis.
I make erotic videos he would say stuff like he didnt watch them he threw them away... or other times he watched and loved them.... In more of an attenpt for me to gain control i was trying everything to get a hold of him... i couoldnt it proved futile... Talk about HEADGAMES THIS MAN RULED ME...

he would invite me out and seem very jealous of the attention i would get from other men... yet i try to get close to him he push me away...

Like he was scared i was gonna find out he was not well endowed .... i started to think he was impotent... in fact talked with him about it one day in very respectful way, he lost it with me..... we would fight he would show such disrespect to me.... only for me to grovel back cos of my oneitis... Yet he welcome me back..... everytime.... I finally started to give up recently was out with a man way more attractive.... he saw me with him... He was so angry ... So i try to approach him and he push me away.....

Past month everything fell apart and i finally stood up to him and told him he can go f*** himself... then i started not to appear as he was so used to the past months..

I never got anything from him but heartache and time wasted... I told myself i will never go around him again and if he really does care he will have to crawl to me and prove it... I am posting here guys cos i need some insight into his mind.... The chemistry between us is downright FIREWORKS.... yet he would never allow me close....he would run scared and play headgames.... controlling me....

Im convinced hes impotent or small and is scared i would find out....

Or is he up to something else ?


Don Juan
Jan 29, 2008
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He is either controlling you or he has major problems you cannot fix.

Find someone else. It's not worth your time to find out which it is.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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a little fun at first seems ok, but that is just going too far, just f*ck the guy already and get it over with.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
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seems like that "roller coaster" of emotions chicks crave.
i hate to bash the male species, but i'd have to say try and forget about him and stay away from him
heck, if i was honest, i'd tell all girls to stay away from me haha.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2006
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"let me blow you NOW!"

Should fix the problem...or atleast find out what it is.

1. Small Shaft...he talked it up to be bigger than it is.
2. Gay.
3. He gets off on manipulation...


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
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I guess 26 months is a long time to give this man lol... I had a background of terrible abuse so i asked myself if i craved abuse..... Maybe to a point but this has surpassed it all.... Not to sound arrogant but i am a very good looking woman who has no problem with men hitting on me... Even better looking than he is and more to offer but for some sick twisted reason i gave him all this time..

I have read alot on your forum the past year and even studied " art of seduction book "

I have finally found the strength to walk away.. It will be intersting how he reacts because i have been there spoiling him all this time getting nothing in return....

Thanks guys... :)


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Who cares what he's up to?

You're not in love with or even attracted to him as a person.

You are in love with and addicted to drama.

You need to do whatever it takes to recover from your addiction and then you can find out what type of man you are really attracted to.

The more mentally healthy and less addicted to drama you get the less you will be attracted to this man and others like him.

Like attracts like so whatever problems are rolling around inside of you such as this need for drama it will just attract dangerous people and people with even greater sicknesses than your need for drama to you.

Thats not what you really want or what your children should have to be around and if you think about it very hard for a couple of minutes, hours or days I'm sure you'll agree.


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
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hahah@ wolf.... You guys are helping me so much... You see though i have been played lied to manipulated for so long by him.. Im guessing i learned alot and wouldnt fall for it anymore..

Yeh i know he jerked off to them i am not stupid.. Now the first time he told me this i cried i will admit cos he is really the first man i opened up to so much sexually , ( given my past of abuse) I was very cold sexually.. He got it all in these videos and then some.....

In me trying everything with him i know with most men u start acting gooey romantic and feelings they usually run... I tried this.. I wrote him a poem part humor part serious.. and gave him a small gift that went along with the poem..

He loved it alot... even as time went by would bring up parts of this poem... So i kept trying to run him off to stop f**** with my head ,

Few months back i made him an ultra serious poem part 2 slideshow video... with me as the backdrop ... Confessing my love to him.... and how much i longed to please him... By saying those words " I have fallen in love with you " It still didnt work.... He kept liking me to be around.... very strange.. Yet at the next corner he would flip on me.... Its been 20 days since i have been around or had any contact.... The longest in the past yr..

Part of me sits and waits to see if i meant anything to him. Yet the other part of me is grasping reality to let go and run very far from him for my own sanity.

I will keep u all updated and thanks for letting me in your " heads" lol.. :up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
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I agree with KontrollerX - you are addicted to drama, not the guy.

I don't think you were socialized enough to understand the difference between a jerk and a high valued guy. This is why you got your emotions entangled with this guy.

Jerks act like high value guys sometimes by pushing girls away and treating them like they mean nothing to them. But they don't understand push pull and over do these things.

All the true DJs or the true ladies men that I've met in my life, actually LOVE the company of women, they love them, they just value themselves as much as they value someone else in their life, hence showing high value. They are not jerks.

On a side note, throw this "i know what guys are like, I cannot be picked up" attitude out of your head. Its detrimental to your own survival in this world. And honestly, when a real high valued male comes along, you won't be able to hide your attraction for him, because attraction, miss green eyes, is not a choice.:)

Forget about him. Go out. Meet people. There are a lot of real cool/interesting/high value people in this world, but they are very far apart, and very hard to find. Socialize yourself.


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
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I agree attraction is not a choice.. I always thought with this man the sexual chemistry was a once in a lifetime thing....

Its hard to find.. Sure i see atractive men... But when there is that chemistry you cant explain why.. :)

The kind of chemistry that makes your thighs quiver lol :up: other places too lol


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Heh heh greeneyes has unwittingly shared some more information about women with us lads and that is...

If you mindgame a woman enough size really doesn't matter. :crackup:

Look at how enamoured green eyes is with Mr. Mindgames!!! :crackup:

Seriously though green really think about what I...we have all said, do a lot of soul searching, self reflection all that good sh!t and find out if you really do want this guy or just like the game and the push pull of it all.

See because if its just about you loving games and drama you are really short changing yourself and even if you get the guy eventually you'll end up dissapointed and no not about his tiny tallywhacker but because once in a relationship and knowing you've got the guy the excitement for you will gradually dissapear you'll wonder why and think something is wrong with you or him when really the problem would be the drama has gone away and thus with it your attraction and wanting to be with him.

This is why getting rid of this addiction to drama is so important for you.

We don't say this to be mean or attack you in any way understand.

You have come to us for help and well we give it to males or females that ask us for it. :up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
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I feel that girls who are just out of a one-itis or a relationship tend to be more vulnerable to attack lol.. i mean their emotional romantic circuitry gets more charged up... which is exactly what is happening in your case.

Welcome to the board. ;)


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
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You "gents" are cracking me up...

Thanks for the welcome to the board... :) I must run now gotta work then maybe go shopping for a new man lol......


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
Finally,a true honest woman!

Welcome to the forum Greeneyes. It's refreshing to hear honesty from an female on here. I'm sure all the other guys here all agree with me. You said that you thought that the chemistry you had with this guy was a once in a lifetime thing,right? Well,that's how I feel about how often we have women with integrity on this forum.

It looks like Wolf,Kontroller X,Daygameguy,and the others already covered your question with pretty well,and I agree with what they have already said.

Judging from the way you wrote your original post,you seem to be pretty intelligent and have a good head on your shoulders,so you shouldn't have too difficult of a time breaking free of this drama cycle. I'm not saying it will be easy,because women in general are attracted to drama,but the fact that you even wrote this thread in the first place shows some promise.

Anyway again,welcome to the forum and good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
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greenEyes68 said:
You "gents" are cracking me up...

Thanks for the welcome to the board... :) I must run now gotta work then maybe go shopping for a new man lol......
Don't forget to post an FR. I'll rep you.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
i think he is a waste of time for you.
all that time you spent thinking you had fireworks with him, and he chickens out due to whatever personal issue he had.
i don't know if he was impotent, gay, seeing someone else, secretly married, is scared to let you see his teeny tiny pecker, trying to control you,is about to take some monk vow... etc...

but the point is, at this point in time, unless he comes forward and tells you what the issue is and tries to work through it, he is wasting your time and his own time and you shouldn't concern yourself by worrying about it.

perhaps he really has his own issues that he isn't talking to you about because he thinks they are private and no one else's business. perhaps he needs some "me time" for himself.

if he isn't trying to get down your pants on his own, something tells me that you just can't make him.

good luck:)


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
Igetit! said:
Finally,a true honest woman!

It's refreshing to hear honesty from an female on here. I'm sure all the other guys here all agree with me.

Well,that's how I feel about how often we have women with integrity on this forum.
bah humbug :moon:


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
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San Diego, California
Welcome Green Eyes. Here's a song for you by Coldplay. Well it's called...well, you guessed it, lol. I like it. Hope you like it. Below are the lyrics if you care to read them as you listen to the song.

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
And I come here to talk
I hope you understand

That green eyes, yeah the spotlight, shines upon you
And how could, anybody, deny you

I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter, now I've met you
And honey you should know, that I could never go on without you

Green eyes

Honey you are the sea
Upon which I float
And I came here to talk
I think you should know

That green eyes, you're the one that I wanted to find
And anyone who, tried to deny you must be out of their mind

Cause I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter, since I met you
Honey you should know, that I could never go on without you

Green eyes
Green eyes



Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand


New Member
Nov 13, 2008
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well i just came home... was too tired to deal with all the bull crap ....

night guys.. :)


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
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jafyk said:
Welcome Green Eyes. Here's a song for you by Coldplay. Well it's called...well, you guessed it, lol. I like it. Hope you like it. Below are the lyrics if you care to read them as you listen to the song.

Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
And I come here to talk
I hope you understand

That green eyes, yeah the spotlight, shines upon you
And how could, anybody, deny you

I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter, now I've met you
And honey you should know, that I could never go on without you

Green eyes

Honey you are the sea
Upon which I float
And I came here to talk
I think you should know

That green eyes, you're the one that I wanted to find
And anyone who, tried to deny you must be out of their mind

Cause I came here with a load
And it feels so much lighter, since I met you
Honey you should know, that I could never go on without you

Green eyes
Green eyes



Honey you are a rock
Upon which I stand
lol What the fvck have u been smoking bro??