Buzzin' Frog's 10 Golden Rules For The DJ Mindset


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
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Buzzin' Frog's 10 Golden Rules For The DJ Mindset

A lot of guys who are trying to score with women don't have the fundamentals or the mindset to get the job done!!

they just kind of blindly go through the dark hoping to get good results...that will never work!!!

A good DJ should always have the right mindset and have a game plan with the particular chick you are trying to score with...that is the essential part of your success!!

A lot of guys do have the right mindset..... but they quickly throw it out the window for a chick they like or when the chick starts to lose interest in them..... that quickly spells doom because they are either dumped or turned into a beta!!

Every great DJ follows the same basic outline and principles of the DJ philosophy.....but it is up to each individual man to gain his own experience and create his own gaming style that works for him

Reading great advice is always good, but you need to gain experience through your own trial and errors before you can be a success

Your own experience is better than any advice that anybody can ever give you....because the advice that someone is giving you might not even work for you!!

Acquiring the right DJ mindset, gaining knowledge through experience, having a plan, while keeping all those in check will guarantee that you will have success with women.

Below is the 10 Golden Rules that you should adopt and use anytime that you are dealing with women!!

The DJ mindset, goals, missions, objectives, attitudes you should have to maximize your dating results

Rule #1. Remember that your goal in dating is to bang as many chicks as you can

Rule #2. Your objective is to spend the least amount of time, money, and effort on women

Why spend more time and money on chicks to obtain your goal when you don't have to? that is ridiculous!!! But yet, I see guys giving outdated advice and guys doing the wrong things that prolongs the intended goal are just wasting your time!!

Uninterested chicks won't fvck you, but they will be happy to let you spend your money on them ....don't waste your time, effort, and money on chicks that won't put out or go out with you....Skip the Flakes and Fvck the Dates!!

Chicks that are attracted to you, will fvck you don't have to spend any extra effort or money on them to obtain your should be getting as much as you can out of them, while giving them as little as possible....Why do more when you don't have to?

Rule #3. Your mission is to escalate the chick as soon as you possibly can

Waiting and being passive never helps fact, it slows you down and hinders your ability to achieve what you want to accomplish....which is getting laid!!

This goes for waiting too long after you get her number.....and especially with kino!!

Escalation should start as soon as you are textng/calling her before your date

The faster you get the chick hot for you, the sooner you will get her into bed!!

Rule #4. Never Accommodate Your Date

This should always be your attitude

Anytime you allow the chick to flip the script by changing your will get burned!!

Guys will allow women to change the day/time/location on them...guys do that because they are afraid they will lose the out of fear, these men accept what these women tell them...these guys usually get flaked on or don't get laid...This is your date...don't let it be her date...never just try to accommodate your date for her will get burned!!

Guys will do this all the time.....they will try to accommodate the chick every step of the way just to get a date...they will change their own plans to fit her needs...they will change their own original date just to please her....they will even accept her date offer making it her date instead.

An example would be: a guy asks a chick out on a date....she texts him and tells him she can't make it...she texts him to meet her at this place or on this day instead....being the beta guy that he is, he accepts her demands because he is desperate to have that date....that doesn't work out for the guy very well because she sees him for the AFC he is...his date now becomes her date....she has flipped the script on him!! don't let that happen!!

Remember interested chicks won't lose interest in a guy she likes....keep it that way by staying in control and set up your date to fit your needs, not her's.

Rule #5. Never worry about what a chick may/may not think about you

This a big one because guys will start thinking negative...then they will become negative with their thoughts and actions...because they are worried about what a chick may/may not be thinking about them!!

Doing this, will put you behind in the game... you start to hand over your power to her and put her above you...therefore, you become weak and will only try to please her because you want her to like you...also, you start putting her above you which is wrong.....this is beta behavior at it's best!!

I see a lot of fearful advice given out with this same mentality...."Don't text her because she might think this"...."Don't take her out for drinks, she will think it's "too forward"...Don't initiate kino, she won't like it"

That is all beta/AFC thinking.... because right off the bat, you are already worried by reinforcing negative ideas in your head!!

over thinking and over analyzing women will put you behind and out of the game!!

AFC men are always trying to please a chick at any cost because they are insecure!!

Rule #6. Never give up anything for a woman

Men will sacrifice their own time/money/happiness/goals/lives/independence/dignity/success in order to keep a woman, make her happy, or getting her to like you....Never do that!!.....some guys will always put a chick's needs/wants before their own because they want to please them or are afraid of losing them....that is wrong!! will end up being miserable after she dumps you or doesn't appreciate what you have done!!

You are also setting the bar super high by doing that...she will then expect you to be doing this all the time for her...then she will get mad as soon as you don't deliver!!

She wouldn't do it for why would you do it for her?

Your own happiness, goals, achievements, success should always come first.... you will get burned if you keep putting her's first!!

Rule #7. Skip the Flakes and Fvck the Dates

If you get flaked on, get an excuse, or are getting low IL from her, take that as a lack of interest and put her at the bottom of your list....make her show you some interest before you set up another date....wasting your time asking her out again or 4 days later, isn't going to help when she has no interest in you!!

Uninterested chicks won't fvck you, no matter what you say or why the hell are you spending so much time trying to get them out? your goal is to get can't accomplish that goal with an uninterested are wasting your time!!

Spend your time with interested chicks, ones that will eventually put should be dating smart, not dating desperate by entertaining chicks who don't really give a sh!t to be with you...because nothing is going to happen!!

Rule #8. Your mission and objective should be to have a game plan set up before your date

You should know enough about this chick already going into your date, so you can start your escalation into getting in her into bed...Remember the early bird catches the worm!!

Going in cold and blindly stumbling in the dark never works out well

Be the man with the plan, know what you are going to do, game her, make some changes if necessary, start the escalation of getting her into bed

Every good team has a game plan going into their should be doing the same on your dates with women!!

Rule #9. Don't spread yourself too thick or too thin

Never do too much of anything because you will end up overdoing it....that will lead to problems down the road when she loses interest in you.

This goes for guys who try to overdo their ****y and funny on a chick...they go overboard and they end up looking stupid, especially if they aren't naturally funny....the right amount always works the best!!

Always have chicks ready to go in your rotation in case you need to let one go...or you end up losing one.....never spread yourself too thin, especially with women!!

A good baseball team always has a strong starting rotation and so should you with chicks!!

Rule #10. Don't drive down AFC Road

Never allow a woman to turn you into an AFC...whether it is asking for a date, in dating, a relationship, or marriage....women will try to manipulate you into doing what they want...lots of men are prone to doing that....once you get behind the wheel driving down AFC will soon be the chump driving off the cliff....then it will be over for you when you get turned down or dumped for being an AFC...don't let this happen to you!!


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
All the threads that I have responded to or read lately has guys breaking these same rules....which is why you are failing with women!!

Every time you break one of these rules, you are setting yourself up for failure.

You first need the correct mindset to start out with these women or you will never succeed!!

Then, you need to implement what you have learned by practicing....then using it in the field on these women.

After that, then you will see better results and you will have success.

Stop making these mistakes or you will always fail with women!!

Good Luck!!


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
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Seems like most of the threads now revolve around flakes......that's why you should take my advice and not waste your time on them!!

Don't break Rule #7

Flakes are uninterested can't fvck an uninterested chick because those chicks don't like why would you put so much effort into trying to ask them out?.....the truth is, they don't want to go out with you....that's why they are flaking!!

But yet, I see so many guys giving out the same bad stale outdated advice

"wait 2 or 3 days (or a week) then hit her up again......if she flakes then you know she is not interested." and the famous....."my schedule is a bit busy this week, but I do have Thursday and Sunday available, what would work best for you?"

Well, couldn't you see that she wasn't interested when she flaked on you the first time?......did you need a few more days or a week to figure that out? :crackup:

If a chick gives you a lame ass excuse the first time.....she isn't interested.....waiting a few more days isn't going make her interest go any higher than it was what makes you think she is going to be receptive the second time over the first?.....she isn't!!

Chicks who flake on you are doing it for a reason.......they are avoiding you!!

Chicks who like you.....are happy to see you......they want to go out with you....they want to fvck you....they will change plans to see you.....they will make sure a date will happen!!

If a chick is putting in no effort to see you.....then you should know it's game over.....interested chicks ALWAYS make an effort to see you

I had chick show up sick for a date because she wanted to go out......a few weeks ago I went on a date with a chick who had her grandparents in town.....In December, I banged a chick the next night that I met the day before because I was leaving town. She canceled an evening with her friends to hang out....those are interested chicks....if chicks aren't doing the same or similar for you, then you know they don't want to hang out with you!!

Chicks who make up lame excuses to not see you are lying to you.....that means they are disrespecting you....that means they don't care for you....that mean you won't be getting laid......but still, guys are dumb enough to ask them out again.....the chicks know the real reason why they flaked because they lied to, it's stupid to ask them out again because you won't get anything out of it......they won't be giving you their pvssy because they decided already that it's closed to you.....nothing that you can do will change their don't waste your time on them!!

I know chicks who string guys along while they laugh behind their back.....they use them for free dinners and entertainment......they set up dates and break them....they give out their numbers and lose interest in guys....they make excuses so they don't have to hang out....then they laugh at the dudes who keep asking them out

I went out with chicks who flaked on other dudes.....those dudes thought their date was at home sick....instead they were out with me

I know chicks who make and break dates all week because a better guy comes their way

I lived with my cousin for a year and she pulled the same sh!t on guys ....then she got irritated because the same guys kept asking her out all the time.....she would lie to them and play them for a fool

My friend got flaked on two years ago by some chick.....she lied and texted him that she was really sick....then he called me up and asked me to go out bar hopping with him.....after we got to the second bar....guess who was there with some other dude?.....yep, the chick who flaked on my buddy.....she almost sh!t her pants when she saw us there.....and my buddy almost did too when he saw her lol :crackup:

Chicks are out doing other things when they flake on you......that's why they are not the top, if you are not at the top of their won't be getting, then why are you wasting your time on them?

If the reason is legitimate (or not) but if there is still interest.......the chick will make sure another date will happen......if she doesn't offer up another date......if you hear silence for days after her flake, that means she flaked because she doesn't like you

Once again I will repeat my famous advice regarding flakes :

If you get flaked on, get an excuse, or are getting low IL from her, take that as a lack of interest and put her at the bottom of your list....make her show you some interest before you set up another date....wasting your time asking her out again or 4 days later, isn't going to help when she has no interest in you!!

Spend your time with interested chicks, ones that will eventually put out....not chicks who are flaking who will never put out!!

I just noticed that this is my 1 Year Anniversary here on SoSuave.....I think I will have a beer or two tonight in honor of that

Here two more threads regarding flakes and uninterested chicks

How To Deal With A Chick Who Flakes....Skip the Flakes...Fvck The Dates!!

Uninterested chicks won't fvck you



Senior Don Juan
Nov 7, 2013
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Rule 3:

This is something I'm always having problems with. I read Pook's stuff and Anti-Dump's Machine and they always preach patience and how it is a virtue. Yet all I see is "speed, speed, speed". And there are many times where I feel like I shouldn't be moving so fast with a girl because she hasn't earned that right yet.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
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teddy said:
Rule 3:

This is something I'm always having problems with. I read Pook's stuff and Anti-Dump's Machine and they always preach patience and how it is a virtue. Yet all I see is "speed, speed, speed". And there are many times where I feel like I shouldn't be moving so fast with a girl because she hasn't earned that right yet.

Do you just believe everything that you read and think that's what it is?

People can preach anything......that doesn't mean it's true or the only way

Some guys can ramble on about this and that.....what they say might not actually work for fact, some of might even be bvllsh!t

It's not about what other guys are telling's about what works for you that matters

Sitting around reading volumes of other people's advice isn't going to help you much if you don't do anything with it.

Try some of the advice that you read and see if it works.....and if it doesn't work....then you know not to use it again.....that's the only way you will know

You are going to make mistakes with women....I did that, it's better to get the mistakes out of the way, you can correct them for the better women you meet in the future

What you need to do is go out and experience for yourself what works for you......that's the only way you will learn and get better

That's what I did......I made mistakes with my first girlfriend and a couple of chicks that I tried to date after....I saw what I did wrong ....I corrected my mistakes....then I applied the knowledge that I learned to achieve success later on

Some guys read and think too much.....when they really don't need to....after you develop the proper mind set.....things will all fall into place

Everything that I talk about is what I learned through my own experience starting when I was 18.......I dealt with different kinds of women and developed a mind set that works and gets me the results I want.

You can't preach one specific way and expect every guy to succeed........some men are different and their way might not work....but if you have the correct mind set
( like I preach) along with your own game that you developed......then you will have good success

You can read all the books and take all the advice there is....but if you break the most important rules of the DJ mind won't get very far with women

I learned that a chick will determine if she wants to sleep with you or not within the first few minutes of meeting you

So, if she has already determined that she will sleep with you.....then why would you drag out 3 or 4 more extra dates when you don't even need to?......all you're doing is spending more time and money when you could be doing other things.

If you can bang a chick on the first or second date, then you don't need to worry about only need patience when you haven't banged her after the second date......or when you're looking for a girl that you want to be in a serious relationship with.....then you will have your virtue

Some guys will take patience a little too far.....they end up being strung along and burned by women who take advantage of them.......I've seen that happen to a lot of guys

I'm a young guy......I'm spending my time doing what is best for me and what will better my life..... I don't have time to waste on women who are not worth it......I've seen a lot of them and know how they are....I don't need to be in a relationship with a chick who is holding me back......I've done that before.....If they are going to give it up....then I'm not wasting my time with patience because the faster I get in.....the faster I accomplished what I needed to do!!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
I don't agree with some of this stuff, but I am an old dog with different values. If you are a young buck who thinks the games is all like on movies...these values would be a great starting point to un-wire wrong thinking.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
haha i enjoy your posts @buzzinfrog they're good for morale and theres no F*ucking around straight to the point !


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
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Demonpenz said:
I don't agree with some of this stuff, but I am an old dog with different values. If you are a young buck who thinks the games is all like on movies...these values would be a great starting point to un-wire wrong thinking.

Well, they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks.......but I'm not sure about what you would disagree with here

Anytime you break the most important rules, you will fall behind in the game or allow yourself to be taken advantage of by women

I'll ask you ten questions to see why you would disagree

1. Would you not want to sleep with a lot of beautiful women?

2. Would you rather spend more money than you have to on a date to get the same results? Would you like women to string you along?

3. Would you rather not sleep with her sooner?

4. Would you rather let the woman decide everything so she's in charge of you?

5. Would you feel insecure of yourself giving the woman higher value?

6. Would you give up your own dreams, goals, and achievements for a woman so she can sh!t all over you later on while you're left being miserable with nothing to show for it?

7. Would you spend all your time trying to call up a flake for a date when she has no intentions of going out with you?

8. Would you not want to know anything about your date so you can't speed up the process?

9. Would you try to be a lame comedian on your date even though you are not funny? Would you rather only have one chick that you can call up for a possible date?

10. Would you allow a woman to browbeat you while you become even more beta/AFC until she dumps you?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you are a true beta/AFC.......not good values to hold

Which allows you to have the following results happen to you:

You will allow women to take advantage of you....treat you like sh! will fall behind in the fail with women....lose confidence....and spend more time, effort, and money than you have to.

Does that sound like a great position to be in?

I'm not sure why you would disagree......but to each his own

Sorry man, but I can't go along with your old wired thinking.......when you start breaking these rules, you are going to get burned with the women of today!!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
Thank you for the reply. Your take is very thought out and it will serve lots of people greatly. My thoughts are bang a bunch of woman, then when you find one that gives you feedback and makes you better at everything you do, spend your good energy and time on one. Like I said, I have been in the game aloooooong time, and I am of a different mindset these days.

There is a business principle where it says "Stop getting out of line"
It means to put hard work into one skill. I am of the opinion that you can go to far with this "Bang all the chicks" mindset to where you can miss out on deep level character development.


Master Don Juan
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
buzzin_frog said:
Buzzin' Frog's 10 Golden Rules For The DJ Mindset

A lot of guys who are trying to score with women don't have the fundamentals or the mindset to get the job done!!

they just kind of blindly go through the dark hoping to get good results...that will never work!!!

A good DJ should always have the right mindset and have a game plan with the particular chick you are trying to score with...that is the essential part of your success!!

A lot of guys do have the right mindset..... but they quickly throw it out the window for a chick they like or when the chick starts to lose interest in them..... that quickly spells doom because they are either dumped or turned into a beta!!

Every great DJ follows the same basic outline and principles of the DJ philosophy.....but it is up to each individual man to gain his own experience and create his own gaming style that works for him

Reading great advice is always good, but you need to gain experience through your own trial and errors before you can be a success

Your own experience is better than any advice that anybody can ever give you....because the advice that someone is giving you might not even work for you!!

Acquiring the right DJ mindset, gaining knowledge through experience, having a plan, while keeping all those in check will guarantee that you will have success with women.

Below is the 10 Golden Rules that you should adopt and use anytime that you are dealing with women!!

The DJ mindset, goals, missions, objectives, attitudes you should have to maximize your dating results

Rule #1. Remember that your goal in dating is to bang as many chicks as you can

Rule #2. Your objective is to spend the least amount of time, money, and effort on women

Why spend more time and money on chicks to obtain your goal when you don't have to? that is ridiculous!!! But yet, I see guys giving outdated advice and guys doing the wrong things that prolongs the intended goal are just wasting your time!!

Uninterested chicks won't fvck you, but they will be happy to let you spend your money on them ....don't waste your time, effort, and money on chicks that won't put out or go out with you....Skip the Flakes and Fvck the Dates!!

Chicks that are attracted to you, will fvck you don't have to spend any extra effort or money on them to obtain your should be getting as much as you can out of them, while giving them as little as possible....Why do more when you don't have to?

Rule #3. Your mission is to escalate the chick as soon as you possibly can

Waiting and being passive never helps fact, it slows you down and hinders your ability to achieve what you want to accomplish....which is getting laid!!

This goes for waiting too long after you get her number.....and especially with kino!!

Escalation should start as soon as you are textng/calling her before your date

The faster you get the chick hot for you, the sooner you will get her into bed!!

Rule #4. Never Accommodate Your Date

This should always be your attitude

Anytime you allow the chick to flip the script by changing your will get burned!!

Guys will allow women to change the day/time/location on them...guys do that because they are afraid they will lose the out of fear, these men accept what these women tell them...these guys usually get flaked on or don't get laid...This is your date...don't let it be her date...never just try to accommodate your date for her will get burned!!

Guys will do this all the time.....they will try to accommodate the chick every step of the way just to get a date...they will change their own plans to fit her needs...they will change their own original date just to please her....they will even accept her date offer making it her date instead.

An example would be: a guy asks a chick out on a date....she texts him and tells him she can't make it...she texts him to meet her at this place or on this day instead....being the beta guy that he is, he accepts her demands because he is desperate to have that date....that doesn't work out for the guy very well because she sees him for the AFC he is...his date now becomes her date....she has flipped the script on him!! don't let that happen!!

Remember interested chicks won't lose interest in a guy she likes....keep it that way by staying in control and set up your date to fit your needs, not her's.

Rule #5. Never worry about what a chick may/may not think about you

This a big one because guys will start thinking negative...then they will become negative with their thoughts and actions...because they are worried about what a chick may/may not be thinking about them!!

Doing this, will put you behind in the game... you start to hand over your power to her and put her above you...therefore, you become weak and will only try to please her because you want her to like you...also, you start putting her above you which is wrong.....this is beta behavior at it's best!!

I see a lot of fearful advice given out with this same mentality...."Don't text her because she might think this"...."Don't take her out for drinks, she will think it's "too forward"...Don't initiate kino, she won't like it"

That is all beta/AFC thinking.... because right off the bat, you are already worried by reinforcing negative ideas in your head!!

over thinking and over analyzing women will put you behind and out of the game!!

AFC men are always trying to please a chick at any cost because they are insecure!!

Rule #6. Never give up anything for a woman

Men will sacrifice their own time/money/happiness/goals/lives/independence/dignity/success in order to keep a woman, make her happy, or getting her to like you....Never do that!!.....some guys will always put a chick's needs/wants before their own because they want to please them or are afraid of losing them....that is wrong!! will end up being miserable after she dumps you or doesn't appreciate what you have done!!

You are also setting the bar super high by doing that...she will then expect you to be doing this all the time for her...then she will get mad as soon as you don't deliver!!

She wouldn't do it for why would you do it for her?

Your own happiness, goals, achievements, success should always come first.... you will get burned if you keep putting her's first!!

Rule #7. Skip the Flakes and Fvck the Dates

If you get flaked on, get an excuse, or are getting low IL from her, take that as a lack of interest and put her at the bottom of your list....make her show you some interest before you set up another date....wasting your time asking her out again or 4 days later, isn't going to help when she has no interest in you!!

Uninterested chicks won't fvck you, no matter what you say or why the hell are you spending so much time trying to get them out? your goal is to get can't accomplish that goal with an uninterested are wasting your time!!

Spend your time with interested chicks, ones that will eventually put should be dating smart, not dating desperate by entertaining chicks who don't really give a sh!t to be with you...because nothing is going to happen!!

Rule #8. Your mission and objective should be to have a game plan set up before your date

You should know enough about this chick already going into your date, so you can start your escalation into getting in her into bed...Remember the early bird catches the worm!!

Going in cold and blindly stumbling in the dark never works out well

Be the man with the plan, know what you are going to do, game her, make some changes if necessary, start the escalation of getting her into bed

Every good team has a game plan going into their should be doing the same on your dates with women!!

Rule #9. Don't spread yourself too thick or too thin

Never do too much of anything because you will end up overdoing it....that will lead to problems down the road when she loses interest in you.

This goes for guys who try to overdo their ****y and funny on a chick...they go overboard and they end up looking stupid, especially if they aren't naturally funny....the right amount always works the best!!

Always have chicks ready to go in your rotation in case you need to let one go...or you end up losing one.....never spread yourself too thin, especially with women!!

A good baseball team always has a strong starting rotation and so should you with chicks!!

Rule #10. Don't drive down AFC Road

Never allow a woman to turn you into an AFC...whether it is asking for a date, in dating, a relationship, or marriage....women will try to manipulate you into doing what they want...lots of men are prone to doing that....once you get behind the wheel driving down AFC will soon be the chump driving off the cliff....then it will be over for you when you get turned down or dumped for being an AFC...don't let this happen to you!!
Number 3 is the hardest because you don't want to come across as needy or desperate


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2010
Reaction score
#3 just comes with hard, grinding time in the game. Once you been through so much. You just don't care no more, you know you will get your needs met one way or the other and survive.


Don Juan
Feb 6, 2013
Reaction score
JaegerPilot217 said:
Number 3 is the hardest because you don't want to come across as needy or desperate
There is a big difference between begging for sex.... being needy or desperate....than escalating sexual interest that is already there....because the chick is showing that interest herself.....all you need to do is escalate on it until you get laid.

I still see a lot of threads where guys are breaking these a result they are not getting laid when the chick lost interest

Too many guys don't have a game plan going into the date....they go in cold not knowing anything about her.....they want to accommodate her giving her higher value by taking her to nice places or rewarding her for no reason at all...every time you do set yourself up to fail each time!!

Don't waste your time on flakes either.....if they don't want to go out with you the first time.....the second time isn't going to be any better!!