Buying Chicks Drinks...


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2005
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greatgatsby said:
what are some of your responses when you're asked or a chick implies that you buy them a drink?

sometimes you can really get set up... for instance, you could be at the bar and get into a deep convo w/ a chick and you all are vibing, all of a sudden she either hints at or directly asks you to cop her a drink.... what do you do/say??

what if you two are at the bar and she already has a drink and you already have a drink... you finish yours and want to order yourself another and she finishes hers... do you buy both? what do you do/say?

...just curious.
Use the search function instead of asking question that has a post with more than 30 pages on it....

Anyhow the best reply is...
Take her to the bar, yell to the bartender:
- Bartender, gimme a barcardi cola...... and a water for the lady

you could also buy a glass of milk, Nobody wants to drink milk while they go out, which makes it more amusing


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2008
Reaction score
Once upon a time, I would actually agree and buy the girl a drink. But, I would choose the drink, not her. I would purposely tell the bartender to make the most disgusting shot possible that he could think of. Once, he made a double shot of Wild Turkey mixed with Bacardi 151. There was nothing like watching this random girl almost puke all over herself from the shot I bought for her. Meanwhile, I would be laughing my head off watching her heave from across the bar.

If nothing else, get some entertainment out of it.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2008
Reaction score
London, UK
edger said:
I've got a good one for ya.....

The other night I'm at a strip joint, and one of the "massage"(lots of strip clubs have these massage chicks that give you massages) chicks comes up to me and starts conversating with me. After a while of conversating with me, she say's to me, "How about you buy me a glass of wine". I'm like, "how about you buy ME a glass of wine". Then I tell her she shouldn't ask people to buy her drinks, to which she replies, "I can do anything I want". It's unbelievable the entitlement attitude they have. And we all can thank our fellow men for that. Men have ruined and spoiled women beyond repair. Pathetic and sad.
Don't reason with them - just give it a "yea right" and carry on. If a chick I don't know asks me for a drink I take it as a slight rather than a compliment. Whats it saying about me. I've banged over 100+ chicks maybe a third from clubbing and I have never bought a girl I didn't know a drink. Its useless in the pulling stakes - actaully its worse than useless - you may as well put up a sign and say "I'm gay".


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Buying chics drinks is only good if you have already Fed the girl in question and you have a cool situation where she spends money on you also... spending money does not increase chances of Fing. modern women have been taught that men owe them gifts and favors simply cause they are women and decided to let you see them in public..