Burnt all my contacts with girls! where to now?


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
Reaction score
I've been out of a serious relationship for two years now and in that time, I've dated loads of girls, some have lasted at the most a couple months, but in the end I either wasn't interested enough in them, or they binned me off.

Most of these girls that I dated, I met through either my mates girlfriends or university or work etc. I reckon I must have dated abround fifteen girls in the past two years, which isn't a lot, but It is for me.

The most recent one I dated was my best mates, girlfriends friend and she binned me off after two dates. In the meantime, most of my mates have met girls and are in long term relationships with them, and I hardly see them anymore.

It's left me thinking that I still have a lot to learn obviously in terms of meeting, attracting and maintaining attraction in girls.

I am a confident, outgoing, funny guy, who enjoys life to the full and when I go out, I always go out with the aim of having a great time, whether its with my mates or a girl, but It just doesn't seem to be happening for me at the moment with the women.

Obviously it is now starting to affect my confidence and I want to get back on top of things. Ultimatley I want to meet a girl whom I have a continuing attraction for (LTR), but I seem to have at this moment in time used up all my connections and resources.

Im not into meeting girls in clubs, as they normally just end up in one of dates etc, they just dont seem to work, not in my country anyway.

any advice for a soul, who's confidence is battered and bruised at this time?, Im fed up big time at the moment!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Well, time to you to do some REAL work for once. Sounds like you had it easy before (meeting them through friends etc).

If you're as outgoing as you say you are you shouldn't have to worry too much about it. What exactly are you wanting here?


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2004
Reaction score
Glendale, AZ
You need a kick in the balls, not the ass. Whatever you did with them other girls, was working at first. But then you ****ed it up. that's cool tho, cuz you can learn from those experiences. It sounds to me like you just have a problem with you networking of people (women).

Go out, meet new people, they don't even have to be girls. Just make sure they are cool and sociable people, that way they can introduce you to more and more people which will UNDOUBTEDLY improve your game, life, and social status! Not to mention bring so many more girls into your soon to be HUGE social circle. Since you're good at social circle lays, you should feel right at hoem with this approach.