brand new DJ, first game ever run on a HB9

donjuan matteo

Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
so I see this hb9 that I've always wanted to talk to at my gym, but I just never had the balls. Something about the way she carried herself, made me feel so intimidated, that she was out of my leauge. I've got a great job, am in great shape, and I've never had problems cold talking to HB6's or 7's...the 8's I'd need to be drunk or meet them through a friend, and the 9's and 10's, forget about it I'd never cold approach them.

Anyway, I've been reading the bible for a few days, and was reading some more tips today, and then she comes in and starts doing some cardio. Well, having been reading inspiring DJ stories, I said to myself "ok, now is the time, you are ready to do this." I tried not to think too much, and quickly settled on a bold, direct approach.

Left my desk, walked over to the HB9 (she's 29), made eye contact, smiled, and said "Hi there." She smiled back! she said hi and she mimicked me exactly...

me: "what's your name?"
her: HB9
me: "HB9...(I said her name slowly and thoughtfully) I saw you and wanted to meet you.
her: really??
me: of course, your a great looking girl...

I talked to this drop dead hot blonde with nerves of steel and super confidence, but inside I was saying the whole time, "holy ****, dude, you are talking to a SMART hb9, don't let her see you sweat!"

I was all ready to start up talking about her shoes, what she likes, whatever bullsh*t I that would come to mind. But out of left field she starts asking me questions about myself! It was like rapid fire. In sales I always try to talk about them, but she wanted to know all about me, so I just went along for the ride. I desperately tried to keep the convo C&F heavy, but it was bouncing off her! She was too smart for that game, so I just answered everything honest, trying to be funny whenever possible. At one point she even said, "this is a serious conversation!"

I f'd up alot though. hey, it's my first cold hb9 give me a break. She turned out to be way too witty. Everytime I threw out a date insinuation, like, "I'm new here, I should let you show me around the city..." or "let's go on a rollercoaster sometime" she would kind of look away, look down kinda, I think she didn't know if she should take me seriously or not. Trying to make up her mind kinda. A guy around here who is my age, also 26, crashed and burned talking to this chick, but he is AFC big time. She told him she doesn't date guys younger than her, but that wasn't about to stop me from trying.

At this point I feel like I've got a decent chance at a date, so my plan is to play it really cool when I see her. Do you guys reccomend Neg-hits? I need to even the playing field big time. I would do those, but it's like she's too smart for neg-hits. This chick makes a sh*tload more money than me, and is damn smoking hot.

DJ's, I need help on what to do next, big time!

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Hey man,

First let me say good job! It took some real balls to do what you did!

I consider myself a RAFC even though I've read the bible a few times, so I can't really give you any advice that would help you except that confidence is all that seems to matter with the ladies and looks like you're doin' just fine.



Master Don Juan
Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
eXperimentation is the only way. Every girls different and responds to different things, so if you neg her once and she flows with it do it on the odd time as a jumpstart. If she's offended, don't try them at all. Good luck! Play it cool :cool:

donjuan matteo

Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks guys, but here's the thing...I know it sounds AFCish but I am scared sh*tless to try a neghit on this chick! I've seen every guy at the place try to go out with this girl already and she turns ALL of them right there she needs to be neg-hit obviously, but I just don't know how the fvuck to do it without offending her! I already know she is insecure about her age (she made an old lady comment regarding herself), but luckily when she asked how old I thought she was I said, "21?" I considered guessing really high, but that would be an insult and just not funny at all. So, how in the hell do you neg-hit on a chick like this? It seems to be the toughest part of DJ'ing

Also...should I try to close a date/phone number tomorrow? I see her there every day.


Don Juan
Mar 4, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by donjuan matteo
Everytime I threw out a date insinuation, like, "I'm new here, I should let you show me around the city..." or "let's go on a rollercoaster sometime" she would kind of look away, look down kinda, I think she didn't know if she should take me seriously or not. Trying to make up her mind kinda. A guy around here who is my age, also 26, crashed and burned talking to this chick, but he is AFC big time. She told him she doesn't date guys younger than her, but that wasn't about to stop me from trying.

At this point I feel like I've got a decent chance at a date, so my plan is to play it really cool when I see her. Do you guys reccomend Neg-hits? I need to even the playing field big time. I would do those, but it's like she's too smart for neg-hits. This chick makes a sh*tload more money than me, and is damn smoking hot.

DJ's, I need help on what to do next, big time!
She was testing you out big time by looking down and looking away when you asked her out. You said yourself that she has turned all the guys down at the place asking her out. You need to show her how big your balls really are to land a date.

How about this C&F/neg hit-

"Hey, lets go out rollerblading sometime. Unless of course old ladies dont do that kind of thing? (if she punches you in the arm after this, you're in)

If you keep focusing on how much money she makes and how hot she is, you're going to lose control and you'll be seen as just another AFC. Your direct and ballsy approach scored some points for you and she must have liked your looks/personality to ask questions like that.

Show her how huge your balls are. C&F, tease her and play around with her on the exercise equipment, get some kino in there when she's trying some of the exercises. Again, it's only 1 girl. There are millions of girls out there. She's nothing special.


Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
........."Hey, lets go out rollerblading sometime. Unless of course old ladies dont do that kind of thing?

You may add some twist: Are you good at rollerblading?

.........If you keep focusing on how much money she makes and how hot she is, you're going to lose control and you'll be seen as just another AFC.

It is true in traditional sense. Though think about it differently: OK, she is too hot, she amkes too much money. All right, so I can tell her _Whatever_ I want to tell her, it does not matter even if she run away. Bust her balls if you want to cuz she is _too_ much
of everything.

Genghis Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Boston, MA

I think you did an excellent job.

I would say keep in touch with her, be friendly and so forth, continue to flirt to let her know that you are interested.

However, also keep in mind, that anything other than a yes is a no. She may be telling you a legitmate reason she is hesitant about dating you, since most girls that are looking for an Rship won't date younger men. After awhile, if she keeps giving you excuses/reasons for her not going out with you, just be friends with her and take it as a no. Maybe she has some hot friends she could hook you up with.

Ever onward

Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2004
Reaction score
I've given this some thought....sounds like you've got a case of Oneitis here. Keep flirting with her but remember she's just one babe, there are many more out there waiting for you. If she doesn't come around, another HB will.