BPD's ain't really that bad


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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I've been hooking up with mine for a few days now.

First go around she blew me out of the damn water, but in fairness I was a codependent AFC back then. I had a mini "recycle" with her a couple of months ago but it didn't go too well. I wasn't upset when it came down though, more confused as to what it was "this time". With a bit of space though I recognized my old AFC tendencies had started to come back.

she's kind of mentored me in a way, I've learned a lot of my own weaknesses from her as she loves pointing them out, I've made a lot of improvements too which in fairness she likes too.

Anyway she popped her head out of the woodwork last week and I've banged a couple of times which is always fun.

I think as long as you realize what they are and that you can't change them then they aren't too bad. They are a lot of fun and great in bed, when they go into basket case mode though, then you got to gtfo.

I'll let you guys know how things go as I'm sure there will be some entertainment value from having her as a plate.

Anyone who says "don't do it " don't bother, I ain't scared.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Well I'll be providing status updates.

I was "hoovered" but I let it happen.

A week ago I was doing well and not expecting to hear from her again. Then she popped up.

We'll see how it goes, I'm honest and up front so if it goes to **** I'll hold my hands up. I'm sure I'll learn something out of it. I have in the past. Maybe just not to not play with fire yet.

We'll see.


Master Don Juan
Mar 27, 2015
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London, UK
Inferno you speak a lot of sense sometimes. But you gotta practice what you preach.

This is like seeing a fire, knowing it's hot and will burn you, and putting your hand in it anyway.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2013
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West Coast
You weren't with her for a long enough time to see her TRUE colors my man... BPD's have a twisted way of thinking which effects their game. I would consider myself more emotionally open, in the sense that I let myself develop feelings quickly for a certain girl, but I would never risk my well being in the hands of someone clinically insane.

The only thing that can challenge me is my ego which at this point is a test of discipline on my part. I really enjoy the passion of mild oneitis and I also enjoy the chase, especially if I win. I play with a little bit of fire because I know my confidence has my back. But that's with someone I don't have history with. You have history with this girl! You're not challenging yourself you're proving yourself. Two very different things.

I also have strict rules to letting myself get mild oneitis purposely... The second she starts playing games I pull out. With BPD's, the games never end. You can't win. She's playing a game that isn't even the same as yours.

Do as you please and test yourself with who you want, but I personally would never put my foot in the door of a BPD. I just don't want to be challenged in that twisted way. And even if I did, my frame and way of thinking simply would not allow it...
Apr 23, 2015
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They destroy you emotionally and make you feel smaller, it's done little by little until you have no idea how you got that far.

If you are going to mess with her, I'd minimize my interactions, even go days without speaking at times. Make someone else your primary focus.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
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Mauser96 said:
Keep us posted. The question I have, is when you suffered at her hands before, why would you go back for more? With so many other women around, you go back to one that is a diagnosed BPD. You have to ask yourself what that says about you?
It's called being a glutton for punishment. Some men live their entire lives this way. It is possible Infern0 is one of them.


Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2014
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Los Angeles
Same thing happened to me, I got hoovered back in after a few months apart then it all went to sh!t. As much as I told myself I didnt care what came of it, it still made me feel like sh!t all over again when it ended.

Ofcoarse that was before I knew what a BPD was and before I had found SoSuave. If I would have found this site before she came back for a second round of fvcking with my head then I would have never even given her a chance to put me through the same sh!t a second time. Now she could hit me up tomorrow and beg to see me and I wouldnt even consider it. No point, she's damaged beyond repair and I dont need that in my life.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2015
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Every guy in a BPD relationship goes through the mindstate that you're in. You feel like it isn't so bad, that it can be managed, that she's a good person when medicated. Then you eventually get burned, and feel like a fool for believing you could have made it work.

You have to get away before it's too late.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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Dont women with BPD have lower receptors for oxytocin? that's what really scary, consistent sex and the release of oxytocin is what keeps women from cheating in long term relationships for the most part by getting them attached to their partners.....thats the best tool you got in the toolbox you have to keep a woman loyal. Doesn't matter how well you bang women with BPD you can give her 20 orgasms in one weekend she'll forget about it in two weeks.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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Mauser is correct, you've been hoovered. They do this with everyone because they are vampires. If you're smart, and you're dealing with a true BPD, bang her one last time and vanish. Otherwise this chick is gonna fvck with your head until you have another nervous breakdown, or worse. "BPD's ain't really that bad"? I've been involved with one. They are toxic. I know what they are like and yes, they really are "that bad". She still tries to hoover me, and I avoid her like the plague for my own sanity and well being. It's just not worth it to let her back into my life.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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Speaking of threads titles and posts that might steer new members down the darkest of all dark paths...


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Mauser96 said:
Keep us posted. The question I have, is when you suffered at her hands before, why would you go back for more? With so many other women around, you go back to one that is a diagnosed BPD. You have to ask yourself what that says about you?

And let me tell you something else. All that has happened here, is you broke free.............she did some thinking and is now coming at you with a more subtle approach. Because it is more subtle, and she is more "humble", you think you have improved, got a handle on it, and can take care of things...............all in one month.

She is back now, and in the back of her mind, she is hurt at "how you wronged her" and is intent on revenge. I know you will say "Oh no, it is not like that" - haha, OK. Wait and see. You may not see it right now, but you will in time. She is going to be more cunning, more subtle, and more cautious. But bit by bit, she will begin breaking you down, stripping your confidence, setting you up for the Grand Finale', where she can inflict the most damage.

I think you need to do some self-evaluation on why you find this attractive.
The thing is man, and this was the key to how I got over it all so fast. What I realized was I didn't really suffer at her hands as much as I was responsible for my own downfall there.

I had stupid belief systems running in my head about being able to fix her etc. Which I now know is nonsense. I put up with **** I shouldn't have and enabled her ****ty behaviour towards me.

Honestly as soon as that penny dropped I was over it pretty fast. She called me like 2 days after I had completely come to terms with it.

I'll be honest, I enjoy her randomness, and when she behaves herself she's a lot of fun. There's no way in this world I'll let her treat me with disrespect now, so if/when that starts to happen I'll be ejecting and letting her know why.

As I say I'll keep you guys updated. Bible_belt handles his BPD fine, and I don't think mine is as bad as his one. People say it's because he's jaded but I just think it's because he's reached the stage where he doesn't let other people diminish him in any way. That's my mindset.

Fun and spontaneous. I'll enjoy that for now.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I actually dumped bpd girl a couple months ago, and haven't talked to her since. As soon as she considered herself my gf, she turned into a total cvnt.

So never let her think she is your gf. That's a recipe for disaster. Just fvck her. If she thinks she can't have you, she will always want you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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That's the sad fact. As long as you string them along and be a d*ck, they will chase. Once they know they have you, they lose interest. They are all about the chase.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2014
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GS750 said:
That's the sad fact. As long as you string them along and be a d*ck, they will chase. Once they know they have you, they lose interest. They are all about the chase.
The more disturbing part about it is that I have little doubt many of them refer to the heightened feelings and emotions that come as a result of that endless chase as "love".


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
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Playpen, Chicago.
Just wait...

She'll be ruining your life in no time. Especially because you are invested in her. Don't say we didn't warn ya.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2013
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Worst part about dating a girl with BPD is it takes forever to get over them, even if your the one to end the relationship. Took me a year to get over mine.