Body Talk


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
Hi dudes :)

I'll apologise beforehand because I don't know whether this stuff has been posted before because I am rarely on here so if it has don't flame me for being a regurgitator, I know theres alot people on here who do regurgitate and I don't want to be tarred with the same brush. I'm just here to offer help guys ;)
I want to post some cool stuff about body language because we all know its important.

First I just want to acknowledge a recent post by brother khash "How to perform EXCEPTIONALLY....and how to control and maintain your alpha state" which I think is a brilliant post. You should never be conciously thinking about being Alpha Male.

Sure, when you are having a bit of "you time" reflect on it but NEVER go out into the world thinking about whether you're doing the right thing or not because once you're thinking about it you're not letting it come naturally and SH1T! You've just |Fd yourself in the ass.
You have to make it a second nature, like khash says, "just perform". When we learnt to ride our bicycles, we made numerous attempts, some nailed it the first time, some didn't but rest assured when it became instinctive it is hard to shake.

We all interpret body language on a subconcious level and women are extremely ****1n good at this, its why we joke that they're psychic or summin, because they really are masters at reading it!!

When its second nature we are confident in it, then it moves from a level of being forced to being natural. The original alpha male cavemen didn't walk around barefooted in the mountains worried about whether they were making a good impression on the ladies, it was just an innate trait they had. You should never be thinking about it, you over think, you start to set up imaginary obstacles and you fall, there can be no doubt, and you don't doubt something when it is instinctive, you let it run its course.

When you're in danger you don't conciously think "Wait one darn second, am i in trouble, should i be running?" No! Its a split second instinct. Your heart beats faster than normal telling you that what is happening is not normal. Adrenaline. Sweat. Its fight or flight baby, and because you may have to fight your muscles become firmer. You become stronger. Faster. You're almost a superhuman.
The stories of people doing incredible things in these situations are not fairytales, wounds that should incapacitate you become mere scratches, something twice your weight might as well be as heavy as a feather. You never once thought about just happened. Second nature.

That was just a dramatic example but it has the same principle running through it. Here are some "body linguistics" ;) that should become second nature, not once should they spring out of conciousness.

Smile! The human face is capable of showing numerous emotions, i won't pretend to know how many (thats why i wrote numerous :)).
Expressions effect our mood. Our feelings can be altered at the switchof an expression. Smiling is a natural response to something good, plus it makes you look alot more attractive. It has to be a relaxed smile, it has a bouncy, transferable effect, a good emotion makes you smile, a smile can bounce back and make you feel good. Even a forced smile becomes real.

Eyes A direct stare implies intensity – it may be romantic interest, aggression or even fear. Very little eye contact can either convey shyness and submissiveness, or superiority and a lack of interest. The middle ground of a gaze says that you are interested, secure and at ease. if you use your eyes to take in your surroundings it gives the impression you care about where you are, this makes people more likely to approach you. You know the type of people who come into a club and enthusiatically drink up the environment, they just exude something.

This is handy Your hands are another part of your 'arsenal'. open hand gestures convey honesty and openess, more solid gestures like pointing, clenching your fists (especially to convey passion about something), draw attention to what you're saying.

Walk THIS way Your walk should always convey intent. You know where you want to go right? You have an intention of being somewhere so you don't move too fast or too sluggishly, you know when you intend to be somewhere so why rush it?

khash's post


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
yeah, its long guys. Read what you can, all at once or in bits, whatever dudes.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
how long should you look to the girls eyes..?


Don Juan
Jun 27, 2006
Reaction score
The best thing to do is make sure she is the first to look away. Once she looks away its natural to divert your eyes for a few moments, or intermitedely between the environment around you both and back to her eyes.

Doing this during conversation is a signal of being interested in what another is saying. I mean, you coulc just be staring at her tits throughout, and women know when you do this and they become self concious about it.

Put yourself in her shoes. In a flirty, light-hearted conversation you would not want the "robot stare", where the person looking at you looks like they want to kill you and wear your skin!


I lick my lips slowly back and forth a few times. Ladies seem to dig that.