Blue/Purple/Red Pill women?

Sep 8, 2018
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Hi everybody,

I am in the process of changing my MGTOW-Life into a Red Pill life and since quite a few months am I reading and learning all the Red Pill and Game stuff like for example the Rationale Male, and of course I have learned about the typical colors of the different pills when it comes to men.

But do different pilled women exist or do only exists two groups (Non-western vs western-feminist)?*
And if yes how are the pilled women?

* In the US there is maybe the third group what I call "western-traditional/conservative" but in Europe they are pretty much non-existent.

Any info and opinion is very appreciated. Thanks


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Hi everybody,

I am in the process of changing my MGTOW-Life into a Red Pill life and since quite a few months am I reading and learning all the Red Pill and Game stuff like for example the Rationale Male, and of course I have learned about the typical colors of the different pills when it comes to men.
Why change? I don't identify with mgtow. The idea of removing marriage, cohabitation, single moms, BPD women, crazies, etc.

This is GOAT status.

But do different pilled women exist or do only exists two groups (Non-western vs western-feminist)?*
And if yes how are the pilled women?
Don't take my advice but, check YouTube RMG podcast, Jordan Peterson, TFM, rsd Tyler, RooshV, leykis, and a variety of sources. Then pick what works for you.

IMHO, none of it exists. Women are women as Rich Cooper says. Its in their nature.

Western women are valueless commodity simply minded 99% of the time. Its skiing down cawk mountain and cratering her SMV. Its the wall or nearing it that sparks finding god. Its time to play house.

Rollo dropping red pill pointed out abortion and hypergamy drawing the parallels in which offsprings will proliferate through time. Its a power play.

Valueless commodity is replaced by new girls turning 18 everyday. Its cucks marrying Chad's booty call as SMV plummets.

Swinging the hammer, chain gunning cold approach, and going balls to the wall getting baeeeeeees. The following being second nature. Your priorities being PURPOSE> women and world.

* In the US there is maybe the third group what I call "western-traditional/conservative" but in Europe they are pretty much non-existent.

Any info and opinion is very appreciated. Thanks
99.9% of women are hit and run material. Not play house.

Can drink like dad. Can't cook like mom.

Entitled as ****kkk. High kill count. Years of aborted fetuses and used condoms.

Since the dawn of time, its a matter of fact, you don't turn a ***** into a house wife.

Men call this trash wife.

I blame low testosterone.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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I never understood MGTOW to me they're just male feminists.
Sep 8, 2018
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well I don´t see myself spinning plates for my whole life, so I would like to have a true companionship with a woman when I am older. I love to see those very old couples that love, help and support each other at every moment of their life. Will that happen for me? I don´t know but I want to keep the door open for that to come in.

Most people in the manosphere focus on the 50% divorce rate but it is also a fact that ~15% of marriages and LTR´s are happy and last a lifetime.

Even Rollo Tomassi already said that genuine and loving long term LTRs are still possible when things are getting done in the right way.
Sep 8, 2018
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I know, there like the male version of what feminists would be. (Probably should've worded it better)
Ah ok. Yeah I think every MGTOW/Red Pill guy is at least a little bit a women hater or disrespects them more then before. I am myself guilty of that since I have taken the Red Pill I have trouble in dealing with that little hate/disrespect inside me.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
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Ah ok. Yeah I think every MGTOW/Red Pill guy is at least a little bit a women hater or disrespects them more then before. I am myself guilty of that since I have taken the Red Pill I have trouble in dealing with that little hate/disrespect inside me.
It's the nature of the game., no need to hate.

I always felt the way to deal with feminists or just rude obnoxious women, is to pat them on the head and say "that's nice dear" and just walk away.


Sep 1, 2018
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Hi everybody,

I am in the process of changing my MGTOW-Life into a Red Pill life and since quite a few months am I reading and learning all the Red Pill and Game stuff like for example the Rationale Male, and of course I have learned about the typical colors of the different pills when it comes to men.

But do different pilled women exist or do only exists two groups (Non-western vs western-feminist)?*
And if yes how are the pilled women?

* In the US there is maybe the third group what I call "western-traditional/conservative" but in Europe they are pretty much non-existent.

Any info and opinion is very appreciated. Thanks
I'm going to exaggerate to make the point, but even though I say I'm exaggerating (only to kowtow to the cucks who will whine about how many "good" "principled" "smart" women there are I've just ignored them), I'm not exaggerating.

Women have exactly zero interest in the truth. Now, this is true for most people in general, but women in particular are totally indifferent to reality in their day to day lives.

Also, women have zero interest in morality and integrity. I'll find it but there's a story of a woman judge in oregon, who had an illegal alien facing sentencing. She knew he would be deported, so she actually smuggled him out of the courtroom so he wouldn't face prosecution and deportation lol.

Putting any woman into a position of power is a huge mistake.
Sep 8, 2018
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I totally agree with that. What pisses my off is not that nature has make women hypergamiest but that women know that it is wrong and still they pursue that. The mere fact that women embrace, legitimate and pursue hypergamy - which is just a paternity scam = Alpha ****s and Beta bucks - is prove that they aren´t interested in fair play during relationships.

Men on the other hand know that our biological-sexual strategy is evil too and not beneficial in a society, so we try at least to suppress that or mitigate the consequences.
If men would pursue their biological-sexual strategy and it would be legit, than pretty much all the women would be a rape victim and had children from multiple fathers without any help and support from those. Do we do that? NO, we try to be a positive force in the society and create, support and protect the family. We strive (at least most of all) to be honorable and virtuous. Women don´t do that.

Have you ever seen a woman writing a honor codex like Chivalry or the Bushido???
Is feminism and her effects on the western societies a honorable and virtuous thing???


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2018
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Women are capable of understanding and knowing red pill truths. That's not going to change what she is attracted to though.
Sep 8, 2018
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Women are capable of understanding and knowing red pill truths. That's not going to change what she is attracted to though.
Very true, but if she decides to go the path of hypergamy (instead of fair play in relationships) then she shouldn´t complain why there are no good men for her and she gets pumped and dumped all the time.