Bless you sosuave, got an HB9.99 interested, but now i'm flustered, help!


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
So I was at this wedding (childhood friends with the bride) and her first cousin who I had never met, the HB9.99, gave a speech at one of the parties. She's one of the most famous models in the country. Billboards and posters all over the place. She's only 19 and a bit immature still. I'm 24.

After her speech I go up to her beside the bar and said:

Me: nice speech, made me crave for cheese.
HB: What?? was it that sappy?
Me: I saw a couple tables crying their eyes out, but apart from that not really.
HB: Damn how embarrassing.


HB: Wait up I just have to go check something back stage I'll be back.
Me: Alright you better hope I'm still here!

She actually came back!

*Random discussion about standup comedy for a couple mins*

Me: Hey I should to go back to my table, you seem like fun, let's do coffee one time?
HB10: I leave for LA tomorrow... (with what could've been a disappointed smile)
Me: Forever??
HB10: I'll be back in a couple months.
Me: Good, that's enough time for me to get in shape. (I'm in pretty okay shape)
HB10: Big laugh.
Me: (get number) Alright i'm off, it was nice talking to you.
HB10: Take care.

Facts: She knows she's amazingly hot. She's been in magazine covers and what not, and she's filthy rich. She looked taken aback that some random guy just came up to her but I guess she liked it. She still tried to make it seem in the end with the body language that I'm the luckiest man alive to be getting this number.

A month has passed since this conversation, I added her on facebook a few days later, but haven't tried to make any contact since.

2 questions:

1. How in the name of God do I follow this up? I hardly know her and by the time I call, we'll have not spoken for 2 months after a 5 minute chat.

2. It says on facebook that her birthday is 2 days from now, should I send her a facebook message? Call her? SMS her? (not sure if she has her cellphone with her)

I normally wouldn't think this deep, but I feel like if I succeed with this girl, I can succeed with any.


Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
in order to make this story sound like it actually happened you should say she went to ny not la. she would probably be 16 or 17 years old tops. if she was older she is either married or has baggage. she gets negs constantly.

"A Model Summer"
read it before you make model posts. it is about a 15 year old girl who has no self-esteem (typical model has none). she pretty much sleeps with old guys who give her the time of day. the book is written by paulina porizkova who wanted to tell the story of the average model. unlike you and the other posters who always seem to date models she was one.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
Reaction score
A month without contact? I'd suggest you start sending her facebook messages and start a good thread of conversation on one of those. That way, when she heads back into town, you can contact her and hang out with her/date her. If you don't start talking to her soon, the iron's gonna go cold, if it didn't go cold already.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
the_govner said:
So I was at this wedding (childhood friends with the bride) and her first cousin who I had never met, the HB9.99, gave a speech at one of the parties. She's one of the most famous models in the country. Billboards and posters all over the place. She's only 19 and a bit immature still. I'm 24.

After her speech I go up to her beside the bar and said:

Me: nice speech, made me crave for cheese.
HB: What?? was it that sappy?
Me: I saw a couple tables crying their eyes out, but apart from that not really.
HB: Damn how embarrassing.


HB: Wait up I just have to go check something back stage I'll be back.
Me: Alright you better hope I'm still here!

She actually came back!

*Random discussion about standup comedy for a couple mins*

Me: Hey I should to go back to my table, you seem like fun, let's do coffee one time?
HB10: I leave for LA tomorrow... (with what could've been a disappointed smile)
Me: Forever??
HB10: I'll be back in a couple months.
Me: Good, that's enough time for me to get in shape. (I'm in pretty okay shape)
HB10: Big laugh.
Me: (get number) Alright i'm off, it was nice talking to you.
HB10: Take care.

Facts: She knows she's amazingly hot. She's been in magazine covers and what not, and she's filthy rich. She looked taken aback that some random guy just came up to her but I guess she liked it. She still tried to make it seem in the end with the body language that I'm the luckiest man alive to be getting this number.

A month has passed since this conversation, I added her on facebook a few days later, but haven't tried to make any contact since.

2 questions:

1. How in the name of God do I follow this up? I hardly know her and by the time I call, we'll have not spoken for 2 months after a 5 minute chat.

2. It says on facebook that her birthday is 2 days from now, should I send her a facebook message? Call her? SMS her? (not sure if she has her cellphone with her)

I normally wouldn't think this deep, but I feel like if I succeed with this girl, I can succeed with any.
HB9.99??? looks like we'll have to see the facebook pic to be the judge of that son...


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Ken and aldaris, I'm not trying to impress anyone here, and I continually stated that I would never, I mean NEVER be able to get those digits without the help of this site. As you can see, I have 27 posts, I don't have any actual 'friends' on this discussion forum thus I don't really have any reason to make up a story.

I legitimately need advice on this because it's an uncommon predicament so I'd appreciate more insight.

To deacon: Thanks for the advice. I'm thinking twice about a facebook message, have no idea what to say since I've really known her for a good 5 minutes.


Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
the_govner said:
Ken and aldaris, I'm not trying to impress anyone here, and I continually stated that I would never, I mean NEVER be able to get those digits without the help of this site. As you can see, I have 27 posts, I don't have any actual 'friends' on this discussion forum thus I don't really have any reason to make up a story.

I legitimately need advice on this because it's an uncommon predicament so I'd appreciate more insight.

To deacon: Thanks for the advice. I'm thinking twice about a facebook message, have no idea what to say since I've really known her for a good 5 minutes.

most models make nothing. only about a dozen or less make decent money. the rest are a bunch of lanky 16 year olds (if that old).

why wouldn't she be in milan or paris at that time? fashion season is now. is she old enough to drive yet? who is/was her mother agent? what magazines (issue number). those are legitimate questions.

what good are stories written by bored boys in school? none of this is helping anyone. you don't neg someone who is negged more than any girl you know. read the book i posted. this is the real world, not mtv or the movies.
remember this post of yours? ban this guy. this is not helping this board.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
aldaris said:
most models make nothing. only about a dozen or less make decent money. the rest are a bunch of lanky 16 year olds (if that old).

why wouldn't she be in milan or paris at that time? fashion season is now. is she old enough to drive yet? who is/was her mother agent? what magazines (issue number). those are legitimate questions.

what good are stories written by bored boys in school? none of this is helping anyone. you don't neg someone who is negged more than any girl you know. read the book i posted. this is the real world, not mtv or the movies.
remember this post of yours? ban this guy. this is not helping this board.
a lot of girls claim to be "models"...most of them just have some amateur pervert photographer take pics of them for free so they can have it in their "portfolio" when most of them don't get paid sh!t. If you were a real model you'd be on the pages of Victoria secret or have a contract with Gap or something. Just look at how many "models" you see on MySpace!

Next time you want to NEG a girl that claims to be and tells you shes a "model" just say this to her...

"OH! COOL!! What kind of contracts do you have?? Who are you signed to? Victoria Secret? Gap? Oh, let me guess...maybe Guess jeans??"

and then watch them feel stupid and go...

"Oh! well right now im just freelancing and stuff, just doing it for fun...and ugh...yeah..."

LOL...stupid attention wh0res... :cheer:


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
aldaris said:
most models make nothing. only about a dozen or less make decent money. the rest are a bunch of lanky 16 year olds (if that old).

why wouldn't she be in milan or paris at that time? fashion season is now. is she old enough to drive yet? who is/was her mother agent? what magazines (issue number). those are legitimate questions.

what good are stories written by bored boys in school? none of this is helping anyone. you don't neg someone who is negged more than any girl you know. read the book i posted. this is the real world, not mtv or the movies.
remember this post of yours? ban this guy. this is not helping this board.

I live in borderline 3rd world Asia, very progressive but only for a portion of society. I won't state what country. It's not the same here, we don't have a middle class. It's either you're rich as ****, or poor as ****. No model is a struggling model because model's don't come from the other class, maybe for lower end brand ramp modeling I would think but that's as far as it goes. Of course there are the exceptions such as those Johnnie Walker/Dunhill girls that show up in clubs dressed skankily advertising for those brands, they can legitimately call themselves models. Model's/socialites are selected based on a mix of family background of course looks. If ever a model/celebrity made it from rags, you'd know it by just talking to them.

This upper class is a close knit society where everyone you meet randomly probably is a friend of one of your friends.

I don't mean to pick a fight or argue with you as I don't know you and you don't know of my background. Just understand that not all societies are the same. Over here, people live with their parents till they get married. So if you're 19 and a model, or even 23 and a model, the money you're making is gravy since you have no expenses but partying and shopping.

Therefore, when you say the word model in the US or in Europe, it's quite a broad term and it may even fall under the generalization you've provided. Over here, model means DAMN because there aren't many and if they are, you know about them.

Also, the other thread was my first thread. I realized after that it was inappropriate and apologized. I don't mean to piss anyone off.

And Ken: She never said she was a model if you read my conversation. I know this because I've heard of her and seen her everywhere. Again, I'm not trying to show off, I need actual advice because I don't know my next move. I also had to specify her line of work because if I just said HB9 or HB10 I might've known my next move. But she is famous and gets a ****load of attention and I need to figure out a way to set myself apart from the rest. That's why I need your help.

Again, before sosuave, I was ok with girls, nothing great. Because of this site (and several nicely written articles by Pook) I've begun to learn what women are all about and I wholly appreciate it.


Master Don Juan
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Send her a message that says:

"Wow. I just looked at your pictures. You really remind me of a girl I went to school with, everybreak time, she would always pretend to be riding a horse, just running round and neighing" - (Credit: TD I think...)

That should get her laughing, and from there, start some random conversation.

When she comes back, ask her out. Simple.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 3, 2008
Reaction score
This thread almost brought a tear to my eye. Im so proud of you govner...


Senior Don Juan
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles, CA
yeah man, send her a message so she doesn't forget about you. I won't suggest anything to say since I don't want to mess you up. Maybe mention something about her birthday. But say something or you have no chance. If she's a model she probably has lots of guys chasing her around (especially a HB9.99).


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Don't be afraid of her; don't be intimidated; and just act like it never occurred to you that she is hot. This is how to handle any hb9-10 woman, but the hotter they are, the more difficult it is. Good luck.


Don Juan
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
IMO, send a msg face book, its subtle and you havn't been talking; however, the msg should be brief and should not expect a convo, just shoot her a line don't explain why you are msging her, just say happy birthday. When she replies act less interested. :)


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
I think you've waited too long. However I would try to send her a facebook message. But its a needle in the haystack at this point. However trying getting something from that night that she would remember in the subject of the message so she can remember you before she deletes the spam.


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks guys, very helpful info.

How's this:

Happy birthday!!!

Make it good.

That's it. Short and not expecting anything. I wanted to say happy birthday gorgeous but that's probably gna kill me.