Blacks brothers: Your Experience with Dominican girl here in the U.S.?

The Lesser Evil

Don Juan
Jan 4, 2011
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Hi, I'm a long time lurker and I go by the name "The Lesser Evil".
My question for is the African American players out there what has been experiences with Dominican women here in U.S. A lot of NY players say they tend to be somewhat uncooperative whewn it comes to brothers. I Currently live in Orlando, FL. and not to along ago I approached a dominican girl who work at my doctors office, and with a little bit of good convo she gave me the number fairly easily. I found that funny since thay have a reputation for dealing with Black men.

So to my Black/African American brothers, especially those Carbbean latino heavy areas (NYC, NY and central FL) what's been the level of cooperation?

The Lesser Evil


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
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I grew up in NYC, chased a lot of Dominican girls.

Not too much worse than chasing Latinas in general. Don't be as dumb as the average ignorant wanna-be thug and you should be good.

The white-latinas basically grow up in a culture that proclaims African-american men as intellectually and social inferior, so if you can project that's not true, all will be well.

Be able to dance.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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pvssy's all pink on the inside.

I feel kinda sad people don't like black women in my area.

Color don't mean **** to me, shape is most important.

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
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DonGorgon said:
why are so many black people males and female always trying to date people that are none black??? its very sad that we have more self hate than any other race..

Sadly, black American women aren't very cooperative when it come to intelligent black men. I saw it all through college. Time and time again myself and other intelligent black guys around me would get passed over for dumb jocks, wanna-be rappers, and hyperactive thugs.

As a black man seeing this you get tired of dealing with the BS so you look to other races of women.

The black community is in shambles right now, even more so in this tanking enconomy. And sadly, if your a black American with any type of ambition, you almost have to turn your back on the black community. Because they'll just bring you down...

My 2 cents


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Kupid Diggs said:
Sadly, black American women aren't very cooperative when it come to intelligent black men. I saw it all through college. Time and time again myself and other intelligent black guys around me would get passed over for dumb jocks, wanna-be rappers, and hyperactive thugs.

As a black man seeing this you get tired of dealing with the BS so you look to other races of women.

The black community is in shambles right now, even more so in this tanking enconomy. And sadly, if your a black American with any type of ambition, you almost have to turn your back on the black community. Because they'll just bring you down...

My 2 cents
Not to hijack OP's thread but only in America is a black man who goes to college, dresses professionally, and who speaks proper etc looked as a "lame" or chump while the "thug" and "gangster" is looked as "that nigga" black people are backwards as hell and it reflects in the women and the type of dude they chase
^^I couldn't delve deep into this topic in my blog but trust I will once I get more time

its time for a dialogue of change!

The Lesser Evil

Don Juan
Jan 4, 2011
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
why are so many black people males and female always trying to date people that are none black??? its very sad that we have more self hate than any other race..

That's is NOT a fair indictment me.Trust me I'm "pro Black" than most people I know. This is a forum gear toward game right? What better are way to develop your game than fighting the uphill battle and talking to women of a different culture or racial Background?

The Lesser Evil

Don Juan
Jan 4, 2011
Reaction score
Solomon said:
Not to hijack OP's thread but only in America is a black man who goes to college, dresses professionally, and who speaks proper etc looked as a "lame" or chump while the "thug" and "gangster" is looked as "that nigga" black people are backwards as hell and it reflects in the women and the type of dude they chase
^^I couldn't delve deep into this topic in my blog but trust I will once I get more time

its time for a dialogue of change!
Please don't the Hijack thread with this mess.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2011
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I don't get why you guys would get so cought about about dating "outside your race". We're all the same race, we've just got different complexions because our ancestors evolved to suit their environments.

In terms of evolution, "dating outside your race" is one of the best things you could possibly do. We should all have various babies of various "races".

Because I talk with a caribbean accent, many people think I'm a wannabe thug. Then there's other people who hear my local 'dialect' and think I'm a complete rich prep boy.

People are always going to see whatever they want in you.

Kupid Diggs

Don Juan
May 5, 2008
Reaction score
Solomon I don't know why dude is tripping, but whatever. I read your blog, nice read that sums up what I basically go through. It's sad because older people I know just don't understand how hard it is out here for intelligent, hell not even just intelligent, but normal black American men. And when I say stuff like "I don't give a damn about the black community" they think I'm crazy...

The Lesser Evil, if your a normal dude and not dressed like LiL Wayne, somewhat attriculate, and have a little going for yourself, the latina females will cooperate when you approach them. They won't have an attitude or anything like that trust me....


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Kupid Diggs said:
Solomon I don't know why dude is tripping, but whatever. I read your blog, nice read that sums up what I basically go through. It's sad because older people I know just don't understand how hard it is out here for intelligent, hell not even just intelligent, but normal black American men. And when I say stuff like "I don't give a damn about the black community" they think I'm crazy...

The Lesser Evil, if your a normal dude and not dressed like LiL Wayne, somewhat attriculate, and have a little going for yourself, the latina females will cooperate when you approach them. They won't have an attitude or anything like that trust me....
Thanks Kupid

Trust your post resonated deeply with me

I grew up in a 2 parent house hold, with two educated black(step)parents. For the longest time I thought something was wrong with ME, because every other black kid my age was raised in broken homes etc

To fit in I use to try to do the "THUG" thing, you know dress in baggy jeans, and b.s. like that cause that's what all the girls seem to gravitate too, even in the burbs. However once I left college and realized eventually that shyt wasn't me. My parents raised me to be proud and use my intelligence and take care of business.

Only in the black community is a guy looked down at who is doing it straight route while the women gravitate towards the "Lil waynes"(the guy is suspect may be on the "Down Low" but gets a pass for it) and "50 cents" I really find it hard to feel sympathy for white gamers who cry about "quality" women when their situation isn't fucced up as whole compared to a black man trying to get with a "quality" black women

p.s. I feel you on that I don't give a damn part, if you read the comment section on my blog some white guy was trying to "shame me" for "abandoning my race". The hypocrisy is beyond baffling its cool for guys to travel overseas and such but if a black man does its "abandoning" his race



Senior Don Juan
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Solomon said:
Thanks Kupid

Trust your post resonated deeply with me

I grew up in a 2 parent house hold, with two educated black(step)parents. For the longest time I thought something was wrong with ME, because every other black kid my age was raised in broken homes etc

To fit in I use to try to do the "THUG" thing, you know dress in baggy jeans, and b.s. like that cause that's what all the girls seem to gravitate too, even in the burbs. However once I left college and realized eventually that shyt wasn't me. My parents raised me to be proud and use my intelligence and take care of business.

Only in the black community is a guy looked down at who is doing it straight route while the women gravitate towards the "Lil waynes"(the guy is suspect may be on the "Down Low" but gets a pass for it) and "50 cents" I really find it hard to feel sympathy for white gamers who cry about "quality" women when their situation isn't fucced up as whole compared to a black man trying to get with a "quality" black women

p.s. I feel you on that I don't give a damn part, if you read the comment section on my blog some white guy was trying to "shame me" for "abandoning my race". The hypocrisy is beyond baffling its cool for guys to travel overseas and such but if a black man does its "abandoning" his race

Amen! But I will add that I date out of my race for a different challenge too. To seduce a woman from Poland or Switzerland gives me more of a thrill than seducing Kim from down the block.

Also, and this is of course a generalization but there are just not as many hot black women. If I go to a "white" club I would find a good portion of the women attractive, go to a "black club" and those number drop drastically, and with the hot ones you have to contend with the other issues the previous posters mention being a thug etc.....

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
*claps......* I should have BEEN in this topic. The black community angers me to a degree, and it's funny how our older generation doesn't understand. Funny thing is I LOVE my black people....and it saddens me when I go to the local hang out spots where my man DJ's. All the good looking decent black women gravitating towards the "lil Waynes" and I'm just watching it.

I will say this to stay on topic...the image of what a black man is supposed to be is filtering over to the Dominicans, the columbians etc...they are almost no different than black women atleast in my experience....

Solomon I wish you were local man we all got to have a hang out or something.....


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
why are so many black people males and female always trying to date people that are none black??? its very sad that we have more self hate than any other race..
um most dominicans are either straight up black/african descent or of some black/african descent just like african americans are.

Dominican is a nationality not a race.

Same thing with can be any race and be hispanic....and a good few South American countries are majority white hispanic.

Americans have an ignorant view of race.
movistar said:
Also, and this is of course a generalization but there are just not as many hot black women. If I go to a "white" club I would find a good portion of the women attractive, go to a "black club" and those number drop drastically, and with the hot ones you have to contend with the other issues the previous posters mention being a thug etc.....
Are you even black? I never heard a brother talk like this about his women. Youre basically calling white women better right here dude.

And actually the number of hot chicks in any group of attractive females depends on the beholders taste


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Kupid Diggs said:
Sadly, black American women aren't very cooperative when it come to intelligent black men. I saw it all through college. Time and time again myself and other intelligent black guys around me would get passed over for dumb jocks, wanna-be rappers, and hyperactive thugs.

As a black man seeing this you get tired of dealing with the BS so you look to other races of women.

The black community is in shambles right now, even more so in this tanking enconomy. And sadly, if your a black American with any type of ambition, you almost have to turn your back on the black community. Because they'll just bring you down...

My 2 cents
Maybe its where I live, or maybe its cus I only deal with quality and educated black sisters, but I have never come across a sister who gave me crap for going to college and having goals. Most gave me a lot of props. Hell even hoodrat chicks in the past would be chasing me around even though I was not hearing that noise.

In my experience its more so that brothers run to date out, and exponentially so when they start to get a leg up in the world. Also, I see way more sisters trying to snatch up good black men because they know their market value is high and they have competition with other females, especially "jungle fever becky" lol.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
Jaylan said:
Maybe its where I live, or maybe its cus I only deal with quality and educated black sisters, but I have never come across a sister who gave me crap for going to college and having goals. Most gave me a lot of props. Hell even hoodrat chicks in the past would be chasing me around even though I was not hearing that noise.
I wish I could say that my experience has been the same but it hasn't its been more like KD's

Where you live Jaylan?


Senior Don Juan
May 19, 2004
Reaction score
Are you even black? I never heard a brother talk like this about his women. Youre basically calling white women better right here dude.

And actually the number of hot chicks in any group of attractive females depends on the beholders taste[/QUOTE]

I am black and I didn't want to imply white women are better, I just used poland and swiss as and example, but I would also include all the races in that including black but, from a different culture than my own, which I neglected to mention. Black women are great, I just feel there are less options..

But as far as beholders taste goes, african american women are disproportionally overweight, which means when I go out I see less black women that I'm interested in. And then from that remaining group you have the issues mentioned by previous posters "being a thug" issues.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Solomon said:
I wish I could say that my experience has been the same but it hasn't its been more like KD's

Where you live Jaylan?
New York City and I went to college in the burbs of NY. But all the sisters at college were open minded, liberal, natural hair wearing women.

Like as soon as they got to campus, they got a new mind, cut out the perm and started wearing dreads or fros. Mind you on campus we had a pretty decent sized Black Studies department, so the professors really helped keep kids on the right path scholastically and mentally. So throughout college I met proud and progressive sisters, which is def attractive to me.

fvck the fake hair and ghetto bs that you get from some girls.

But yeah, even with that I am not super sure why even the more hood type chicks havent given me too much crap about school and goals. I think part of it is my personality and drive doesnt allow for anyone to give me crap about being success-minded.

But most importantly I think its that all women want to snatch up a guy who they think is going places, so why fvck that up by being a rude b!tch.

movistar said:
I am black and I didn't want to imply white women are better, I just used poland and swiss as and example, but I would also include all the races in that including black but, from a different culture than my own, which I neglected to mention. Black women are great, I just feel there are less options..

But as far as beholders taste goes, african american women are disproportionally overweight, which means when I go out I see less black women that I'm interested in. And then from that remaining group you have the issues mentioned by previous posters "being a thug" issues.
My bad bro.

But its America in general with this weight issue, Americans are fat as hell and have a high percentage of overweight folks. Black America even more so due to soul food and a more liberal view on body image.

Soul food, and hispanic food as well, is RICH in carbs...thats the key to a lot of our females not being slim. Also this is compounded by the fact that black and latino culture does not vilify women for gaining some weight. White American or Asian American culture dont allow their women that sort of leeway. Their media and culture is different then ours when it comes to that.

This is not to say that theres not fat in every group in America, just that it exists more so in Black and Latino culture than in White culture. However there are a hell of a bunch of fat white people too, but not at as high a rate.

I have to say Asians seem to be the only ones with this under control when they get to America.

This is just America though. From what I hear from people who have been abroad, or who are foreign themselves, Black in other countries are def a lot thinner.

women haze

Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
Jaylan you got that up north vibe...NY women are a different breed than what we deal with down here in Washington DC. Although there are some fine, attractive down to earth black women in Howard University... The most realist woman you would ever meet..

You got one thing right...Drive mentality is important to have for us men, if you have something on the ball you are the creme of the crop....
Props to you homie.