Big differences between North American and Russian Women


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
North America
There are two big differences I've noticed between North American and
> Russian women. Many other people have independently commented on the first
> one, which is the level of selfishness here. They want it all and there is
> no compromise. Last week we met a Russian man who'd married a local and,
> unprompted, said the same thing. Russian women are more likely to think in
> terms of what can I do for us than what can you do for me.
> The second difference is the reaction to adversity when things go wrong. So
> many women here do things like laying blame, rehashing what went wrong,
> sulking, venting anger, etc. A week later they are at a party and if the
> occasion arises tell one and all how dear hubby forgot to do *** and then
> list the unfortunate results. Russian women I've known just shrug these
> events off as life, make a mental note to avoid that problem in the future,
> and get on with the business at hand. I think it comes from the much harder
> lives their families have had to endure.

I am interested in hearing opinions on how Russian women
view Love, Sex and Marriage. In your opinion, what role
do contemporary (25 - 35) Russian women see for themselves
in a love relationship. How do they see the role of their partner?
How would you compare this to other cultures you know about?
What about women who have immigrated to other countries
(i.e. USA)? Do they retain their cultural values, or are they
quick to discard them and adopt the new societies values?
What are the basis for Russian women's cultural identies?

Any help with these questions would be greatly appreciated.

Sounds like you've been looking at the brochure from the Russian
intro services....I have. I even got a video of a tour of Moscow &
Kiev. The women looked great !
Judging by the comentary on this discussion group, it would be
risky to travel there.
The other thing to consider with a foreign wife is how will she
behave after a couple years of exposure to feminism & the overly
materialistic US culture? You know the old saying, "When in Rome...."
If you notice, the level of discourse & use of language in this
discussion group is much higher than most of the net. Russians who are
fluent in English use it better than we do. The average Russian has a
better education & power of critical thinking & reasoning than his US
counterpart. Do you want to deal with that in a wife?
I would love to hear from some of the guys who have been married
to a Russian for 2 or more years. You know.......after the honeymoon is
Maybe this will generate some feedback as to whether or not the
$4,000 trips & fiancee visas are worth it.> The other thing to consider with a foreign wife is how will she
>behave after a couple years of exposure to feminism & the overly
>materialistic US culture?

You are immediately making a very unwarranted assumption, namely that
your mail order bride will even initially be a loving wife, like some
girl you courted and got to know and love over a reasonably long getting
acquainted period. Keep in mind that these womens' intentions, like those
of many of their suitors, may not be the most noble. You got the money
and they aren't advertising because they want to marry for love.

> If you notice, the level of discourse & use of language in this
>discussion group is much higher than most of the net. Russians who are
>fluent in English use it better than we do. The average Russian has a
>better education & power of critical thinking & reasoning than his US

>Do you want to deal with that in a wife?

The only reasonable and intelligent answer is of couse YES!

> I would love to hear from some of the guys who have been married
>to a Russian for 2 or more years. You know.......after the honeymoon is
This however is probably not the group whose habitues are likely to
provide you with balanced feedback. If you want the opinions of normal
people, then you would need to ask in some of the professional NGs which
however are set up for various serious technical topics, where this
question would seem out of place.



Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
North America
Good or bad? Russian or American? Who is what?

> Good or bad? Russian or American? Who is what? Actually, neither. Russian
> women *themselves* are no better nor any worse than American women. The only
> real difference is culture.
> In the Russian culture there are women that are just as evil as the women here
> in America. Greed is everywhere, is it not? But for the most part, there are a
> great deal of hionest and legitimate women in Russia that only want one thing- a
> man to love them as they would love him. Not a sex thing, but a sharing of
> lives. Sharing of love and compassion. And a willingness to work together and
> refusing to let divorce come about.
> In the American culture, women are evil & greedy. They want only what they
> consider the essentials of life- fame, fortune, good looks, sex, and a nice car
> usually helps. And, depending on where they live in America, it can be more but
> rarely less. Having a nice job, holding certain positions in the community,
> political involvement, and depending on the religion even what rank/authority
> they hold in the church.
> Yes you will find the aforementioned women in all countries and cultures. Greed
> is only human, is it not? But you will find far more of the evil type in
> America and it's neighboring "free market" countries than in countries like
> Russia and her neighboring "Warsaw Pact" countries.
> Maybe I'm wrong. Besides, it is MY choice.I am half Russian, I speak Russian, have visited the country three times, and
I have a girlfriend in Moscow; I met her there in 1965 when we were teenagers.
In the Soviet era Russian women were generally unattractive; my Ludmila has
always been beautiful, but she was an exception. The society was very
puritanical. Now the women in Moscow look quite good, and there is a positive
attitude toward sex.

I don't think that Russian women are inherently more desirable than women of
other countries. However, times are bad in Russia; only a very small minority
has prospered under capitalism so far, and people are pessimistic about the
future. Also, there is so much alcohol abuse among Russian men that there is a
shortage of good husbands. Therefore many Russian women want to marry an
American in order to get a green card and eventual US citizenship; it follows
that an American might well be able to get a younger and prettier wife there
than he could find at home. Of course, there is no need to go as far as Russia
for this sort of thing; there are plenty of pretty young women in Latin
American countries who would like to marry a U.S. citizen for economic reasons.

Someone who spends enough time abroad might well come back with a fine wife,
but cultural differences can cause problems in marriages between people of
different nationalities, and I think it is foolish to marry someone without
first getting to know her very well. The foreign wife can become a permanent
resident of the United States after two years; she can then dump her husband,
and many do. I've heard that some Russian women have proven to be mercenary
and cruel.

Moral: Have a good lawyer in the front-end. And screen, screen, screen!!!!!

Somehow you can't admit a point that lots of Russian men in America just
don't want to date American women. Because there's a subtle difference
between Russian and American opposite sex - In Russia they are "women",
but In USA they are "female". Female means nothing exept gender, and
American females did almost everything in order to kill ladies in
themselves. That's why I doubt I will ever "date" of "take out" an
American female. Moreover, I find Russian women smarter and higer
cultured. Of course, I don't mean an average girl from the hitor Cherbuzy,
but if you take an upper-class American female and an upper-class Russian
woman, the latter won't prolly give a damn about the fact that Tupac
Shakur was killed or Ivan Dando's nick-name is Evil Didlo, but she will
know who was Mark Twain, and that he wasn;t a guy who wrote "Evil Dead
Returns". And besides, I find Russian women more attractive and more
natural in general. IMHO.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
North America
How do women treat themselves:

How do women treat themselves:

Russian woman knows that she is a woman and she likes it... deep
inside she feels like a tender, weak and beautiful being created to
have a family and children. American woman knows that she is a
personality and she has the same rights as any man to show her worth.
So she doesn't differ from him much with her inner world :).

Women's appearance:

Russian women are slim enough in most cases. Americans... - we don't
have the data. Russian women use make up, pay much attention to their
hair-dos, dye hair and use nail varnish. American women seldom use
make up to intensify their brightness. It is considered to be a bad
taste as "only prostitutes use bright make up and luxuriant hair-dos


Russian women do their best to be beautiful. They dress sexually
enough. They prefer slinky clothes, gauzy, and any other that would
accentuate and show :) all values of their figure: bust, slim legs,
hips... To loose her sexuality for a Russian woman means to loose her
feminity namely good self-estimation. BUT this is not that sexuality
the main aim of which is to make sex. It is the urge to be desired,
that is to say a woman any man seeks after and wants to gain.
American women dress very shapelessly. They put on clothes that hide
all particular qualities of the figure, bust, legs. There is a wide
spread opinion in Russia that American women always dressed in wide
jeans, running shoes, football jersey, and T-shirt on it. And there is
a personality under it all. This way of dress is an absolute lack of
taste from the point of view of Russian woman. This concerned with the
fact that slinky dresses, short skirts and gauzy mantelets in America
wear only moviestars and women who make hints about sex to men (but
only at home).

Creating a family, children:

For American women family has to consist of two parents for a child
that is of course positively effect his development :). But men
sometimes hinder them in this pedagogical process. Russian women are
for a family. They are wifes... and a child for them is a happiness
they may give to themselves and to the beloved husband. The aim of a
family is to live for a long time and to die in one day together with
the husband surrounded by children, grandchildren and
great-grandchildren. A family is precious by itself. Married woman has
a higher status in society. To save the family they would endure
material problems their husbands may have. The scale of priority for a
Russian lady is the following: first she is a wife, then mother, and
after it she thinks about professionalism and career.


Sex is good , especially when everybody is happy. This subject was
closed for discussion for a long time in Russia. And is a
fun, it tones up and confuses. At last we understood the meaning of
Concerning jokes...
In Ukraine they say: "Every satisfied Ukrainian woman is a step to
satisfied Ukraine". And one more: "There is a share of a joke in every
joke"... So, the conclusion from here is the following: sexual
satisfaction in the FSU is an emotional and important subject. And
women are made responsible for their satisfaction (almost of a
national standart). Sexual satisfaction and family happiness are two
values standing close to each other. That is why there are only 80
divorces among 100 marriages:).
American women's attitude to sex is more simple...They may discuss
guite easy there oral sex experience in front of the camera on some TV
channel. Sex is what is allowed, needed and useful. But it doesn't
connected to marriage. Men and women are equal in their "sexual
rights". And that is why women are more exigent. The destiny of
America doesn't depend on American woman's satisfaction and that means
that you can make experiments. It looks like Americans made greater
results with these experiments. Tat is the reason why they don't
hasten with marriage and having children who are resulted from the
usual trite sex. That is why there are 100 contracted marriages among
non contracted in America:).

Women's expectations from men, their fears and anxieties:

Russian women want to meet a well-provided, handsome man with whom you
feel like "behind the stonewall" and you have no fears and you feel
sure and safe. The DREAM is a sincere and devoted husband who will be
beside in spite of everything and who will take them as they are with
all their hysterics... BUT quite often they marry to those who love
them very much and who is insistable in his love forgetting about
material well-being, reliability etc. Russian women are tolerant to
men and they are ready to do a lot for the sake of their beloved man
(for instance to go to Siberia to her husband a revolutionary)...and
this is the reason for them to suffer. They love to suffer in general.
Big sad eyes make Russian women more beautiful. And what man can
resist the temptation to comfort beautiful Russian woman! :)
Russian women are afraid their men drop them, leave because of
mistress, or start drink hard. They are afraid to take initiative to
start relationship with a man. That is why they make manicure, dress
sexy and sit before the open window waiting for a prince on a golden
horse who will see her, loose his head of love, show his initiative
and gain her with his love. Those who ended met somebody marry him.
And those who have a bigger potential of hope place their picture of
"herself beautiful before the window" and wait there for American and
European princes...

Women from America want a man do not disturb them while they are busy
with this important work of creating a family. They are more exacting
to relations in a marriage. They are the head in a family as the law
is on their side. That is why American (and European) men don't dare
to create a family. They need to get firmly established to able to
defend their possessions in the case of divorce. The bride from
America is a big and expensive gift for a man who having received it
has to realise how lucky he is:).

American women are afraid that their love would not be appreciated
enough by a man who would act the way she understood that she is not
the person he could take seriously.
> And the reason that you prefer Russian women is.... ??? Does it have
> anything to do with their subservient personality traits?

To the limited extent that personality traits influence the attraction
of men to women, subservience happens to be the most attractive personality
trait. Why do you think dogs are the most popular pet? Because they are
witty, intelligent, honest, inspiring, entertaining, capable of fixing
broken machines, or in any way impressive? No. Dogs remain popular despite
the fact that few people work as shepherds because dogs are better than
any other life form at making their host organisms feel important.

Women don't like it when men ignore their needs (see: Johnny Two
Stroke). Women tend to gripe and complain about men who are selfish
or inept in bed, stingy with their emotions, and so on. As well
women should. *NOBODY* likes to have his or her needs ignored.
(Why women consent to have sex with men without first insisting
that those men give them orgasms I'll never understand, but women
are free to shortchange themselves if they like. Judging from all the
complaints it seems many women do like to shortchange themselves.)

Similarly, a man will be happiest when he is with a woman he
finds objectively attractive who also takes his needs as seriously
as he takes them. For example, when a man is horny and he has an
erection, to him that's a big deal. If he is by himself at the
time and has some time to spare, he straightforwardly takes care
of his own needs. But what happens if he happens to be with
a woman at the time? How many women will consider his needs at
that moment to be an equally big deal? On the contrary, women
tend to emphasize that they *REJECT* any responsibility for
a man's sexual satisfaction, and that they will only bother with
his needs on those occasions when they happen to have
needs of their own. The man quickly learns just how unimportant
he is to such a woman, and he keeps this in mind when she
brings up one of her needs.

Don't you want a partner who is attentive to your needs and
eager to please you? That is the essence of subservience. Everybody
wants a subservient partner (although for women this is complicated
by the fact that women are attracted to powerful men, and it's
difficult but not impossible to find a man who is simultaneously
powerful and subservient). The healthiest and most satisfying
relationships are those in which both partners pay careful
attention to each other's needs and take them as seriously as
they take their own needs.

If Russian women happen to have superior skills at catering to
American men's needs then they are more desirable to American
men. Perhaps even worth the enormous expense of meeting them and
the need to marry them (I personally have not decided this
cost makes sense for me, but I do not fault any man such as Aaron
or Jeem who feels curious enough to go to Russia and check things
out for himself).

--- Daniel J. Mocsny


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
North America
> Just wondering what quality it is that makes Russian Women so > attractive? Red hair? Loyalty? Comments?

It has to be intelligence, because intelligence transcends
physical beauty to such a degree that a Westerner is communicating
with the mind of a Russian woman when he talks with them. This
theory, however, doesn't explain why (in a crowd, for example,
of women from all over the world) Russian women ARE physically
beautiful. But, as to what makes them "attractive" to us in the
West, I feel it is due to the excellent education they receive.
As bad as things are right now in Russia, somehow the young women
are still obtaining a good education.

If you find an answer to your question, Odysseus, I would be
curious to know it; however, I am content with my answer to the
same question I asked myself a few years ago.

A friend in Russia wrote some very insightful words, and I wished to
share them with others interested in this topic....

I don't understand feminism.

If a man had the same skills as me he would find satisfactory job
without problems. Usually managers don't want to work with a woman and
are afraid of women with better skills then their own. No feminism will
help if men are suspicious to women only because they are women.

Perhaps manager wants to have somebody to drink beer and smoke with
more then he wants a good worker. When he looks for a secretary he
wants her to be a lover also. I don't understand this, it seems like
work for managers is not the goal but only a remedy to find company.
I spent a lot of time to find job, but at last decided to work alone.

> In Russia from what I have seen and heard
> women are simply women and therefore not men, and everyone knows that it
> is a mans world.

I would say just the opposite. This is women's world where men are
honorable guests. Women have regrets that they are women and men are
proud of there sex even when they have nothing else to proud of.

I have told you about general opinion in Russia that woman must be
married by all means. Women who were never not married sometimes are
ashamed of this fact. But it is interesting that in case of divorced
woman with a child general opinion is that she is right. It means that the
main goal of a woman must be to have child, but not to live with a man.
In this case usually man is blamed for divorce and leaving family, and
the child is told how bad was his father. And when the child grows up,
everything begins from the beginning.

>American women are conditioned to play with dolls, then to be equals with the
>boys in their early schooling, then not be equal but special,

Russian girls feel no difference with boys except the fact that their
parents regret about their sex. Although girls are made to help about the
house and boys are not. Girls are told if they are beautiful or not, and
even the very little girls feel imperfectness about their appearance.
Girls are told they are unfortunate by nature and nothing can be changed:
there only meaning of life must be children and nothing more.

At school and in the University I felt no official difference with
boys except the fact that in school we had 7 boys and 21 girls in our
class; at the University we had 3 boys and 22 girls in our group.
5 girls from 140 graduated with excellence (including me) and no even
one boy. Usually boys studied much worse and simply could not study
up to the graduating.

Men don't want to be educated because education gives no advantage in our
country! Men prefer unqualificative work and drinking, why should they
study, this gives no money.

This is a consequence of "proletariat dictatorship" which values work
but not education and knowledge.

> yet things such as presures to have sex
>at an early age, pressures to be thin, pressures to dress this way or

We have a lot of pressures too, for example to have high education,
especially for a woman. Instead of getting a profession women get
diploma and stay with little children without any hope to find a job
or to use their education. Sellers of ice-cream and bananas very often
have high education.

Then pressing to marry a person of first sex. And to have children
just from the year of marriage. Pressing for a woman to stay with baby
(I took nurse when the baby was 9 months, when he was 1.5 years old
I began to leave him in nurse's house for the whole day, and this was
considered to be terrible by all relatives. I told them you can roast me
on fire, but you would never made me to busy only with child and household.
And, by the way, that nurse gave the child much more then all relatives
together (she was experienced kindergarten nurse), and the child did not
fall ill with her. There was no reason in relatives' pressing, they simply
followed the general opinion.

> Sex is a very big issue in this country.

Perhaps as here marriage.

>In this country there is a big political war on
>the abortion issue. Can women chose?

In Russia for a long time abortion was the only way of contraception.
And men usually want children much less then women.
And religion (communism) says nothing about abortions.
That is why abortion here is not blamed, but do you know that even some
years ago they made abortions without anesthetization?
This is understandable why Russian women don't like sex and
marry sometimes only because of pressure. And very often hate men.

>One cannot be catholic and use birth control.

One my friend catholic is also against abortions, but he says
one must use contraceptives to avoid this. I think the position
of catholic church is changing.

Perhaps it would be interesting for you: the story of my experience
of staying at the children hospital, this is connected with women's role.

Only once my son was seriously ill with pneumonia and we
spent two weeks at the hospital. I paid nothing even for food. And now
imagine. All work in this hospital except medical is carried out by mothers of
sick children! Washing dishes, cooking, washing of the floors, ironing of wet
children's clothes, etc. It was unable to close doors and windows perfectly,
everything was out of order. And mothers have no place for sleeping, some of
them (as me) brought such a bed which could be pitched (I don't know how to
call it in English). And they sleep in the corridor where there was almost
wind from imperfectly closed doors. And some mothers were just after maternity
house with very small babies. I myself got there pneumonia and cure it at home.
Of course I would like to pay for hospital if this was possible! My own
sickness cost much more for me. I had no choice. I know the doctor earned
less then me and she knew this also. She spoke to me very angry. I was
ashamed to offer her money, this is not adopted and the law is against.
At last we left hospital with a sign about no claims to the personnel but
not having end the course of treatment (I was already seriously ill myself
and I was not cured there). At home I paid for the private nurse, bought all
medicine myself and the nurse came and made injections for me and the child.
Free hospital cost me much higher then if I pay and have nothing to worry

There were many children at that hospital who had no parents.
They were from children's house. They were dirty and disgusting, they
stole toys and fruits from other children. This was a terrible
experience for me.

I don't know how this can be changed and when. I am sure Yeltsin thinks
about it, because some changes are carried out. But when an ordinary person
like me will live without worry about qualitative medical treatment,
I don't know. The problem is, that government itself is treated by very
high paid doctors and this seems will never be changed.

I hope this provides those who are curious a small glance at the life of
a Russian women... I realize that this is a very small small overview of
the whole, but it shows why so many are trying to escape, and why so many
women view foreign marriage as a reasonable option.



Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
North America
> Just wondering what quality it is that makes Russian Women so > attractive? Red hair? Loyalty? Comments?

It has to be intelligence, because intelligence transcends
physical beauty to such a degree that a Westerner is communicating
with the mind of a Russian woman when he talks with them. This
theory, however, doesn't explain why (in a crowd, for example,
of women from all over the world) Russian women ARE physically
beautiful. But, as to what makes them "attractive" to us in the
West, I feel it is due to the excellent education they receive.
As bad as things are right now in Russia, somehow the young women
are still obtaining a good education.

If you find an answer to your question, Odysseus, I would be
curious to know it; however, I am content with my answer to the
same question I asked myself a few years ago.

A friend in Russia wrote some very insightful words, and I wished to
share them with others interested in this topic....

I don't understand feminism.

If a man had the same skills as me he would find satisfactory job
without problems. Usually managers don't want to work with a woman and
are afraid of women with better skills then their own. No feminism will
help if men are suspicious to women only because they are women.

Perhaps manager wants to have somebody to drink beer and smoke with
more then he wants a good worker. When he looks for a secretary he
wants her to be a lover also. I don't understand this, it seems like
work for managers is not the goal but only a remedy to find company.
I spent a lot of time to find job, but at last decided to work alone.

> In Russia from what I have seen and heard
> women are simply women and therefore not men, and everyone knows that it
> is a mans world.

I would say just the opposite. This is women's world where men are
honorable guests. Women have regrets that they are women and men are
proud of there sex even when they have nothing else to proud of.

I have told you about general opinion in Russia that woman must be
married by all means. Women who were never not married sometimes are
ashamed of this fact. But it is interesting that in case of divorced
woman with a child general opinion is that she is right. It means that the
main goal of a woman must be to have child, but not to live with a man.
In this case usually man is blamed for divorce and leaving family, and
the child is told how bad was his father. And when the child grows up,
everything begins from the beginning.

>American women are conditioned to play with dolls, then to be equals with the
>boys in their early schooling, then not be equal but special,

Russian girls feel no difference with boys except the fact that their
parents regret about their sex. Although girls are made to help about the
house and boys are not. Girls are told if they are beautiful or not, and
even the very little girls feel imperfectness about their appearance.
Girls are told they are unfortunate by nature and nothing can be changed:
there only meaning of life must be children and nothing more.

At school and in the University I felt no official difference with
boys except the fact that in school we had 7 boys and 21 girls in our
class; at the University we had 3 boys and 22 girls in our group.
5 girls from 140 graduated with excellence (including me) and no even
one boy. Usually boys studied much worse and simply could not study
up to the graduating.

Men don't want to be educated because education gives no advantage in our
country! Men prefer unqualificative work and drinking, why should they
study, this gives no money.

This is a consequence of "proletariat dictatorship" which values work
but not education and knowledge.

> yet things such as presures to have sex
>at an early age, pressures to be thin, pressures to dress this way or

We have a lot of pressures too, for example to have high education,
especially for a woman. Instead of getting a profession women get
diploma and stay with little children without any hope to find a job
or to use their education. Sellers of ice-cream and bananas very often
have high education.

Then pressing to marry a person of first sex. And to have children
just from the year of marriage. Pressing for a woman to stay with baby
(I took nurse when the baby was 9 months, when he was 1.5 years old
I began to leave him in nurse's house for the whole day, and this was
considered to be terrible by all relatives. I told them you can roast me
on fire, but you would never made me to busy only with child and household.
And, by the way, that nurse gave the child much more then all relatives
together (she was experienced kindergarten nurse), and the child did not
fall ill with her. There was no reason in relatives' pressing, they simply
followed the general opinion.

> Sex is a very big issue in this country.

Perhaps as here marriage.

>In this country there is a big political war on
>the abortion issue. Can women chose?

In Russia for a long time abortion was the only way of contraception.
And men usually want children much less then women.
And religion (communism) says nothing about abortions.
That is why abortion here is not blamed, but do you know that even some
years ago they made abortions without anesthetization?
This is understandable why Russian women don't like sex and
marry sometimes only because of pressure. And very often hate men.

>One cannot be catholic and use birth control.

One my friend catholic is also against abortions, but he says
one must use contraceptives to avoid this. I think the position
of catholic church is changing.

Perhaps it would be interesting for you: the story of my experience
of staying at the children hospital, this is connected with women's role.

Only once my son was seriously ill with pneumonia and we
spent two weeks at the hospital. I paid nothing even for food. And now
imagine. All work in this hospital except medical is carried out by mothers of
sick children! Washing dishes, cooking, washing of the floors, ironing of wet
children's clothes, etc. It was unable to close doors and windows perfectly,
everything was out of order. And mothers have no place for sleeping, some of
them (as me) brought such a bed which could be pitched (I don't know how to
call it in English). And they sleep in the corridor where there was almost
wind from imperfectly closed doors. And some mothers were just after maternity
house with very small babies. I myself got there pneumonia and cure it at home.
Of course I would like to pay for hospital if this was possible! My own
sickness cost much more for me. I had no choice. I know the doctor earned
less then me and she knew this also. She spoke to me very angry. I was
ashamed to offer her money, this is not adopted and the law is against.
At last we left hospital with a sign about no claims to the personnel but
not having end the course of treatment (I was already seriously ill myself
and I was not cured there). At home I paid for the private nurse, bought all
medicine myself and the nurse came and made injections for me and the child.
Free hospital cost me much higher then if I pay and have nothing to worry

There were many children at that hospital who had no parents.
They were from children's house. They were dirty and disgusting, they
stole toys and fruits from other children. This was a terrible
experience for me.

I don't know how this can be changed and when. I am sure Yeltsin thinks
about it, because some changes are carried out. But when an ordinary person
like me will live without worry about qualitative medical treatment,
I don't know. The problem is, that government itself is treated by very
high paid doctors and this seems will never be changed.

I hope this provides those who are curious a small glance at the life of
a Russian women... I realize that this is a very small small overview of
the whole, but it shows why so many are trying to escape, and why so many
women view foreign marriage as a reasonable option.


Subject: Re: Why arent feminists all over Russian "women"
View: Complete Thread (3 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.marriage-minded.women
Date: 1999/10/31


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
North America
Re: Why arent feminists all over Russian "women"

View: Complete Thread (3 articles)
Original Format
Newsgroups: alt.marriage-minded.women
Date: 1999/10/31

Elementary dear Watson, here's why:
-American feminists and the majority of feminists in general want to gain
all the advantages they can using all available legal means.
-those legal means didn't always exist , they were gradually voted by
Congress as a result of the women's voting power, fear of not being
reelected, etc.
-the Russian women are not regarded as slaves . Cooking , having sex and
vacuuming the carpet haven't been totally banned or at least not officially
from married life. They still have to pass a law prohibiting domestic
cooking regardless of nationality. Such a law would allow any woman to
obtain a restraining order against her husband if he ever wants to eat or
dares even suggest food or sex, after all marriage is all about who takes
whose money and gives less in return.
-while American feminists still have a relatively long fight to achieve the
above, the Russians got this problem sorted out to their advantage by the
INS. She only has to stay with you until she gets issued a Green Card ,
which takes a lot less than the time you have to support her according to
the Affidavit of Support you just signed. You are already her slave and not
the other way round. If she doesn't do the cookin' , you might divorce, but
in order to have her deported you would have to prove her fraud , which is
next to impossible. You better behave yourself, since she has nothing to
lose , there's a chance in a million that she'll be deported for not
spreading her legs or vacuuming, but there's a pretty solid chance of you
having to pay a lot of money for a long time if you don't do what she wants
. You can't even have a valid prenuptial to avoid all those expenses since
you signed the Affidavit of Support in effect promising the government
reimbursement and not to your imported sex slave.
-American feminists would need to pass a law that every man that marries
should sign such an Affidavit of Support and then they would gain a similar
advantage over men as the imported brides already have.
They are at a clear disadvantage here and perhaps envy is the root of their
inaction regarding immigrant women. The ignorant and worthless immigrant is
already legally guaranteed something that the American woman is only
starting to dream about, a long term slavery contract which the husband
-Do you know what happens when one of these sexual slaves decides she's had
enough of you? She just changes the door locks while you are at work, files
a Motion for Restraining Order against you as she has reason to fear for
her life and safety with such an abuser like you in the house, you are
arrested or at least not allowed to enter your own home for at least 2
weeks, she freezes your bank accounts in the meanwhile using a Motion to
Prevent Parties from Dissipating Marital Assets (that's if she knows at
least the bank names).Her next move is to run to Legal Aid or the likes,
since she more than qualifies , as the poor thing has no income, no assets
under her name, the villain even made her sign a prenup. Now she has a
scumbag attorney, while you are incurring unexpected expenses starting one
normal afternoon as you were returning home unsuspectingly to your ticking
timebomb mail order wife. You can't even use your own money to get yourself
an attorney since all your assets are frozen , and physically in her
-next she gets the Injunction against you extended for at least a period of
6mo to 1 year,by possibly bringing in a bunch of other russian women
that'll swear that you were abusing all of them, you're a racist and
chauvinistic pig, a beer drinking and drug addicted slob , after which she
starts selling your stuff, renting out your place , bombarding you with
legal stuff, like for example temporary alimony, and having to pay your own
bills and mortgage (that's what they are called even if she lives now in
that house).You also would have to pay both her attorney bills and your
attorney bills if Legal Aid kicks her out of their free service.
-99% of men can't deal with this type of attack and just collapse, give up
, ditch town, or if they have something to fight for (say you own a
bussiness or your home is really expensive, I mean a million or more) stay
and face a lengthy legal battle in which she has the upper hand with all
the bills paid by him, and he has double the normal peace time expenses
plus double the legal fees (his and hers). In the end you might get your
home back and have to pay _her_ "only" half of its assessed value .
-how many American women are guaranteed this outcome? Poor girls have to
work hard to earn a living in between marriages , and once she has a job
and an income she doesn't qualify for Legal Aid, she has a car and a bank
acocunt and can't claim you're the villain who enslaved her.

sciatica <> wrote in article
> Why arent feminists all over Russian "women"
> I mean, after all..... why aren't they all up in arms about the
> good of women and how American men are importing women to be thier
> life-long *****s?
> Why arent they all up in arms about American men importing these
> women into a life of slavery, making these women live with a sword
> hanging above thier necks by the name of "deportation," forcing them
> to vacuum the carpet and cook the hamburgers and wash the clothes and
> spread thier legs and call it love? HMM?
> Why its nothing short of DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL SLAVERY
> I want to know how these feminists can be so cold and unfeeling
> towards thier Geographically Challenged Sisters.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2003
Reaction score
Sydney, Aus
a must read!

a long post, but a good one. i read the first 3/4 and it was all very good.


Master Don Juan
Jul 26, 2002
Reaction score
Nearly every Russian woman I've known personally or through third parties has ended up being a COMPLETE using, lying, conniving, corrupt, thieving wh0re who, as a once popular poster here, RKTek, would say -- would step on your neck in a second to get the BIGGER BETTER DEAL.

I personally know of no less than five instances where Russian women married guys here and had affairs and bolted once they got the green card, leaving the guy broke and divorcing him for all he was worth in the process, not to mention the arsenal of dirty tricks they've been taught by their friends to use -- including falsely claiming spousal abuse and calling the police for a record of it so that their case can be made stronger.

I wouldn't wish the Russian mail-order bride on my worst enemy.

"Olderandwiser" ... I'm curious ... are you marketing these women or are you IN THE MARKET for one? Why do I get the feeling that you're either trying to sell the guys here on the idea or that you're trying to sell YOURSELF on the idea???


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Has anyone ever seen the movie where this guy mail orders a russian bride, she shows up to his house and then out of the blue these russian dudes show up and at first they are all friendly and then they "kidnap" the russian chick or something similar to screw the american guy out of his money?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I actually dated a Russian girl and it wasn't that bad as Prosemont makes it seem. But the Russian male in bride is absolutely disgusting. They just want your green card and then they'll fuck you (figuratively, not physically).

Check it out...

Russian-Queen : Marriage Service