Beware the "Life Coach"

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Can't help but notice the Youtube ads from all the "life coaches" popping up when I try to watch a video lately.

These guys (Tai Lopez, Corey Wayne, Tony Robbins, Brandon Burchard, Deepak Chopra) are a dime a dozen and all share similar traits and tactics.

1. An unproven rags to riches story.
$47 in my bank account to managing 10 multi-million dollar companies, bankrupt to 4.2 million in 18 months. (Meanwhile in the case of Tai Lopez, he's a proven fraud as he rents all his homes and cars)

2. Pearly white teeth
For some reason all of these people spent $10,000 on a perfect smile of porcelain, the same material your toilet is made out of

3. Few or no credentials
These guys rarely have actual degrees in psychology or science (Chopra does) but still make wild, outlandish claims about the nature of human psychology. They are basically psychologists who just happened to not go to school for psychology.

4. Wildly overpriced products
Corey Wayne, who is lauded on this forum, charges $1,000 an hour for a Skype session. In it, he gives you questionable and even counter-productive advice that you could exceed just by reading this forum. Tai Lopez charges $67 PER MONTH to regurgitate very long stories full of hot air.

5. Smarmy aura and tactics
All these guys offer a free sample of some sort, a money back guarantee, use fake testimonials on their website, and are very off-putting with their faux positivity.

6. Lack of content
It's all cliches and hot air. Nothing but vague generalities about "believing in yourself", "as you think you shall become", "setting goals every day" as though a poor person in the hood or in a trailer can just start to believe really hard and a million dollars will appear.

They prey on gullible, vulnerable people with sheep mentalities. You can watch footage from their seminars where people just jump around in place and scream like idiots, or in Tony Robbins' case walk across hot coals to demonstrate some sort of metaphor about overcoming fear.

There are a FEW exceptions to this rule. You will occasionally find sound advice with raw data and numbers. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kyosaki comes to mind. In it he teaches you the fundamentals of real estate and passive income. So before you purchase, do your homework. Skim the book if you have it in front of you or read the negative reviews before you purchase online to see what real customers are saying.

In short, screw these scam artists. Don't give them your money.

Good day.


We already have a plethora of life coaches on SS.
Yeah, a bunch of Fat Morneys...aka

240 pound neckbeards talking about fitness.

Bald men talking about hairstyles.

Unemployed men and criminals talking about millions of dollars

Men getting fired over breakups and talking about harems of 15 at the same time.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah, a bunch of Fat Morneys...aka

240 pound neckbeards talking about fitness.

Bald men talking about hairstyles.

Unemployed men and criminals talking about millions of dollars

Men getting fired over breakups and talking about harems of 15 at the same time.
The less you have going for you irl the more "grand" the online cartoon coping mechanism becomes.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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I am a massive believer in working on yourself and I belive that getting help from greater human beings is very important.

However, the truly great human beings are not life coaching. They are found in history.

Also, there are brilliant books written over 100 years ago which still are as current as when they were written:

Think and grow rich - Napoleon Hill
How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie, 7 habits, Steve Covey....the lists go on. The old ones have decades of track record and are just props in your own personal style.

I wanted to make a thread recently on "wisdom". I've found some of the most helpful people on the internet right here, especially with male issues which aren't really for your friends and can only be discussed anon.

There's also some some oneupmanshippers unfortunately but hey, it's a forum about screwing women. What did I expect?

These coaches and gurus are BS. Read the real thing.

However, I fully believe that hard work and planning are the two main ingredients. Work hard on your short term stuff 247 and ensure you have planning sessions to steer your life. The ability to block out things helps. I'm working on that right now, I want to become impervious to set backs. Basically a boxer who springs up from a KO. I am also working on slowing down discussions and reading motives in people more.

Anyway, the fact you are thinking about these types of things is the difference. People pay this dude because on some level, they believe they can pay someone else to do the work. You'd be better off paying a cleaner and using your free time to improve yourself.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
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They are all saying the same thing....

These guys just have a ton of charisma! They often educate themselves, read a ton, and learn about the world. Once you learn about the world, things just get easy... You develop natural skills on how to effectively communicate with people, it becomes second nature.

the best influence to me didn't have any of what you described (credentials, rag to riches story, etc.) He read a ton, traveled all over the world, owned an extremely successful business ($10million/year), and talked to a ton of people on a daily basis. Most of what the founders of SS preaches. He was extremely good at talking to people and he wasn't even a good looking guy or in shape or anything. But he had confidence. He took zero drugs, did not drink alcohol, nor even drink caffeine and he could get anything from anyone.

He would tell me things like...
-talk to everyone
-don't ever talk about the weather
-Talk is 90% BS, 10% business
-smile, make eye contact, have good posture, don't fidget
-whittle people down.. look at everyone as a wood block that you can slowly chip away at
-hit people's emotions
-Hide your money - he drove a mid-90's Mercedes, lived in a very modest house in Walnut Creek, and didn't have any expensive "toys".. spend all of his money traveling the world

When you interact with people (and I mean really interact) on a daily basis, you begin to understand human nature. Men are mostly the same. Women are mostly the same. You won't learn any of this with credentials, money, or published content

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
There are a FEW exceptions to this rule. You will occasionally find sound advice with raw data and numbers. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kyosaki comes to mind. In it he teaches you the fundamentals of real estate and passive income. So before you purchase, do your homework. Skim the book if you have it in front of you or read the negative reviews before you purchase online to see what real customers are saying.
I like Kyosaki, I am reading his stuff right now. Most times, the guys who are legit are found in BOOKS, not youtube or TV or feel good sessions (that you have to pay for).


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
Yeah, a bunch of Fat Morneys...aka

240 pound neckbeards talking about fitness.

Bald men talking about hairstyles.

Unemployed men and criminals talking about millions of dollars

Men getting fired over breakups and talking about harems of 15 at the same time.
You seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder mate.

Why does it make you so mad that I can breakup with a BPD, bounce back, enjoy beautiful women and still make 6 figures, while owning multiple properties. Yes, I'm being self congratulatory, but I'm doing it to make a point. The two of us had similar experiences (crazy BPD exes) and yet our lives and mindsets couldn't be further apart - it wouldn't take me too long to dig up a recent thread about how much you hate your job, don't get paid much and suck with women.

Truth be told, you will never be happy or successful as long as you continue to dwell in negativity.

I've noticed on here that it's often the biggest loser who have the most skepticism about the success of others. You fall into this category. And that's probably why they're such losers to begin with.
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Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
You seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder mate.

Why does it make you so mad that I can breakup with a BPD, bounce back, enjoy beautiful women and still make 6 figures, while owning multiple properties. Yes, I'm being self congratulatory, but I'm doing it to make a point. The two of us had similar experiences (crazy BPD exes) and yet our lives and mindsets couldn't be further apart - it wouldn't take me too long to dig up a recent thread about how much you hate your job, don't get paid much and suck with women.

Truth be told, you will never be happy or successful as long as you continue to dwell in negativity.

I've noticed on here that it's often the biggest loser who have the most skepticism about the success of others. You fall into this category. And that's probably why they're such losers to begin with.
It's all about balance.

- There are indeed guys on here who brag about having a particular "lifestyle" but never show proof of it.

- Then there are in fact guys on here who aren't trying hard enough or have incorrect mindsets to achieve anything of greatness.

This is why (despite the labels that come with being associated with The Manosphere) I've always tried to supply pictures of who I am, to back up who I CLAIM to be. Why? Because quite frankly, I think a lot of guys who are on the ROAD to getting their shyt together, can relate to a guy like me, having been very FVCKED UP (some people will say I'm still fvcked up :rofl:) and having turned out to be a pretty successful guy.

That's what I think the Manosphere should be based on. It should be a place you can go to see guys who are going through what you're going through or have WENT through what you're going through.....have made it out....and now provide a shining example for you to follow.

What BlueAlpha is referring to is the frustration of having too many FAKE personalities on this board. It's hard to "relate" to someone when they are clearly blowing smoke up your, or at least present situations/lifestyles that appear to be completely FAKE and when you ask them for any type of verification they refuse to do it.

For example, when I tell people I have 3 damn bachelor's degrees, that immediately sounds FAKE as hell. So that's why I have no problem getting in PM and linking up with guys on LinkedIn, so they can verify that I'm not some FAKER.


I'm not sure whether you want legit conversation, or you just want to vent unhappiness.

It's very simple not to be scammed. There is something called "The Piratebay". That is where I downloaded a few things to get me going.

And then I field tested. You very quickly learn what is what from actually trying stuff out. That is why the people who keep whining, I know just don't have any balls to actually make any real effort.

Then, I spent real money (probably around £80-100 total) in purchasing materials that I had confidence would make a return. And I don't regret a thing.

This really isn't as difficult as people make out it is. And I expect people to have some basic intelligence.
Same old deesade post-ban. He wants to give me some armchair psychology about "unhappiness" because I'm warning people about internet get rich quick schemes that are all over the place.

All I pointed out is how they are full of pseudoscience and short in actual arithmetic. Surely you'd agree walking across hot coals doesn't actually do anything to make you richer?

What this post really is is deesade's way of covertly telling us, again, how successful he is by trying to put me down and inferring that anyone who is negative or critical is "unhappy".

But you're probably a faker. That's the difference between a guy like Tenacity and you. He backs it up and you never have.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2012
Reaction score
Amsterdam, Netherlands
I watch a lot of videos and read a lot of books about the Law of Attraction.
Especially the books, videos and guided meditations of a man called Joe Dispenza have changed my life in so much prosperity and abundance.
I am a huge believer in the Law of Attraction.


You seem to have a massive chip on your shoulder mate.

Why does it make you so mad that I can breakup with a BPD, bounce back, enjoy beautiful women and still make 6 figures, while owning multiple properties. Yes, I'm being self congratulatory, but I'm doing it to make a point. The two of us had similar experiences (crazy BPD exes) and yet our lives and mindsets couldn't be further apart - it wouldn't take me too long to dig up a recent thread about how much you hate your job, don't get paid much and suck with women.

Truth be told, you will never be happy or successful as long as you continue to dwell in negativity.

I've noticed on here that it's often the biggest loser who have the most skepticism about the success of others. You fall into this category. And that's probably why they're such losers to begin with.
No BeTheChange, the most recent embarrassing threads from only 4 months ago show YOU getting fired in a blaze of unglory when your BPD ex dumped you because you were beating her.

Then you proceeded to talk to yourself for 37 days in the NC thread spouting motivational cliches ripped off from these "life coaches" only to go back to that hoe, while telling us how "in control" you were all along. Rinse and repeat.

Then you claimed to have 15 plates in a rotation at once and couldn't provide ONE pic. The entire forum except for the other 2 or 3 psychopaths laughed at you. Not just me. Ask Infern0 (another BPD poster) how that was received.

The threads about my BPD were from over 2 years ago and I have barely mentioned her since. You actually don't know anything about me other than I had one bad job and one bad relationship, because I don't need to come here and post "field reports" every time I get a strippers phone number.

You also took the time to unblock me after you specifically stated you were "getting rid of negativity".

NOBODY cares that you claim to make 6 figures or bang 15 women at a time. Because you are literally an empty face on a forum except for your Anime avatars. Perhaps we WOULD care if you could back up a damn thing you said. But you can't.

And @9Volt is going to have a field day with you now because you're the biggest phony of all.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
No BeTheChange, the most recent embarrassing threads from only 4 months ago show YOU getting fired in a blaze of unglory when your BPD ex dumped you because you were beating her.

Then you proceeded to talk to yourself for 37 days in the NC thread spouting motivational cliches ripped off from these "life coaches" only to go back to that hoe, while telling us how "in control" you were all along. Rinse and repeat.

Then you claimed to have 15 plates in a rotation at once and couldn't provide ONE pic. The entire forum except for the other 2 or 3 psychopaths laughed at you. Not just me. Ask Infern0 (another BPD poster) how that was received.

The threads about my BPD were from over 2 years ago and I have barely mentioned her since. You actually don't know anything about me other than I had one bad job and one bad relationship, because I don't need to come here and post "field reports" every time I get a strippers phone number.

You also took the time to unblock me after you specifically stated you were "getting rid of negativity".

NOBODY cares that you claim to make 6 figures or bang 15 women at a time. Because you are literally an empty face on a forum except for your Anime avatars. Perhaps we WOULD care if you could back up a damn thing you said. But you can't.

And @9Volt is going to have a field day with you now because you're the biggest phony of all.
OK then buddy. Your version of events seems to be somewhat different from my reality but I'm sure you know better than me.

Truth is, of the two of us I'm not the one who is chronically unhappy. In fact, I really like my life at the moment. The last six months have probably been some of the best of my life and I continue to go from strength to strength, so if you want to "come at me" you'll need to do it from a different angle.

I unignored you because your miserable posts serve as a reminder to me of how NOT to think. You're only playing yourself.
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Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
IMO anyone who genuinely wants to be a "life coach" does it for nothing in return because they genuinely want to help. This site is the best group of life coaches any of us will likely ever find. Everyone here has their their strong areas that they contribute to the forum based on their experience. Some guys here are better practicing and coaching on being a PUA and getting numbers/lays. Some are better at coaching on how to keep a woman once you have her. Some are better with health & fitness, working out, eating good, etc. Some are better with financial well being. Some with psychology. etc. Yeah its easy to lie on the Internet and claim to be someone you are not, and there is some of that around here, but I don't think it is the norm for most people on here.

In regards to "backing stuff up", yeah we could all post pictures of our bodies, diplomas, bank account balances, houses, cars, women we score, etc. I think if we charged people on here for the advice we gave them then proving we are who we say we are would be the right thing to do. But again, its free. We are all here on our own free will. We post on our own free will (following the forum rules), and we take in and practice the advice we get on here in our own free will. Members who think what other members post is BS always have the option of hitting "ignore" on someone so that person can no longer waste their time. I don't think that gets used nearly enough around here. Some people would rather just complain about a member than ignore them. The ignore option is a much better use of ones' time. I promise.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
This thread is fvcken hilarious.

@BlueAlpha, why does BeTheChange's financial and dating success (whether real or not) bother you?

Further, what evidence do you have that he is a phony as you allege?


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Listen guys, this is one of the few places in the world that Men can come to vent. I come here to vent at times and others do as well, including BlueAlpha.

I just love how guys play this "everything is going right with me, everything is going wrong with you" card when a guy comes here and vents about whatever. This is supposed to be a forum where we HELP and SUPPORT each other, not tear each other down.

Why is BlueAlpha venting? Well, maybe because like MOST men his age, he has to go through a lot of shyt like:

- Trying to build a decent career
- Trying to juggle cost of living
- Trying to juggle finances
- Trying to juggle understanding women
- Trying to find the time to workout
- Trying to find decent role models or inspirations

If he wants to VENT, let him VENT! Let him get that shyt OUT! Why is everybody so damn judgmental around here, like YOU have it all figured out, "your life" is so perfect, etc.?

We all here have something we are wrestling with, man I can't stand these "I'm holier than you" type of mentalities you guys get in around here at times.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
I don't know about any of you but this thread and all the pseudo life coaches on it have inspired me to finally put down the family sized Doritos, quit watching Aloha Tube, get myself a paper route for much needed exercise + cha-ching, and fvck a BPD chick.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
Reaction score
Listen guys, this is one of the few places in the world that Men can come to vent. I come here to vent at times and others do as well, including BlueAlpha.

I just love how guys play this "everything is going right with me, everything is going wrong with you" card when a guy comes here and vents about whatever. This is supposed to be a forum where we HELP and SUPPORT each other, not tear each other down.

Why is BlueAlpha venting? Well, maybe because like MOST men his age, he has to go through a lot of shyt like:

- Trying to build a decent career
- Trying to juggle cost of living
- Trying to juggle finances
- Trying to juggle understanding women
- Trying to find the time to workout
- Trying to find decent role models or inspirations

If he wants to VENT, let him VENT! Let him get that shyt OUT! Why is everybody so damn judgmental around here, like YOU have it all figured out, "your life" is so perfect, etc.?

We all here have something we are wrestling with, man I can't stand these "I'm holier than you" type of mentalities you guys get in around here at times.
Vent? Like the way Elliot Rodgers vented when he took down an army. Or the way you vent when you threaten to go postal? Where is the line to this "venting" drawn? When we have a dozen dead bodies by our own hand?

I'd like to think that, here, we encourage men to be great; we encourage men to improve their "debilitating" circumstance and environment by pushing "life" right back and getting better--NOT encouraging men to baldly denigrate one another (especially absent evidence).

This site is as only good as its constituents. And to go after the few soldiers out there who took their bullets, who did not "vent" but instead got right back up for another round, and transcended; those soldiers deserve some fcken respect.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
This site is as only good as its constituents. And to go after the few soldiers out there who took their bullets, who did not "vent" but instead got right back up for another round, and transcended; those soldiers deserve some fcken respect.
But why do you think guys like myself who come here and vent often.....ARE NOT taking the bullets, getting right back up, and going for another round?

You honestly think Guru that just because I come on here and vent, that I don't log off and go RIGHT back into the field?

Sosuave to me (at times) is like hitting the bag at the gym. I come here, let off some fvcking steam, clear my head, then get the fvck BACK out there and keep fighting.

What I hate is the "assumption" that just because I'm clearing my head, venting, ranting, etc., on Sosuave, that I'm somehow "weak". That would be like saying the guy who goes to the gym to hit the bag or push weights to let off steam, is WEAK because supposedly only WEAK people need to let off steam. That makes no sense.


Apr 21, 2015
Reaction score
Listen guys, this is one of the few places in the world that Men can come to vent. I come here to vent at times and others do as well, including BlueAlpha.

I just love how guys play this "everything is going right with me, everything is going wrong with you" card when a guy comes here and vents about whatever. This is supposed to be a forum where we HELP and SUPPORT each other, not tear each other down.

Why is BlueAlpha venting? Well, maybe because like MOST men his age, he has to go through a lot of shyt like:

- Trying to build a decent career
- Trying to juggle cost of living
- Trying to juggle finances
- Trying to juggle understanding women
- Trying to find the time to workout
- Trying to find decent role models or inspirations

If he wants to VENT, let him VENT! Let him get that shyt OUT! Why is everybody so damn judgmental around here, like YOU have it all figured out, "your life" is so perfect, etc.?

We all here have something we are wrestling with, man I can't stand these "I'm holier than you" type of mentalities you guys get in around here at times.
Soldier listen to General S.S Nutcracker, put on your G.I. Joe costume with a keyboard kung-fu grip and enlist in Platoon Red Pill Red Coats here to save private Ryan's.
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