Beware over analysing


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
I was reading some of the old POOK stuff yesterday and he was talking about why chicks are attracted to jerks

When you strip all the noise and technicalities out its because the jerk knows he is a jerk and more importantly does not care anyone thinks he is a jerk

He acts on impulse , he says what he wants , he takes what he wants, he moves

The jerk has all the prerequisites of an inherent alpha male but he also has the aura to make her wet , because he's happy to stick his neck on the line in search of his own gratification

The community i feel has tried to over analyse and over complicate too many aspects of the game

The seduction game should be played like Cluedo, collect the clues , isolate your culprit and bang her , but instead its now being played like chess too much strategy too much analysing the opponent with little to no action

Girls don't want to be over analysed its boring and it certainly doesn't make the panties wet ..... it seems now there is an assumed answer for every behaviour she will ever make ok fair enough some of the red flags are important to note but then the jerk isn't looking to wife these hoes h'e just wants to f@ck,

I myself am guilty of becoming far too analytical in recent years , my best results with women have always come from spontaneity and thats what i am going to be returning too this summer i encourage you all to do the same


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
When you strip all the noise and technicalities out its because the jerk knows he is a jerk and more importantly does not care anyone thinks he is a jerk

He acts on impulse , he says what he wants , he takes what he wants, he moves
Yup, in a way you could also say the jerk is more honest, has courage and is way more confident, qualities that are attractive. This is exactly because he says what he thinks, even if the opinion is unpopular and others may view him as a jerk for it.

The nice guy schemes, weigh his words and try to appear in a better light. In doing so he hesitates, comes off as disingenuous and shows lack of confidence in what he truly believes.

The jerk is still a jerk though and can sometimes be too insensitive and selfish, but it's still better than being a nice guy. Finding a balance is ideal, but apparently something many struggle to do, especially after years of repression and built up resentment as a nice guy.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
Everyone has a default state. Being genuine and accepting who you are is the best course for a LTR or sustainability with someone.
On the other hand, if you just want notch counts, be whoever you need to be to make that happen.

Having a few kids and observing kids in general, I strongly believe some of these characteristics are inherent within one's DNA. Some are born to be natural jerks and some aren't.

One can be trained to be a certain way but I believe everyone has a default state they always will revert back to. My $.02


Don Juan
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
I was reading some of the old POOK stuff yesterday and he was talking about why chicks are attracted to jerks

When you strip all the noise and technicalities out its because the jerk knows he is a jerk and more importantly does not care anyone thinks he is a jerk

He acts on impulse , he says what he wants , he takes what he wants, he moves

The jerk has all the prerequisites of an inherent alpha male but he also has the aura to make her wet , because he's happy to stick his neck on the line in search of his own gratification

The community i feel has tried to over analyse and over complicate too many aspects of the game

The seduction game should be played like Cluedo, collect the clues , isolate your culprit and bang her , but instead its now being played like chess too much strategy too much analysing the opponent with little to no action

Girls don't want to be over analysed its boring and it certainly doesn't make the panties wet ..... it seems now there is an assumed answer for every behaviour she will ever make ok fair enough some of the red flags are important to note but then the jerk isn't looking to wife these hoes h'e just wants to f@ck,

I myself am guilty of becoming far too analytical in recent years , my best results with women have always come from spontaneity and thats what i am going to be returning too this summer i encourage you all to do the same
yeah I'm trying to work on acting on impulse more because I think way too much. I don't try to be a jerk because I'm not one and that would just be fake and look stupid. But acting faster and thinking less is really good advice I think.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
I was thinking like you are now before, because without question, over analyzing hurts the game of a.. Apprentice well say, somebody who has resolved the majority of their approach anxiety.

However, for a brand new player, over-analyzing is actually critically important, because we cannot determine where you are at, the successes or failures you have had and why, or any other nuance of your game, thus, new players should literally be treated like children, right down to the Indepth over-analysis.

This is where I start to get irritated with certain posters and I'm not being passive aggressive, this is a real irritation, is that certain posters here seem to think that because information is here, it applies to them, so they lash out in these posts saying hey this doesn't work or that doesn't work or hey this is too much information and it's like, yo, we can't hold your hand and tell you what is applicable to you when your not a beginner, this is your path to walk, so walk it... Like the defensiveness attached to "Hey this information doesn't apply to me" screams that this is somebody who is dead set on not accepting Red Pill truth, that being that women hold the cards. (in regards to a new player, not you OP)

Just because the information is here, does not mean it applies to you, maybe at one time, yes, but we need to keep the foundation intact for newer players; pook is a serious part of the foundation of over-analyzing, again, totally necessary and it would be a shame for a newer player to be led away from that because somebody else who is more advanced says the info doesn't apply...

I didn't articulate my point very well here but hopefully it's gotten across
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Don Juan
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
However, for a brand new player, over-analyzing is actually critically important, because we cannot determine where you are at, the successes or failures you have had and why, or any other nuance of your game, thus, new players should literally be treated like children, right down to the Indepth over-analysis.
Totally disagree. I'm a "brand new player", just starting with cold approaches and over analysis and "theory" BS literally stops me from doing them. I think the opposite is true, the analysis is for later when the anxiety is actually gone enough to think about technique. Best thing for beginners is to just approach without thinking. The improvement comes naturally--the way the girls react is like a reward/punishment system that allows me to subconsciously change my approaches


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
Totally disagree. I'm a "brand new player", just starting with cold approaches and over analysis and "theory" BS literally stops me from doing them. I think the opposite is true, the analysis is for later when the anxiety is actually gone enough to think about technique. Best thing for beginners is to just approach without thinking. The improvement comes naturally--the way the girls react is like a reward/punishment system that allows me to subconsciously change my approaches
If your mindset is "approach" your not apart of the group of people I'm talking about here, there is a certain term I try to refrain from using as I see it as negative but reality is reality


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
Agree with OP. A great book I used to help with my game is “How to be the jerk that women love”.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
Agree with OP. A great book I used to help with my game is “How to be the jerk that women love”.
See this is the thing I mean, for example Serge was saying in another thread that for a long time when he was approaching he didn't get results, but some guys here have a combative mindset where they feel even approaching in the first place is hopeless, they don't even try to fail, that is who the over-analyzing is for.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
See this is the thing I mean, for example Serge was saying in another thread that for a long time when he was approaching he didn't get results, but some guys here have a combative mindset where they feel even approaching in the first place is hopeless, they don't even try to fail, that is who the over-analyzing is for.
Why are you quoting me with this?


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2020
Reaction score
Why are you quoting me with this?
Because like you were saying before, when you were approaching without results, even that approach without results, is a much, much, much bigger step than some people here are willing to take, where you look at it as failure, I look at it as a success, because your at least doing it, your taking action, by approaching, by reading a book, anything to take action is better than nothing.


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
Because like you were saying before, when you were approaching without results, even that approach without results, is a much, much, much bigger step than some people here are willing to take, where you look at it as failure, I look at it as a success, because your at least doing it, your taking action, by approaching, by reading a book, anything to take action is better than nothing.
I take more effective action now tho. Approaching isn’t the goal, getting laid is. Don’t get married to the means instead of the ends.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
The problem with being “The Jerk” is that he always ends up shooting himself in the foot again and again. One step forward, two steps back until he alienates everyone.

Better is to be “The Winner” who appropriates the attractive qualities of the jerk and leaves the jerkiness to other losers.

The jerk’s good qualities are boldness, the IDGAF attitude, and a confident bearing, among others. But the jerk always screws himself over in the end because what he lacks is awareness and calibration.

The winner surgically borrows those positive jerk attributes and leaves the grizzle behind.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
The jerk’s good qualities are boldness, the IDGAF attitude, and a confident bearing, among others.
You're just describing what a normal man used to be back in the day. Something has changed with the more recent generations.

We need mandatory military service and another war...

Israel has this(for both males and females) and if you visit or know anyone there after they've had military training, you can see these qualities in most of them.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Yes for beginners it will be too much of a culture shock to go from normal guy straight into jerk mode

and yes some guys just will not have jerk in their nature , and thats fine they will need to adapt a different strategy

but for most of us with experience in the field and with chicks i don't think it should be that much of a problem to "act first think later"

i also like @Atom Smasher point about taking the pieces of of the jerk and mixing him with the winner although the jerk can be faked to a point,

there is absolutely no way on earth to fake being a winner you simply have to do the work and become one so thats more self development than game


Master Don Juan
Dec 14, 2020
Reaction score
Yes for beginners it will be too much of a culture shock to go from normal guy straight into jerk mode

and yes some guys just will not have jerk in their nature , and thats fine they will need to adapt a different strategy

but for most of us with experience in the field and with chicks i don't think it should be that much of a problem to "act first think later"

i also like @Atom Smasher point about taking the pieces of of the jerk and mixing him with the winner although the jerk can be faked to a point,

there is absolutely no way on earth to fake being a winner you simply have to do the work and become one so thats more self development than game
For me, going to jerk mode was such a relief since I always was one but never let myself go because I thought it was not right. It was a way to accept who I was deep down.

Modern Man Advice

Master Don Juan
Feb 3, 2021
Reaction score
I was reading some of the old POOK stuff yesterday and he was talking about why chicks are attracted to jerks

When you strip all the noise and technicalities out its because the jerk knows he is a jerk and more importantly does not care anyone thinks he is a jerk

He acts on impulse , he says what he wants , he takes what he wants, he moves

The jerk has all the prerequisites of an inherent alpha male but he also has the aura to make her wet , because he's happy to stick his neck on the line in search of his own gratification

The community i feel has tried to over analyse and over complicate too many aspects of the game

The seduction game should be played like Cluedo, collect the clues , isolate your culprit and bang her , but instead its now being played like chess too much strategy too much analysing the opponent with little to no action

Girls don't want to be over analysed its boring and it certainly doesn't make the panties wet ..... it seems now there is an assumed answer for every behaviour she will ever make ok fair enough some of the red flags are important to note but then the jerk isn't looking to wife these hoes h'e just wants to f@ck,

I myself am guilty of becoming far too analytical in recent years , my best results with women have always come from spontaneity and thats what i am going to be returning too this summer i encourage you all to do the same
Well if we are being honest here, this is true for life in general. People tend to overthink, over analyze life too much. Life is simple if you make it so. And it is certainly more enjoyable that way.

Solid post.

Modern Man Advice


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2021
Reaction score
For all the successful djs on here... Could game be simplified to:
1.Be a sexual being
2.Be bold
3.Don't tolerate disrespect (silence/distance)
4.Don't be thirsty
5.Don't take females seriously/treat them like children(amused mastery)


Apr 5, 2021
Reaction score
For all the successful djs on here... Could game be simplified to:
1.Be a sexual being
2.Be bold
3.Don't tolerate disrespect (silence/distance)
4.Don't be thirsty
5.Don't take females seriously/treat them like children(amused mastery)
Whatever helps you get through the day