being married and picking up other women


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2007
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i know i may be judged on this, but whatever

wedding ring game and married with kids questions:

1. when i have had my ring on, its either a flat out "no" or "yes" from women.
mostly no's, but the yes girls seem to love it. my ratio is obviously better without the ring, but its like krytponite to some women and they cant get enough.

2. what is the ratio like when telling women you have kids? my kids are young and its like the wedding ring, some love it, some dont. im young and so are my kids. they are beautiful and some girls see them and automatically want me.

i know this may seem messed up to most of you, but this is real life and its the mature man, so i want some mature answers. please spare me the bs.

im going to be travelling internationally, and im just wondering what foreign latinas would like better?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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strey said:
1. when i have had my ring on, its either a flat out "no" or "yes" from women.
mostly no's, but the yes girls seem to love it. my ratio is obviously better without the ring, but its like krytponite to some women and they cant get enough.
Women who don't mind (or like) the fact that you're married can be decent candidates for a mistress. It's better if the mistress has a bf or husband of her own. When you display higher value than the man she's stuck with, she'll be extremely open to the idea of being with you.

2. what is the ratio like when telling women you have kids?
Build interest before telling her you have children. Women who don't have children may or may not be open to the idea, but they'll be much more open to it if they're already interested.

i know this may seem messed up to most of you, but this is real life and its the mature man, so i want some mature answers. please spare me the bs.
Since you've already decided to go this route, I hope to hell you've read The Cheat Manual.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 1, 2011
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I am married
and i get that look from girls too, When i go to the malls or go shopping with my other significant girls stare me more than when i go alone.
I never tried to pull them or ask their phone numbers.
I have seen one guy, who used to take his kids to mall to get chicks. he was single dad. I don't know how much he succeeded in that.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
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Hey brother. You will receive no judgement from me as I have accepted the nature of men and that pure monogamy is almost entirely beneficial to the woman and the woman alone.

As long as you provide and care for your family and love your wife and kids then that's all you can really ask yourself.

I've not been having extra-marital affairs for too long but I've learned from a lot of the mistakes made by friends who have been caught.

A few tips.

1. Don't get involved with married women or women with long term girlfriends.

This basically means you have to rely on another person being as meticulous as you in covering your tracks. If the husband finds out and gets your name this will probably mean:

  • The end of your marriage since the husband will probably tell your wife

  • Danger to your wellbeing and possibly life if the husband has a vendetta against you

Just not worth it IMO.

2. Get a work phone.

Now I would say this only makes sense if you have a job that actually demands it.

In my line of work management get issued phones for work purposes but they aren't tracked in anyway so most keep their work phones (which are always the latest models out) for personal use.

Make sure that:

  • You keep your work phone turned off while you are round your wife and kids

  • There is a pin and it is different to the one on the personal phone that your wife sees you use

  • You delete all incriminating messages once you no longer have any need for them

This point is the most crucial IMO. Every guy I know who has been caught cheating has had their wife/gf find out through looking through their phones.

Your mobile needs to be Fort Knox.

3. Don't bring women back to your marital home.

This goes without saying.

There are plenty of other places you can go to do your business and it really isn't worth it given the heightened risk of being caught.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
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Desdinova said:
Women who don't mind (or like) the fact that you're married can be decent candidates for a mistress. It's better if the mistress has a bf or husband of her own. When you display higher value than the man she's stuck with, she'll be extremely open to the idea of being with you.
I see this trope commonly spouted but it is bad advice IMO for the reasons I mentioned above.

The potential fallout is ten times as bad.

Especially if the husband is a raging AFC - AFC does NOT mean spineless.

There are plenty of AFC husbands who are in prison for shooting their wives and their lovers.

Don't be a headline on the six o clock news.

And there really is no need when there are so many single slvts out there.

EDIT: Another reason why I don't agree with this is because I don't think a man cheating and a woman cheating are the same thing.

Women win by securing the best male they can obtain.

Men win by becoming a male capable of securing a variety of high value women.

One egg, many sperm.

Women who ***** around despite being with high quality men are broken in some way.

Throughout history there has always been an innate understanding which is why up until very recently a man keeping other women in addition to his wife was implicitly or explicitly acceptable.

And however much the feminists and moralists cry you still see it now - particularly amongst sportstars where infidelity is pretty much accepted as the norm.

Women would rather share a powerful man than settle for a beta AFC.

Of course if you are married, then all bets are off as she has your balls in a vice.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
AdamJ said:
I see this trope commonly spouted but it is bad advice IMO for the reasons I mentioned above.

The potential fallout is ten times as bad.

Especially if the husband is a raging AFC - AFC does NOT mean spineless.

There are plenty of AFC husbands who are in prison for shooting their wives and their lovers.

Don't be a headline on the six o clock news.
You certainly have a point. I just looked it up in the cheat manual (it's been some time since I've read it). Whenever it comes to affairs, I refer to this because it's the fvcking bible on having an affair. It agrees with your point:

The second most important factor to remember when selecting a mistress is that you choose a mistress because you believe she is a reasonably good security threat (she ain't gonna tell). More than that, is she willing to help you keep the encounter(s) a secret? This is why I stated earlier, you should never have an affair with someone who has less to lose than you do. If she has as much to lose she will assist you in keeping things under wraps. This does not mean it's a good idea to have an affair with a married woman. All that does is increase the danger to you by having to coordinate two schedules, and doubles the amount of people you have to keep it secret from. You also have to rely on her ability to be able to successfully keep things from her husband. Double the risk does not necessarily mean double the pleasure…and if it does, it also means double the pain. More than a small amount of the people I interviewed were caught by the other woman's husband, who called the wife to inform her of what had been going on. One important component you would like to see in your ideal mistress is a respect and consideration for your wife. If the affair goes on for any length of time this will be important, because she won't want to turn you in out of respect for the hurt and pain it would cause your wife.
But I digress... If you piss off your mistress, what's to stop her from telling your wife that you've been screwing around? If she has a man in her life, that's collateral as well as an added risk.

I think the entire situation needs to be analyzed before choosing a chick for a mistress. If her man knows absolutely nothing about your life, where you live, where you work, or your last name, the risk is still pretty small. You also need to trust your mistress to avoid leaking this information. She needs to respect you.

When I had my mistress, her bf highly suspected something was going on between us. She had made an error in covering up her tracks, so I had to end the affair, and I ended it for both of our safety. I knew I had to keep my finger on the NEXT button in case things went wrong.

You have to go into an affair thinking with your head instead of your d1ck. There's a lot of things at stake when you decide to fvck around. Your wife could take you to the cleaners, she could beat the 5hit out of your mistress, your mistress's bf/husband could beat the 5hit out of you, and he could also beat the 5hit out of your mistress. The risks are very high when you have an affair.

The risks are also high with a woman who doesn't have a BF. If she falls madly in love with you, she may have no problem helping fvck up your marriage in order to take your wife's place. A woman who has her hamster running at top speed will do some crazy ass 5hit. That's why keeping things on a level playing field is IMO the best option.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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AdamJ said:
Especially if the husband is a raging AFC - AFC does NOT mean spineless.

There are plenty of AFC husbands who are in prison for shooting their wives and their lovers.

Don't be a headline on the six o clock news.
I mentioned in another thread that I've been reading Nine Ball by Jeffy from RSD. He tells the story of how his mother was cheating on his father. His father freaked out, duct taped his mother to a kitchen chair for two days and tortured her. He then had her call her lover up and arrange for a meeting with her, but he came along and brought a shotgun. He took them to a hotel room, threatened to make a quadriplegic out of him, but settled for forcing them to carve the letter A into their own skin. They got off lucky, it could have been much worse. His father ended up going to prison for years.

You mess with someone's wife (or even girlfriend), you're potentially setting yourself up for some crazy sh!t.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Guy I know used to cheat at conferences, had a woman meet him there regularly. Her HUSBAND found out, got the phone records, texts, hotel bills etc. and filed for divorce, but not before he made a call and sent the guys wife everything.....


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
AND, you've NEVER lived until you are in family court, with a Judge that hates men to begin with, giving your wife HALF, child support, alimony, and taking your kids away except for a couple weekends a month.....