Beginners Start Here: Shezz and RBB take you on your Pathway to Self Actualisation


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
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All are encouraged to participate and all who have sound knowlegde are invited to offer their wisdom. sosuave is a gift of knowledge to you. This thread will provide somewhere to report to.

BC is one way we can up the quality of sosuave. I don't know where the recent surge of idiots who give out advice has come from. They don't read the bible, they haven't done BC and they annoy the hell out of me. They have nothing by their name except countless purposeless posts.

We need to reclaim ss dignity. Now is the time. Let's build a solid foundation at sosuave. Starting with YOU.
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
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"Here we go again... Same old sh*t dawg just a different day.." - DMX.

"Power is knowledge!!" - Mowtal Kombaatt!!

"Sex Scraper!!" - Chau, Off Centre

I woke up with a big fat smile today after falling asleep to MoS - Chillout Sessions 8 lastnight. Sure the rain is pitter pattering outside, but I am gonna plant my arse in the mall and say my 50 Hi's. Plus I have somethings to pick up. Aside from the required reading in the DJBC, I have fished out something I was reading lastnight.

Thanks to Amlothi for writing up such an article. Aimed at you DJs who have lost the swing, I want you to feel what I feel. Freedom.. And to those lurkers that are "guests" here, I want you to come out and join me, metaphorically, on the completion of week one. Unless you come to the mall and watch me have all the fun. :p

"Eh.." - Me

Also, here is an excellent post by Krassus that will give you a little something. A warm fuzzy feeling inside called motivation.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
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FR - Week1: Take me out to the mall game..

Wednesday Oct 19th - 10am

Seeming as it is my day off work, I set the alarm for 10am today. I was determined to get my 50 Hi's and have a few conversations with some friendly strangers. I do some reading on ss and post some golden oldies for you guys. After a shower, I pick out an outfit that would make me more appealing, friendly and open. I'ld say 70% of my closet is punk crap. The other 30 is a few pyjamas and work clothes. A brown smart button up shirt and some slacks would do the trick. Along with my trendy black boot toe shoes, which add 2-3 inches i height must say. Enough about me. I'm sure you'ld get to know me more along the way.

I get into town at 11:45am, just in time for a lunchtime surge of craziness. It's raining like hell (huh?), so I make my way into the main mall pretty quick smiling and giving eye contact to all who pass my way. I pick up a newspaper and seat myself on a bench. This bench couldn't be more better situated. Right in the middle of the entrance of the ladies clothing floor. :D I have the paper open and cross my legs (right ankle on left knee), making sure my posture is confident, open and alpha. -I'll give you details on threads of body language and voice empowerment.-

Check my watch, 5 to 12. Great! Pretending to read the paper I was actually gazing through it concentrating on passerbyers coming in from the sides. The first person to come by once I was settled was a HB7 in her 30's. I spotted her about 15 feet away and slowly looked up at her. I certainly caught her in her little perve session. She probably thought I'ld be busy reading. We made eye contact so I smiled and and said Hi. She was dressed like a lawyer or a high powered executive. I definitely felt out of place but she return the favour with a warm smile and a coy Hi. HA! Gotcha off guard huh Ms. Independant! That would set the tone for the rest of the day..

I found that with this bench technique, I managed eye contect quite easily but I'll break up to you an estimate of what ensued. For an hour's sitting, during lunch break mind you - so more people would be at lunch, I managed to clock up about 30ish Hi's. Maybe 5-10 were returned with Hi's, smiles and continued EC. 10 of those smiled, said Hi and looked elsewhere and 10 were returned with smiles and EC only.

The male clerk at a store opposite me watched me the whole time. I think he knew what was going on. This would of phased me before but not these days, maybe I've turned into a male attention wh*re. Heh!

After the hour was up I was definitely looking for a change in scenario. Plus my bum was sore. I returned outside and it was pretty quiet. The rain managed to keep people indoors (duh..) so I headed off home.

Key factors:
- I dressed up quite appropiately so I could catch the attention of women all ages. Left the punk, club wear at home.
- Newspaper so I didn't look empty handed.
- It was a weekday so I made sure I was there at lunch.

- Might be harder for guys who are really shy but the bench method is a sure fire way to get through week 1's lesson easily providing the mall is busy. For those who don't like being subjected to the centre of attention, a walk through the park or mall will keep you moving.
- Rain shouldn't keep you at bay. Once indoors, who cares?

On a side note, for those who know who HB H is, I'll probably give HB H a call tonight. Setting up a mid-week date is hard when it's raining. Maybe a quick coffee after work before we go home if she works in the city.

Also, I had a conversation with a man in his 50's at the bus stop just to keep me from going crazy.

EC/Hi's: about 30?
Conversations: 1


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
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Here are the posts regarding body language and voice empowerment which have helped me tremendously throughout my search for DJ enlightenment. By following these methods religously, you will have alpha oozing out of your pores.

I know I always have these posts in the back of my mind. Big thanks to Señor Fingers for sharing his wisdom amongst ss DJers.

Mastering Body Language

Empower Your Voice



Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
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lol, excellent news! Should make for some interesting war stories! Tomorrow won't come soon enough.

Oh. Don't forget to include drunken posts. The ones that make total sense at the time... hee hee. The deep psyche of a drunken DJ.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
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FR: Pre BC - Tales from the mobile inbox!

Friday 21 October - 6:22pm

Why am I sitting here with a big goofy smile on my face? Allow me to tell you why...

You remember HB H right? Then read on. If not, click here: <-- last page, 2nd to last post by RBB.


I called her wednesday night at 7:30;
Me: It's RBB, I'm buggered.. I feel like a coffee. Wanna come with?
HB H: lol, I'm already settled into my night routine. I need my beauty sleep before work tomorrow!
Me: Sure, you do that while I sip some coffee and perve on the hot waitresses. But next time I see you, that beauty sleep had better worked!
HB H: Hahaha... what?!? You think I'm ugly?
Me: No one is ugly. Ugly is such a powerful word. OK, I'm gonna jet. Bye!
HB H: Already?
Me: Yep. <-- Then I hang up.

I didn't go for that coffee. Instead I stewed in my own conscience thinking about nexting her, what she could possibly be upto, is she fukken someone etc.. So in a way. I felt glad I was so direct that I was borderline rude.

Resume, unpause:

I text her just then telling her to have a happy friday and not to let the gloomy weather get a hold of her.

HB H txt: Don't worry, I'll find something to do. xxx - HB H

Me: Yea, the bottle of Vodka keeps telling me to drink before driving out.

HB H: Vodka? Got some for me?

Me: Hahahah, you sound like you wanna hangout with me.

HB H: Yea! I wouldn't mind! If the smses stop it's cos I've got no credit left.

-Stoped txting her. I wasn't in it for the sms marathon.

HB H: Here's the home phone ********. Save me from this evil weather!!


And now I'm gonna call her and get her to come over. I'll make sure that she understands I'm not in the mood to go out tonight when she gets here. Then it's gunwitch!

Good thing I called her before her bedtime on wednesday night. That way, I was probably the last thing on her mind. When I next gave her an opportunity to hang out she jumped at it! Notice that when I stopped smsing her she immediately handed out her home number! Hahahahahahaha.. now people, that is why I have this goofy smile on my face. :D


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Good job, gents! Unfortunately for Swoop here, I don't have a wingman. I have to go Rambo.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 15, 2005
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Follow up Report: The perils of living alone

Ahh.. I know you all would love to hear that I did her good. I banged her like Ron Jeremy on 3 viagra pills.

Phfftt.. Nothing happened.

Friday 21st October - 9ish.

Her visit to my pad was short lived. I called her and told her that I had a copy of "The Girl Next Door", which luckily she had not seen yet, she told me that she'ld be over with a bottle of red in 10mins. Sure enough in 10mins I get a knock on my door so I run to the bathroom and spray on some Kiton. I calmly collect my breath while walking down the hallway and open the door with a mental kino smile.

Me: Oh.. hey Haz.
Haz: Yo.

HB H arrived a little later decked out in some jeans and a tight black tee. In her hand, a bottle of red from her relatives vineyard. All 3 of us sat down to watch the boring a$$ movie. After the movie HB H went home and Haz slept over.

We played 100 overs of cricket on xbox til 5am.

Now! What to do with all this alcohol on a saturday night? Eh, what are mates for. :rolleyes:


No doubt I'll give her a txt tonight but I won't get her to come out. It's probably best to keep her thinking about what I'm up to.