Becoming Quantifiably Exceptional


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
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Just a free stream of thought...

Top 3 Areas to attract women

Personality (similar to Game, but I like personality better)

Muscle- Men with 6 pack abs in U.S - <1%
Money - Top 10% median income earners in U.S = $173,176 (top 5% =$350k), Another metric- Percentage of millionaires in U.S (10%)
Personality- I can't think up a great way to quantify this. It will mostly be self evident. If your have an exceptional personality, women will be remarking on your personality or your vibe and giving up their number. You would be able to navigate social situations successfully, boldly and diplomatically, easily making friends as you go. Need to remember names, make people feel important, etc. You need to be self aware enough to realize when what you are saying is interesting versus what you are saying is boring and not engaging. Need to evoke emotion. Need to be empathetic, authentic, all of that stuff.

As For Me
$= I have the money piece down. Still want to crack the top 5% consistently though.
6 Pack= I am close to a visible six pack with the muscle as well. Need probably two weeks of cleaner eating and more tennis to achieve it.
Personality= I get lazy in this area. For me, getting my personality right means I need to stay off the screens, no porn, reduce TV, read more, and take a vested interest in the people around me.

Anyway, I like to look at numbers, because it gives a measurable call and makes it easier to chart progress. I'm going to update this when I get the visible six pack and improved personality.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
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Added thought. For me at least, being middle tier or even feeling like I am a mid tier man gets me nowhere. My confidence rises and shrinks based off my accomplishments or lack thereof.


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2018
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Good post.

I agree with the metrics for money. I’m also planning to crack the top 5% this year.

For muscles, I don’t think having a six pack is a suitable metric. Lots of scrawny guys have six packs or visible abs yet I don’t believe we’d qualify them as being exceptional in this category. I think “overall physique” is a better metric, and one way to judge one’s own “overall physique” is to take note of how often you’re the fittest guy in the room (and I think this is true especially at the gym). I’ve gone from average to well above average in this category and as I progressed, I saw fewer and fewer men with equal or better physiques than me. Obviously this is dependent on where you live, but in some ways being exceptional is location dependent.

For personality, I’m also not sure how to quantify a metric but I think something in the same vein as above - that is, how often are you the most charismatic guy in any room you walk into. I can confidently say this is one area that I am exceptional in, and it was something that definitely was learned/practiced.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
Good post.

I agree with the metrics for money. I’m also planning to crack the top 5% this year.

For muscles, I don’t think having a six pack is a suitable metric. Lots of scrawny guys have six packs or visible abs yet I don’t believe we’d qualify them as being exceptional in this category. I think “overall physique” is a better metric, and one way to judge one’s own “overall physique” is to take note of how often you’re the fittest guy in the room (and I think this is true especially at the gym). I’ve gone from average to well above average in this category and as I progressed, I saw fewer and fewer men with equal or better physiques than me. Obviously this is dependent on where you live, but in some ways being exceptional is location dependent.

For personality, I’m also not sure how to quantify a metric but I think something in the same vein as above - that is, how often are you the most charismatic guy in any room you walk into. I can confidently say this is one area that I am exceptional in, and it was something that definitely was learned/practiced.
agree about the six pack not being best metric. I like it bc it’s just a remarkable achievement. I just don’t see it much. It takes a considerable amount of discipline. The body that I am seeking is highly athletic, plus lean muscle, and six pack.

good on you for the personality. I like that. Most charismatic guy in the room or situation. I just finished a book on charisma. High power/influence PLUS warmth equals charisma. I’m working on developing a bitmore warmth personality.