Beautiful Women are everywhere.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
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A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Warrior74 said:
I got a few choosing but I don't approach women when I'm out with my little girl. That's just how I roll.

I notice during my day to day schedule, I rarely go anywhere. I go to work, home, deal with clients, and work on my business. On my free weekends I'm usually at home working.

There is really no excuse, they are out there, is the time to take action and go get em!
I thought you were one of the guys here who doesn't do cold-approaches, but one who instead relies on vibes/IOI's. ?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
This thread is why I laugh when guys here claim that there aren't that many hot women out there. There are so many(hot women), it's not even funny.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Colossus said:
There is such an abundance of hot women that every man can get's ridiculous!!! No Man should ever have a scarcity mentality when it comes to women. There are so many out there who are willing to slide down your pole it's amazing. All you have to do is get a little creative and do some approaching. You dont even have to be that clever or "playa", just put yourself where women are and talk to them. Look for IOI's, interact, and ask them to hang out sometime.
Oh come on dude, listen to how ridiculous that sounds. If it were that easy, then why haven't I(a good-looking guy, but I know that doesn't matter) gotten laid(without the use of escorts/prostitutes from Amsterdam) since April 2007? You of all people since being on this site for a number of yrs, should know it doesn't work that way.

I will admit one thing though...I have had a few hot women vibe me within the last several months who I never approached because I chickened out, or chicks who it wasn't the appropriate moment with or other reasons. But whether or not they would've wanted to hit the bedroom with me, is a whole other question. Most likely they wouldn't have, as that seems to be the trend with me. Most hot women who I approach after getting vibes from, never goes anywhere. Same sh*t happens with the ones who cold-approach me. Had a full-blown hottie cold-approach me this past Saturday, but within 5 minutes or so, blew me off.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
samspade said:
Treat 'em all like they're ugly and you'll find that the world is your oyster.
Do you know how many times I've tried that, but to no avail? I always treat them as if I am not "wowed" by them and act aloof.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Warrior74 said:
I took note of the hot chics who were with guys. These guys didn't look any better than me, or worse than me, any richer or poorer. They were average suburban looking guys.
Yup, exactly. That's exactly how it is out there.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2006
Reaction score
A state in America that'll unmercifully leave you
Colossus, I kinda take back what I said. I'm just irrate right now about my situation...but you're right, and I've said this a lot in the past, there are guys out there who aren't "players" who are getting laid by or are in relationships with very attractive women. It is true, you don't have to be a "player" to snag a hottie. I see it for myself a lot. I just can't understand why my turn doesn't come, especially that my game is at least better than the average guys out there. That's why I mention "fate" a lot. It's just not in my deck of cards at the moment, or it may never be for as long as I live, who knows.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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The abundance mentality means mainly that you are not attached to the outcome with one particular woman, because you can always get another. This I agree with.

As for there being a huge amount of hot women, I think it depends on your situation. If you're a guy in your twenties, or early thirties, yeah there are going to be a lot of hot single females on your radar. If you're going to college, obviously there are a lot of hot women around. If you live in a big city, there will be a lot of hot women around. If you live in a warm climate, the girls tend to take care of their bodies a little better. In a smaller town the really hot women are at more of a premium.


Master Don Juan
May 1, 2007
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edger said:
Oh come on dude, listen to how ridiculous that sounds. If it were that easy, then why haven't I(a good-looking guy, but I know that doesn't matter) gotten laid(without the use of escorts/prostitutes from Amsterdam) since April 2007? You of all people since being on this site for a number of yrs, should know it doesn't work that way.

I will admit one thing though...I have had a few hot women vibe me within the last several months who I never approached because I chickened out, or chicks who it wasn't the appropriate moment with or other reasons. But whether or not they would've wanted to hit the bedroom with me, is a whole other question. Most likely they wouldn't have, as that seems to be the trend with me. Most hot women who I approach after getting vibes from, never goes anywhere. Same sh*t happens with the ones who cold-approach me. Had a full-blown hottie cold-approach me this past Saturday, but within 5 minutes or so, blew me off.
It's partially a numbers game, but it's also your Game. You just said you chickened out with approaches. What about the girl who approached you? If she was interested in YOU and opened YOU, the only reason you don't have her in the bag is because of YOUR game.

Also do you question what you have going for you that a woman would want? So many guys think "I have a full time job, I'm above average looking, and a I work out 3-4 times a week, I'm an ultra catch!". For a 6 maybe.

I know my game needs work, and I'm pretty good looking. I'm easily in the top 5% of guys for physique here in the midwest, I'd say top 10% in LA or some other hot spot. Give it another year and I'll be top 1/5. But that's only part of it. You want that 9 or 10? So does every other guy. You better have something SERIOUS to show for it ... looks, body, personality/being outgoing, and some good $$. Anyone who says any of those "dont matter" is just lacking in that area. All of it matters.

But yea, there are hot girls everywhere, though it does vary by location. I'm also from the midwest and I just got back from LA a couple nights ago. We got some friends down there and we hit up a bday party/party bus/club hop with a 4:1 girl:guy ratio .... ALL of them looked like barbies. LA in general is full of hot chicks, can't even compare to the midwest. But yea, they are everywhere.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
edger said:
I thought you were one of the guys here who doesn't do cold-approaches, but one who instead relies on vibes/IOI's. ?
Originally Posted by Warrior74
I got a few choosing
choosing = IOI

Speaking of women being everywhere...its christmas season, you see women out and about now that you might never see all year. It's a good time to get out of the house!


New Member
Jul 6, 2010
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Beautiful women are not everywhere. But it depends on your eyes. According to me Hows you look to women, If you are seen her good or right way then she is beautiful or good for you, it is depends on your eyes.


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
Me and and the offspring went out and about town this weekend and the thing I noticed was that there are beautiful women everywhere. Now I don't live in a major city...the population is about 224,810.
So what Eastern European country is that? It sure as hell can't be a city in the USA ...