Back in the game... met a HB 8,5... How to proceed?


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score

We had a week of good party's here in my country. Of course we went there and had a great time and sarged a bit ....

On the last night I saw a HB 8/9 and opened. I talked a bit and used the C & F stuff. We both had a great time. I got her number and she asked me to call her right away (on the spot) so she had mine too... I saw nothing bad in it and agreed.

I had a good time with my friends and saw that she was approached (in my sight) by some AFC's (I think). She was friendly but they got shot... :up: (test 1: passed)

After a while a walked to her and talked to her a bit : I had a great time I talk to you soon." Kissed (greetings) her goodbye and went home.

When I was home she started texting me.. (good sign). (We are living within 1 mile of eachother) She asked if I came (now) to a club in our town. I obv declined (was tired and wanted to be a challange) and texted her not to be impatient, we would have a great time again soon". After 2 or 3 text I stopped and slept like a baby.

She knew that I'm free for the two weeks (so is she). I called her the next morning for drinks in the afternoon... She agreed and we had a great time again. We went to some places of my choice and she liked it. She invited me over and I stayed there for a while. I ended the date at some time and told her: I had a great time and we will talk soon. We kissed at the end for a few minutes and I splitted (home)

(btw: we both have 2 weeks vacantion right now). Use it!

Q: This is the day after... (I told her I worked hard the last weeks and this week will be a relaxing one).
I have enough things to do.... but I would like TO SEE HER SOON AND BANG THE HELL OUT OF HER:p
But I don't want to ruin it... I have a good feeling about it and I'm pretty sure that she is more than happy to agree on having another date whenever, wherever.

Text/ call her today and set up something or wait? I personally think screw waiting, she gave me enough buying signals. She told me for example, that tomorrow (today) she had to go to her father but she would back very soon ;) (within an hour)
Wanting to check with you guys.. Btw I have other plates..



Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
You are doing fine . Keep doing what is working.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
You proceed as you see fit, you're doing very well.


Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
Reaction score
you're doing a good job. You are entering the "cautious" zone now though. This is where she can know if you can be manipulated, owned by the pvssy, pedestal her after sex etc. Just stay cool and make sure you never give yourself up for her. just enjoy your time when you feel like having a good time. keep it up!!


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for replies guys,

I'm REALLY in the cautious zone right now!

Yesterday she came over for a movie. We didnt get to the end and kissed & touched far more than normal. She said that she wanted to rip my clothes off but on the other hand she tought it was very exciting to wait a little. I saw she was horny as hell.
For SOME reason i said.. I'm not gonna do you tonight, im not finished kissing you yet.. in a C&F way... I thought it was making me different from other guys.. But now I think It was much better (for me) if I just banged her, but past is past.

She said she would call me today (I hate that) and she did at 19.00 O' clock. We are both one week off...
We agreed to meet for friday. She said she wanted to DO something too... (not just ****ing, she meant). So the beach we will do first..

I think it is a long wait (tuesday - friday). But typing this update, makes me realize its going quite good. But normally girls text/call the hell off me.. She isnt and seems to be more independent than other girls or even myself!

I think Im going to read all the oneitis stuff again. I feel neediness coming on quite strong. Thats bad. IM ****ING impatieneda and want to do her (should have done that yesterday, i know) She lives around the corner... WTF

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Fear can become a self fulfilling prophecy. Don't let your fear of getting oneitis become a self fulfilling prophecy...

I suggest you do not read all the oneitis stuff again, it will 'feed' the self fulfilling prophecy. I suggest you do not think, write or read about this woman in any way, that's the surest method to prevent oneitis from setting in. You'll see her when you'll see her, in the meantime she should not be on your mind in any way. Focus on that! Moments of spare time, your thoughts will NOT go to her. When you go to bed, you will not think of her!

After you finished reading this post, your thoughts will not go to her! Now click the X at the top right corner, stop thinking and don't come back here until you've had your next meet with her. Good luck!


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
We had a great time at the beach and a even better night/ morning and afternoon at her place. I'm exhausted....

Im going to sleep now.... Thanks guys for all comments.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score

Normally when I had such a great time with a girl. The girl would texted me to death to next day...

This HB, seems to be convident and isnt needy at all (a female DJ?)
Saturday we had great sex and she was very satisfied! She told me several times. Trust me on this one.

Sunday night she texted me once:" Thanks for the great holiday-week! and wished me luck for my first day after my holiday.
I replied: that the pleasure was all mine and that we had a great time. I would like to get together later this week. (ERROR??)

She didnt reply. I noticed (fri/ saturday) that she checked her phone 2 or 3 times and didnt texted or called anyone. My guess is that she doenst like it too much..

Today I called her (short) and made plans for friday. She was happy to see me then and looked forward to it. We talked for a few minutes and I ended the convo.

I feel like she has a lot of power in this situation. She barely texts me. I try to take some power back. By not be around all the time (she isnt asking though...), text her just a little and to set up a date at the end of the week. No contact though seems not the road to follow.

Normally when i ****ed a new girl, I like to repeat it a few times later that week... Are girls (30 yrs) that different? I need to cut back on my enthousiasm HARD.

Advice highly appreciated! I dont want to fall in the same abyss as IndianaJones (see his posting). My best guess is that she likes/ wants me, but she plays it her way (slow). She also told me that she never kisses on the first date (FWIW)


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
Pull back, and I don't mean pull back FROM HER, I mean... PULL BACK YOURSELF.

What you have here is a woman who is playing the game YOUR way so it has you a bit troubled.

If she accepts to going out with you and she puts out and you always have a good time, I don't see what the problem is. The thing that has you miffed is that you are used to certain patterns and she ISN'T displaying these patterns that you always see.

You've been doing everything just fine, but it's because of how you two are dealing with each other, that worries you that you might NOT be doing fine. I know a few women that DON'T text all the time and the relationships progress rather nicely because there isn't that level of insecurity and wanting to have constant contact.

RepM, I don't know what to say to you other than get your head straight. Your own doubt is going to cause your subsequent demise if you keep staying within your head like this.

I'd much rather the woman that didn't feel the need to text and talk to me all the time and that DID go out with me and that DID put out... than the classic female that's seeking attention.

Just play it cool.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks Kailex (and others) for your advice!

I fully understand your advice and I'll play it cool.

I cant put my finger on it... It feels akward, gut feeling... I dunno, maybe I'm *****ing..

In the meantime:

* I'm gonna find some other good plates to spin. That's always a good thing to do.
* I go 3 days a week to the Gym and I'm running 3 times a week. Good for my mind and body.
* Keep improving my new crib


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
Update - A red flag


I played it cool last week. I didnt texted or called her, I was really busy that week and had a good time. Thursday she texted me if we were still on for friday..

Fridayevening/night was very good. We had a good time, really had fun and good sex.

We stayed at her place. When we went asleep at 03.00 hrs, she said. I have to get up at 09.00 hrs for cyclingsession with a GF. She made that plan on FRI afternoon :nono:

For me that was a red flag. Apparently she wanted me out by 09.00 hrs... I SHOULD have left right away ( I live around the corner) to sleep at my own place. Instead I stayed and left in the morning. That didnt feel good.... and was the wrong thing to do (almost criminal)
Altough the morning sex was great too. She said next time we sleep at your place and than we have a lot more time. I teased her about it:' Next time ? Will there be a next time for you? You have to behave an be a nice girl, than maybe, when I have time etc".
She seemed that she had some regrets about that appoinment with the cycling-gf.

There're A LOT of mixed signals here, even when I look at her ACTIONS. She seems very very interested when I'm around but not when we aren't together.

Next saturday I made plans with another HB.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
RepM said:

I played it cool last week. I didnt texted or called her, I was really busy that week and had a good time. Thursday she texted me if we were still on for friday..

Fridayevening/night was very good. We had a good time, really had fun and good sex.

We stayed at her place. When we went asleep at 03.00 hrs, she said. I have to get up at 09.00 hrs for cyclingsession with a GF. She made that plan on FRI afternoon :nono:

For me that was a red flag. Apparently she wanted me out by 09.00 hrs... I SHOULD have left right away ( I live around the corner) to sleep at my own place. Instead I stayed and left in the morning. That didnt feel good.... and was the wrong thing to do (almost criminal)
Altough the morning sex was great too. She said next time we sleep at your place and than we have a lot more time. I teased her about it:' Next time ? Will there be a next time for you? You have to behave an be a nice girl, than maybe, when I have time etc".
She seemed that she had some regrets about that appoinment with the cycling-gf.

There're A LOT of mixed signals here, even when I look at her ACTIONS. She seems very very interested when I'm around but not when we aren't together.

Next saturday I made plans with another HB.

Dude calm down, you handled this great, you in the house man!!! :)

I esp like the part about "Will there be a next time for you?" I will have to remember that one, he, he, he!!!

Your already getting that ass man, are you looking for something more permanent to come out of this? :nono:



Don Juan
Jul 8, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks SAYNO!

I have to be honest... Maybe I want this to be more permanent. I know I should take this very slow. I know her for 3 weeks, WTF! I can really say I know this woman hardly..

I keep saying:" I should date more woman". So this week I'll date at least one more. If any of you guys would have posted this I would have flamed you HARD!
