Attention ***** belief is useless


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
I've been finding myself thinking, oh she has all these guy friends, oh she acts like that around all the guys, she must be insecure, insincere, and so on ... so when i go out with her i don't believe her and I let this affect my confidence. Worrying about a girl being an attention ***** is the same thing as worrying about her liking you.

Thinking a certain girl is an AW is a self-defeating belief. This idea is more tied into how you act around her. If you let her be an AW by smothering her with attention and being AFC its your own damn fault.

Maybe she is a little aggressive and does love to have guys interested in her. Well take her cues as face value and make moves on her to find out for yourself. If she is an attention ***** that just means she isnt really interested in you, so move on.

Anyways those are my thoughts on the what i think is a made up and self fullfilling belief. Post your opinion.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by KinkyMan
If she is an attention ***** that just means she isnt really interested in you, so move on.

So who is she interested in then?


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Attention ***** belief is useless

Originally posted by Fatality
So who is she interested in then?

well it dosent matter

the idea im expressing, is there is not a type of girl that is an attention *****


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
the idea im expressing, is there is not a type of girl that is an attention *****
Umm, yes there is. Ever heard of histrionic personality disorder? That's essentially an attention ***** that is bad enough to warrant a psychological disorder devoted to describing the behaviour.

But like all disorders, they exist on a continuum. There are only a relatively small percentage of chicks who qualify for histrionic disorder, like 3% or something, but there are still many girls who come close but don't quite qualify for diagnosis of the full disorder. But they are still more than close enough to qualify as an attention *****.


Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score
It's true

All women are AW's to some extent. Women want men to compete for them, it's in their nature.
What do you expect to find some church girl who will sleep with you? If your going to be a DJ expect to have women trying to play you. Women know all of these games. You can't fake it.
The only thing you can do is have self control with women. Some women will like you and some won't. DJ's in reality are movie stars, musicians, etc because they have a fan base, money, power, fame, etc. Sure you can lie to women about what you do for a certain amount of time. What BS.
Some guys have it some don't.


Don Juan
May 22, 2003
Reaction score
I agree with Reed, to some extent every woman has AW tendencies. Taken to the extreme she becomes addicted to the attention and therefore becomes an attention wh0re 'type'. I personally know several women that fit this to a tee.

A perfect example of an AW, at a party once asked a 'guy' question about trucks (18 wheelers/semi's) and I sat and watched every other guy (except me) stop immediately what he was doing/talking about and enthusiastically answer her question. Then I watched her not giving a sh!t what they were saying, the look on her face was SOOO obvious "blah blah blah". Why? Because she didn't care about 'engine retarder brakes' all she wanted from it was the attention, she got it, so she was satisfied.

How can you not believe a girl like this is not an AW? There's a classic and predictable pattern to it - a hottie that has way more guy friends than girls, flirts with every guy she knows, yet isn't dating anyone... on and on.

Like any other disorder or addiction for that matter, she needs constant attention and the more guys she can get it from the better.

In my world there is definitely plenty of AW's, they are fun to toy with, but are for the most part 'undate-able and in the end are usually way more trouble than they are worth.


Apr 15, 2005
Reaction score

I also want to add that there are various "degrees" for any type of women. There are "combination women". For instance, A church girl who craves attention like crazy, and tries to get the attention of men (good girl/AW)
You can also have extreme versions. A porn star or a prostitute is an extreme AW.
This is why it is so damn complicated. You can not just sit there an say "she is this, she is that", women can have 2 sides or they can have 20 sides. One day it's nice girl, the next day it's act like a little sl*t day, the next day it's "I'm an independent strong woman" day. etc.
Women are F*king crazy.
The difference between men and women,
men have the need to make sense.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by KinkyMan
I've been finding myself thinking, oh she has all these guy friends, oh she acts like that around all the guys, she must be insecure, insincere, and so on ... so when i go out with her i don't believe her and I let this affect my confidence. Worrying about a girl being an attention ***** is the same thing as worrying about her liking you.

Thinking a certain girl is an AW is a self-defeating belief. This idea is more tied into how you act around her. If you let her be an AW by smothering her with attention and being AFC its your own damn fault.

Maybe she is a little aggressive and does love to have guys interested in her. Well take her cues as face value and make moves on her to find out for yourself. If she is an attention ***** that just means she isnt really interested in you, so move on.

Anyways those are my thoughts on the what i think is a made up and self fullfilling belief. Post your opinion.

everygirl that has male friends isn't insecure. my GF told me she keeps 3-4 friends around when she is single to keep her occupied... and insecure is not a word you would associate with my GF.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Re: Re: Attention ***** belief is useless

Originally posted by backbreaker
everygirl that has male friends isn't insecure. my GF told me she keeps 3-4 friends around when she is single to keep her occupied... and insecure is not a word you would associate with my GF.
what do you mean by occupied?


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
This is how the Attention H0 pattern goes and most of you realize it by now:

Girl starts nagging at you or tries to get your attention.

You give her attention. You even try to ask her out.

Does she say no or give you mixed answer? DING DING DING! You got yourself an attention ho.

She never intended for you and her to hang out. If she did, she would agree or agree at a later time or even ask you out.

She can come in all forms, whatever the form is, she is of the usual stereotype:

1. Attractive or wears a lot of makeup.
2. Seems to be able to have a lot of men around her.
3. May have a lot of male friends or may have little female friends.
4. Her female and male friends will most likely be less attractive or less experienced than she is.
5. She makes zero effort on wanting to hang out with people.
6. If the place where you are meeting up, most likely she is the one who set the place - she rarely will go to places where you want to go.
7. She only calls you when she wants attention to validate and gratify her ego.
8. If you ever catch her on a lie, she will become defensive and try to make herself sound innocent.
9. She will tell you she has a busy life working and studying. Unless she is an emergency surgery or in law enforcement, this is a big lie.
10. Did I mention, she's usually attractive or wears makeup?


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Re: Re: Attention ***** belief is useless

Originally posted by backbreaker
everygirl that has male friends isn't insecure. my GF told me she keeps 3-4 friends around when she is single to keep her occupied... and insecure is not a word you would associate with my GF.
and how long have you been dating this "GF" of yours. A couple weeks? It must be great dating a girl that uses others to occupy her time when she is single.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
lol, we are engaged, and 1 year.

just like you rushed to judgement to think that I am have been dating a girl for 2 weeks like that.

And I "courted" her for 5 months before we started to date... for the same reason as you are thinking, because although I liked her, it too me a while to truely believe she was a good person.

And no body likes to be home by themselves, that's what I mean by "occupied", so when she was single, she said she had guys she would call and say she was bored, and would always jump at the opprotunity to take her out to the movies/out to eat.... alot like some of the guys here.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by Skullcrusher
This is how the Attention H0 pattern goes and most of you realize it by now:

Girl starts nagging at you or tries to get your attention.

You give her attention. You even try to ask her out.

Does she say no or give you mixed answer? DING DING DING! You got yourself an attention ho.

She never intended for you and her to hang out. If she did, she would agree or agree at a later time or even ask you out.

She can come in all forms, whatever the form is, she is of the usual stereotype:

1. Attractive or wears a lot of makeup.
2. Seems to be able to have a lot of men around her.
3. May have a lot of male friends or may have little female friends.
4. Her female and male friends will most likely be less attractive or less experienced than she is.
5. She makes zero effort on wanting to hang out with people.
6. If the place where you are meeting up, most likely she is the one who set the place - she rarely will go to places where you want to go.
7. She only calls you when she wants attention to validate and gratify her ego.
8. If you ever catch her on a lie, she will become defensive and try to make herself sound innocent.
9. She will tell you she has a busy life working and studying. Unless she is an emergency surgery or in law enforcement, this is a big lie.
10. Did I mention, she's usually attractive or wears makeup?

lol, skullcrusher, you are forgoting some thing that throws your whole senerio out od wack..


Every girl is an attention ***** in a particular way or another, jsut veries.

that list of things you named i spretty much every women on earth... what women IS going to meet you at "your fav spot": on a first date... she doesn't know who you are, and I don't blame her.

So you have to be an attention ***** to wear alot of makeup?

I have alot of female friends, does tha tmake me an attention *****? Hardly, I perfer to be alone most of the time (grew up that way).

Most women don't like other women, but that's something you would k now only if you were out actually meeting women, rather than posting her on a forum, giving people advice on something you have no clue on.

Anyway, pretty much every women I know, including my mom, tells me that they have 1-2 "girlfriends" but don't have alot of associate friends or 2nd tier friends, mainly because, as my GF puts' it... "*****es are scandlous"... Case in point, my GF's friend, one of her best ones, came down here from CA from spring break, and tried to have sex with me while my GF was at work.

Chris rock said it best

" A guy would look at his best friends new GF and say "she is a nice looking women, smart, funny.... I want a women like that"

"A girl will say "damn... he is smart, nice looking, makes nice money... I want THAT man, and i will kill that ***** to get him"


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
also, how hypocritical is it for you to say "It must be great dating a girl that uses others to occupy her time when she is single"

When 1/4th of the posts here on this very forum, tell us guys to get out and date other women when we are single to keep from being depresed... but if a women does it, she is a skank or a hoe... that's what I mean by half of you need to realize that you are being hypocrites, and most women are not bad, just misundstood. I am not telling you to make a hoe a housewife, because a hoe is always a hoe, but most women, at least the ones you are calling hoes, aren't... they just aren't that attracted to you for some reason or another.

I was single for a long time, even with I was "courting" my current GF, i let it be known I had other "friends' and i would until we started dating/she proved to me she was dateworthy. She didn't like it, didn't like it one bit ,we argued over it but I have my believes and one of them is that a girl has to prove herself of my attention, and at the time, she hadn't, so why should I make special favors for her. There were times when she knew I had other girls over here, and to be frank, there were times that I knew she were with other guys, but I also knew that if I called, she would pick up, and she would come over her ni a drop of a dime. It's about keeping a routine, and that's why I never got mad at her at that type of stuff... I mean, why? YOu have to keep your options open, and as long as you have options to keep open you are ahead of the game, rather she thinks otherwise or not.

Don Juanabbe

Master Don Juan
Jan 28, 2004
Reaction score
Attention hors? I can spot them a mile away and they are THE absolutely funnest kind of chick to have around if you want to f*ck with their minds.

....and no, not every woman on the planet is a full out attention hor. But they do exist and, sadly, more and more women are becoming them. They are a distinct type of woman, easily identifiable and discernable from more normal women.

They are all so predictable and I've encountered so many of them that I can read them like a book. I've f*cked over plenty of them, and enjoyed every minute of it.

Anyone else who, armed with the knowledge on here has any specifics? I would almost like to write a manual about identifying and f*cking attention hors over. The key is in identifying them quickly, and letting them think they have you hooked for awhile, then turning the game on them. But you have to have other chicks in your life first.

You'll enjoy every minute of the hissy fit temper tantrum when it erupts once she realises she's been had and can't deal with the monumental blow to her ego.

These are the kinds of chicks that fall the hardest, some of them with very little effort.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Don Juanabbe
Attention hors? I can spot them a mile away and they are THE absolutely funnest kind of chick to have around if you want to f*ck with their minds.

....and no, not every woman on the planet is a full out attention hor. But they do exist and, sadly, more and more women are becoming them. They are a distinct type of woman, easily identifiable and discernable from more normal women.

They are all so predictable and I've encountered so many of them that I can read them like a book. I've f*cked over plenty of them, and enjoyed every minute of it.

Anyone else who, armed with the knowledge on here has any specifics? I would almost like to write a manual about identifying and f*cking attention hors over. The key is in identifying them quickly, and letting them think they have you hooked for awhile, then turning the game on them. But you have to have other chicks in your life first.

You'll enjoy every minute of the hissy fit temper tantrum when it erupts once she realises she's been had and can't deal with the monumental blow to her ego.

These are the kinds of chicks that fall the hardest, some of them with very little effort.
I heard you the first time backbreaker.

Thanks for your story.

Anyways, Don Juannabe... What you say is true. If you want to learn how to play mind games, AW will teach you cause most smart guys once they encounter an AW, they just look over them cause they know they have daddy issues and they've dated a girl similar to that.

The AW? She never improves despite what backbreaker tries to prove. Some people won't change and that's what the AW is. She never changes and feels completely validated in acting the way she does. What's scary is she has a horde of men that's willing to support her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score

I hear you on this. Seems way to many folks come on here and pick up on slang like AW's, AFC, C+F and neghits and then try to run with them. Trying to play by certain rules avoid this, do this to them and so on. It becomes way to formulated, you'll stop having fun and you'll try to overanalyze every little detail. It dont work that way.

Sounds like you were doing that and lost the essence of what is really important, enjoying yourself. When this info starts to impede your fun then go ahead and disregard all of it and just go with your gut.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Originally posted by Skullcrusher
I heard you the first time backbreaker.

Thanks for your story.

Anyways, Don Juannabe... What you say is true. If you want to learn how to play mind games, AW will teach you cause most smart guys once they encounter an AW, they just look over them cause they know they have daddy issues and they've dated a girl similar to that.

The AW? She never improves despite what backbreaker tries to prove. Some people won't change and that's what the AW is. She never changes and feels completely validated in acting the way she does. What's scary is she has a horde of men that's willing to support her.
what do you mean by improve?

Maybe just honestly just doesn't like you, and I am not trying to be funny.

From experience, I can tell you that you are better off leaving her alone, even if you are just tr ying to **** her.

The only thing worse than having an AW not give you a fair shake, is actually getting threw to an AW, f ucking her, and moving on, because you did something most guys couldn't... get to her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
Good list Skull .. had my 7 month run-in with one. They do just enough to keep you hanging there, stringing you along. They'll make you think your're the most special person out there. They have an act down to a tee, that even the best Hollywood method actors would be envious of.

They manipulate to massage their ego, and do not get serious with anyone showing real self-worth. Many have deep-seeded issues for acceptance in one form or another. Unfortuantely, as someone said more are becoming like the AW because of society has placed more stress on image and superficiality.


Don Juan
Apr 8, 2005
Reaction score
i dont get it

if a girl is displaying these things, why not just next her then

why does anyone talk about 'attention *****s' like its a type of girl

she just doesnt like you and you are just supplementing her actions :down: