Attacking Trump Supporters Should Be Hate Crime


Jun 23, 2014
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Yes, I'm a black man and I voted for Donald Trump. However, these days I tend to keep this information relatively secret from some of my friends, family, and social circles.....why?

Because telling people you voted for Donald Trump can get you seriously fvcked up, on top of kicked out of social circles, family meetings, etc., etc.

This is one of the reasons the polls were so "wrong" in relation to the election, it's that you had a lot of "silent" Trump supporters because telling people in today's society that you supported Donald Trump, could get you physically assaulted.

As a result, I am going to write to government officials to look at creating a Hate Crimes Law in relation to people having to deal with various forms of discrimination, attacks, etc., based on their political affiliation.

This isn't just a "street" thing, this is going on in corporations and ESPECIALLY in higher education circles. A teacher might give you a fvcked up grade based on your political affiliation. It needs to stop and I'm tired of it.

I've been a Moderate for some time now, voting for Democrats and Republicans, and I can't tell you how many times I have been called Uncle Tom, Coon, Sambo, Sell-out, Self-Hater, etc., just because I don't 100% vote for a party (Democrats) in which I disagree with 70% of their policies. This is HATE SPEECH, period.

Check out some of these videos of people being attacked, it needs to stop:

Chicago Thugs Beat Down Trump Supporter

Trump Supporters Get Attacked

You couldn't even criticize Obama's policies without being labeled racist! But the left can beat the shyt out of someone just because they voted for Donald Trump, and that's okay? That's called freedom of expression? That's called democracy??
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Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yes, I'm a black man and I voted for Donald Trump. However, these days I tend to keep this information relatively secret from some of my friends, family, and social circles.....why?

Because telling people you voted for Donald Trump can get you seriously fvcked up, on top of kicked out of social circles, family meetings, etc., etc.

This is one of the reasons the polls were so "wrong" in relation to the election, it's that you had a lot of "silent" Trump supporters because telling people in today's society that you supported Donald Trump, could get you physically assaulted.

As a result, I am going to write to government officials to look at creating a Hate Crimes Law in relation to people having to deal with various forms of discrimination, attacks, etc., based on their political affiliation.

This isn't just a "street" thing, this is going on in corporations and ESPECIALLY in higher education circles. A teacher might give you a fvcked up grade based on your political affiliation. It needs to stop and I'm tired of it.

I've been a Moderate for some time now, voting for Democrats and Republicans, and I can't tell you how many times I have been called Uncle Tom, Coon, Sambo, Sell-out, Self-Hater, etc., just because I don't 100% vote for a party (Democrats) in which I disagree with 70% of their policies. This is HATE SPEECH, period.

Check out some of these videos of people being attacked, it needs to stop:

Chicago Thugs Beat Down Trump Supporter

Trump Supporters Get Attacked

You couldn't even criticize Obama's policies without being labeled racist! But the left can beat the shyt out of someone just because they voted for Donald Trump, and that's okay? That's called freedom of expression? That's called democracy??
Yeah, these low-life THUGS only pick targets smaller than them, even women to assault. Mike Tyson supported Trump. I know he's not a supreme fighter anymore, but still I'd doubt they'd try to assault a Big professional boxer like that. They just prey on the (appearing to be -- visually) Weak, which is the ultimate in cowardice.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I think you make a good point, and this is coming from someone with a law degree. Hate crime laws are largely misunderstood. The idea of a hate crime is that it occurs because of a hatred for a group of people that existed in the perpetrator before the decision to commit the crime. Because of that qualifier, black on white crimes tend to not be hate crimes. For black criminals to pick on white people because they look like easy prey is not a hate crime, even though most white people think it should be. But if someone already hates Trump supporters, like the KKK hates black people, then going out looking for one to beat up should indeed fall under the definition of hate crime, in my opinion at least.

Hate speech is different. The Supreme Court has thrown out every hate speech law that ever came before it as a violation of the first amendment.

And regarding polls, my undergrad degree was poly sci. Colleges teach that polls are the scientific gospel, proven to never be wrong. Questioning poll results is like thinking the world is flat; no one takes you seriously. Obviously, in this election, the polls were a huge failure. The LA Times had the only accurate poll, and they were derided for practicing junk science. Here is one of their links from October:


Jun 23, 2014
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Yeah guys and also check out this video here, with the black mother kicking her 7 year old son out of the house....because he voted for Trump in a mock election at his school:

Mother Kicks Son Out For Voting Trump

Black mothers won't kick their fvcking sons out of the house for any of the following:

- Selling weed
- Selling dope
- Knocking a girl up and not taking care of the kid
- Being 30, jobless, and unemployed

But if you VOTE REPUBLICAN, you get kicked out of the house. This goes back to what I've said before within the black community, being a Black Republican is seen as WORSE than being a Black Thug.

The FAR LEFT is sick and out of control. The black community is completely and utterly controlled by the Far Left. It's the FAR LEFT that wanted to brand the Tea Party as X, Y, and Z....but you didn't see the fvcking Tea Party tearing up property and all other types of shyt just because one of their candidates lost an election.

Matter of fact, the Tea Party held it's protests in buildings that they LEASED out/paid for, not places where they just randomly decided to show the fvck up and voice their "views".....such as the middle of the damn highway like the Far Left does.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Liberals love to talk about being tolerant and inclusive. But the one type of person they don't want to tolerate or include are right wing conservatives. Every one else needs to be catered to, but it's okay to hate the right all day long.

And what happened to all that stuff about having to accept the results of the election? There are people protesting Trump's presidency all over the country. What do they want to do, throw out the results of the election? What kind of precedent would that set?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Its not something against trump's supporters.

Its the standard way to behave for leftists all over the world, its the same in every country.

Personally Im a moderate, I kinda like the libertarian views however I realize you cant negoziate peace with someone who either gets it his way or creates an unlimited perpetual mess.

If the whole Europe would turn right and go after these bastards the same way they go after everybody else I wouldnt really mind, they simply leave no other choice for a peaceful living.

Jail those bastards one by one, dry up their bank accounts when caught rioting, fire them from their jobs if they prove biased.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
The Electoral College is still based on population. 12 states are all a candidate needs, and just a majority in each state. The other 38 can fvck off, as well as the 49% minority in the 12 states who might have voted for the loser. There's nothing democratic about that.

The Electoral College was created because of slavery, the compromise to count slaves as 3/5 of a person.

The best way to make peoples' votes all count would be to end the winner-take-all system in each state. I'm in Illinois, which is a Dem stronghold because of Chicago, so voting is pointless for me. The result is predetermined. It's like being a Republican in California or a Democrat in Texas - your vote doesn't matter for sh!t.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
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Oh and It's been discovered that three million votes were cast by illegal aliens, obviously they wouldn't have voted for trump. democrats often depend on voter fraud.

But you can conclude from this trump won the popular vote.
Not saying that I would be surprised if this were true, but what is the source? Skeptical.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
I personally cannot grasp why any black person would vote for Trump over Clinton.

The polls got it right. Clinton won the most votes. The Electoral College got it wrong--the second time since 2000 that they've countered the popular vote...both in favor of the GOP.
Trump actually won the popular vote, at the end of the day. And even if he hadn't, saying the polls got it right is idiotic.

You are just showing your liberal bias. Move on from this.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2016
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Oh and It's been discovered that three million votes were cast by illegal aliens, obviously they wouldn't have voted for trump. democrats often depend on voter fraud.

But you can conclude from this trump won the popular vote.
I said this just yesterday!! I think that the Clintons figured that they had just enough of these types of votes to bring it home and the subsequent loss blew their minds.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I read an article on this the other day. Officially speaking, Clinton won the popular vote. But you can't say that she would have won it had there been no electoral college (which Trump won by a large margin). As it stands, there IS an electoral college, and the candidates planned their campaigning strategies accordingly. Each candidate wrote some states off, and focused heavily on the swing states. If the election was by popular vote, obviously each candidate's approach to campaigning would have been drastically different.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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Tell your President elect about "mob rule":

"The phoney [sic] electoral college made a laughing stock of our nation. The loser won!***8221;

Trump tweeted 4 years ago.

Really Espi??!!! Electoral vote made us the laughing stock? Hmmmmm , not the tears,meltdowns,the crying. Not the “cry-ins” on the campus of Cornell. Not the "therapy dogs" brought in to help workers on Capitol Hill cope with their vulnerabilities and hurt feelings. Not the scream groups at Yale. Not the coloring books and Play-Doh to calm them or the arts and crafts sessions. No Gentlemen, the laughing stock is the electoral vote. No the fvcking liberals and their crying. And now the possible chairman of the DNC could be a muslim.................... Yeahhhh. If they were capable of learning from their mistakes, they wouldn't be leftists.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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There are reasons we have an electoral vote. If you want to change it, fine, work for it. I don't care much either way. But both sides knew the rules going in. Don't cry that it wasn't fair after the fact just because it didn't turn out the way you wanted.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Guys we absolutely need the Electoral College because without it....technically the largest states in the country would pretty much decide every national election. Hillary won the popular vote because she won the state of California, but California residents DO NOT represent the majority views of the country.

Hillary lost so her supporters are bytching. Just like if Trump would have lost, his supporters (as well as Trump himself) would have been bytching.

Our country is divided as hell right now due to the EXTREME sides of both parties. You have the extreme left, socialist, Bernie Sanders supporters who want to turn the country into a per socialist country ...........then you have the extreme right, ultra conservative, Tea Party supporters who want to turn the country BACK into one that didn't focus as much on being a melting pot, globalism, nor on trying to tax the hell out of everybody.

Our country is in a bad spot right now. I honestly do not like most of Trump's policies, especially the cut taxes bullshyt. But I damn sure wasn't voting for Hillary's crooked, so I held my nose and made my vote.


I personally cannot grasp why any black person would vote for Trump over Clinton.

The polls got it right. Clinton won the most votes. The Electoral College got it wrong--the second time since 2000 that they've countered the popular vote...both in favor of the GOP.
Sure she did, if you count likely a few million from the out of 30 million illegal aliens in this country. And dead people, who tend to overwhelmingly vote Democrat.


Guys we absolutely need the Electoral College because without it....technically the largest states in the country would pretty much decide every national election. Hillary won the popular vote because she won the state of California, but California residents DO NOT represent the majority views of the country.

Hillary lost so her supporters are bytching. Just like if Trump would have lost, his supporters (as well as Trump himself) would have been bytching.

Our country is divided as hell right now due to the EXTREME sides of both parties. You have the extreme left, socialist, Bernie Sanders supporters who want to turn the country into a per socialist country ...........then you have the extreme right, ultra conservative, Tea Party supporters who want to turn the country BACK into one that didn't focus as much on being a melting pot, globalism, nor on trying to tax the hell out of everybody.

Our country is in a bad spot right now. I honestly do not like most of Trump's policies, especially the cut taxes bullshyt. But I damn sure wasn't voting for Hillary's crooked, so I held my nose and made my vote.
Hey brother, how you doing? After a month long hiatus myself I've decided to drop by. Don't know how long I'll be staying, but I'm having a boring Saturday night in.

Not only did I vote for Donald Trump, I OPENLY supported him. I wore t-shirts, including ones that had the phrase "The Deplorables", and one of Trump riding in on a tank with fireworks and a bald eagle in his trail. I told my friends and family to get out the vote, and convinced a few of them. I voted for him over her for all the obvious reasons - national security, for the redemption of the middle class, and as a middle finger to the mainstream media AND political correctness.

What I found most striking is that just by virtue of my Trump vote, the average millennial would probably lump me into a new political demographic called the "alt-right", who are becoming the arch-nemesis of the SJW and have been branded the following: racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and "Islamophobic". It has been called a far-right group that is right wing politics on steroids and is synonymous with fascism, Neo-Nazism and "white supremacy". This is an utterly idiotic and shameful assertion. Because most ironically, I am a liberal who believes the following:

1. The war on drugs should be abolished immediately and we should pass recreational marijuana at the federal level yesterday.
2. The federal minimum wage should be raised to $10 an hour, and at least 1/3 of the states in the union could stand to raise it to $12.
3. The wars have caused far more harm than good and our boys should be brought home immediately.
4. Gays have the right to be married (although this basic right is very different than the militant gay agenda)
5. Minorities are 100% equal to whites and should be held to the same standards of PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. In other words, they are INDIVIDUALS, NOT victims.
6. There should be SOME restrictions on guns, and America's gun obsession is a world outlier.

I could go on, but do these sound like radical right wing, neo-Nazi ideologies? Of course not. But because of the left the DEFINITIONS of words (racism, rape) and concepts has changed. I am simultaneously a liberal but a radical Neo-Nazi because:

1. I do not believe racism is a major problem in America anymore.
2. Women are doing JUST FINE (or far better than men, actually)
3. Gays have it better here than in 90% of the world (including the entire Islamic world)
4. Radical Islamic terrorism is a far greater threat to world peace than "Islamophobia"
5. ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL aliens should be punished for crimes, just like anyone else.

These are perfectly reasonable, centrist positions that apparently put me into a "basket of deplorables". So you're DAMN RIGHT I voted for Trump and will CONTINUE to vote Republican until the far left comes back down to earth. Not only because he challenges these ABSURD connotations that the left has legitimized, but also because Hillary Clinton is the most corrupt candidate in American history.

The far left is significantly more dangerous to freedom than the far right in the 21st century west. I hate the way they stifle speech on college campuses and at work. I hate the way they protest - always violently. I hate the way they go after you personally. I hate the way they debate, always going straight to an "ist" word when they lose the argument. I hate the way they virtue signal open-border tolerance for people who would slit their throats (undercover Jihadists and Mexican drug lords). So I as a centrist who leans liberal on almost all social issues is DONE with the out of control, radical left and the Democratic party.
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Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2015
Reaction score
It was a fair fight. Same rules for both candidates... Although the press was hardly impartial...

If you dont like the system then work to change it, or leave.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
1. The war on drugs should be abolished immediately and we should pass recreational marijuana at the federal level yesterday.
Did you notice who just got appointed to be attorney general? Sessions makes D!ck Cheney look like a cool guy by comparison.

Trump can appoint all the right wing nutballs he wants. I don't care; I don't think most people do. But now the question is going to be - is he going to let them do right-wing nutball stuff? If Sessions has his way, he'll be sending swat teams to raid every state-legal pot business in the country. Just this year, he's still ranting about the same 1980's War on Drugs rhetoric, gateway drug theory, and the dangerous social experiment of letting non-violent drug offenders out of prison.

Cheney's approval rating was about 12% towards the end. I'd bet Sessions could beat that number. As soon as Trump lets him open his mouth about anything unscripted, people will start to hate him and he'll be gone in six months.

Curiously, the Clintons did the same thing when they came to town, appointing people who were a little too radical, like Jocelyn Elders, who was Bill's first AG. She will forever be remembered for her famous quote, "We can make safer guns and safer bullets."
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Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
Reaction score
Trump is draining the swamp, alright ... and turning it into a landfill.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Guys we absolutely need the Electoral College because without it....technically the largest states in the country would pretty much decide every national election. Hillary won the popular vote because she won the state of California, but California residents DO NOT represent the majority views of the country.
This. If some of you Hillary supporters still crying over the electoral college. Without it, no politicians would give a **** about those poor towns.

I am also nauseous about these violence and assumptions if you are a Trump supporter.

I feel like all the liberals are joining under this one big umbrella and follow whatever the left-wing politics are telling them. So then everything that's not them falls under the far-right right-wing nutjobs. Against abortion? You must be a racist right-wing conservative *******. What if I am against abortion but pro gays?

Seeing the Facebook tweets during the election night, the liberals were complaining that the reason Hillary was losing because Americans are sexist and racist. Trump voters are immediately sexists and racists. This liberal logic makes me sick of them. They can't think for themselves and just follow what their friends and media telling them. They championed themselves as the party of the poor and middle class, forgetting that Hillary is crooked and rich, and basically the entire Silicon Valley billionaires are democrats.

Then they staged the protests, which is fine, but then the violence starts happening. So much for the peace and love message. The left wing, even Obama, justified it because they are opposing racism, so this one is 'different' and therefore acceptable.

The only fear I have about Trump presidency is that the real KKK members now have the courage to speak and act out.
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