And this was the dreaded day. Age, I now realize, doesn’t creep up, it fells you with changes you didn’t see coming. And it happens at 50.
You vanish, replaced by an old and forgettable woman.
….I didn’t feel especially visible or appreciated for my finer points when I was in my 20s and a man I’d hoped would hire me instead asked me to “go to bed” with him. Silly me, thinking the interest was professional. While it might have been easier to chat or be chatted up at a party, the prevailing thought was not “Wow, she’s smart” but rather “Does she or doesn’t she?”
And this was the dreaded day. Age, I now realize, doesn’t creep up, it fells you with changes you didn’t see coming. And it happens at 50.
You vanish, replaced by an old and forgettable woman.

At what age does a flirty, fun woman become invisible?
At age 50, I became invisible. The epiphany occurred at a party, where I was suddenly not the fun girl but the dotty auntie figure we humour for a moment before moving on.
….I didn’t feel especially visible or appreciated for my finer points when I was in my 20s and a man I’d hoped would hire me instead asked me to “go to bed” with him. Silly me, thinking the interest was professional. While it might have been easier to chat or be chatted up at a party, the prevailing thought was not “Wow, she’s smart” but rather “Does she or doesn’t she?”