article: Is Everyone Solo Dating Without Me? Why Solitude Is the Next Big Wellness Trend


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Solo dating, also known as self-dating and sometimes even (unfortunately) “masturdating,” is embracing life without a plus one, and therefore, sans external validation. The whole point is to stop waiting around for someone to join you, and do what you want anyway and embark on that “romantic” or otherwise fun activity typically reserved for traditional dates or groups. Think: dinner and a movie, music festivals, going bowling, or singing karaoke.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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This was written in Glamour, a women's publication.

This is something done by very few women. It is far easier for women to find a mate or even a date than for men to do it (through age 50).

For both sexes, I would think that more unattached people would tend to be homebodies than go out solo.

Multiple food delivery apps have replaced the need to go out to restaurants alone. Streaming video apps have replaced the need to ever go to a movie theater alone.

The pandemic also showed people how to stay at home.

I also think that women are more likely to do "solo dating" on the rare occasions that they can't find dates, since I think they are less comfortable being homebodies.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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This is something done by very few women. It is far easier for women to find a mate or even a date than for men to do it (through age 50).
Maybe it's because I'm an Einzelgänger, but I met quite a few women who prefer to be 'spinsters' as we used to call them. Most of them prefer their own company over someone boring. One of them mentioned that Enya lives alone in a huge castle with a lot of cats, but no other humans. And many of them would enjoy that.

For both sexes, I would think that more unattached people would tend to be homebodies than go out solo.
Not really, but they don't 'go out' to 'date', but more to socialise.

Multiple food delivery apps have replaced the need to go out to restaurants alone. Streaming video apps have replaced the need to ever go to a movie theater alone.
Perhaps going dining or movie watching alone is looked down upon where you're from, but in Western Europe it's no longer viewed as abnormal to go out alone. There are also plenty of restaurants where solitary diners can join other solitary diners at one long dining table.

I also think that women are more likely to do "solo dating" on the rare occasions that they can't find dates, since I think they are less comfortable being homebodies.
Single women are less comfortable being homebodies? :rofl: