article: How porn is affecting the libido of the American male


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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The problem with porn is that the reality can never be as good as the fantasy. After you've lived out the fantasy through porn thousands of times, the real thing just isn't going to turn you on as much.

Today, you have instant access to literally millions of videos for free. You can be ultra selective and can even flip through your favorite parts of different scenes while jerking it.

Why bother putting in the effort of pursuing girls when you can get instant gratification online? After watching your favorite porn slvts get fvcked exactly to your liking, is sex with your girlfriend going to seem so spectacular?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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From a bio-mechanical perspective, the indication is that men who consistently masturbate are pheromonal betas - and women's bio-chemistry registers this for them. Higher testosterone males manifest their sexual viability in both sexual assertiveness and scent. If you are chronically depleted of testosterone, and/or subjected to the calming effects of oxytocin your sexual viability is at a disadvantage.
Nice post, right up until this point. I think you're making a logical leap that's unsupported by any studies or experiments. If you have references that show that men (or apes, or whatever) that masturbate have "less desirable pheromones" or get laid at a lower rate than non-masturbators, please post. thx

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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Oh I'll admit it's conjecture, but it's plausible conjecture. For the record, it's not about 'less' desirable pheromones, it's about a lower incidence of any sex-cue pheromones due to depletion. It stands to reason that women would be more attracted to men motivated to being sexual with them, manifesting this in chemistry and behavior, than sexually unmotivated men manifesting signs of disinterest.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2010
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Southern States
With a little research you'll find that more women are the excutives producers of porn films and many more women watch it more than they will admit.

One thing I haven't read on the thread is watching porn to get horny but not to masturbate but then to go out searching for that tail for release.



Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2007
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So true.

I have always suspected porn as a huge damaging factor in my life because I have unreal standards and reduced sexual needs.

I have experienced doing some kinky **** that is good in porn but not good in real life.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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I am a firm believer in everything in moderation. If you feel that porn is taking away from your quality of life...yes, it's too much. Each person is different, however it's important to find a balance of thinking too much about something, much porn to you unhealthy. Or, just not worrying about it and doing what you decide to do, and not letting anyone dictate how you live your life.

If something is missing, don't necessarily blame porn. It is just another buffer.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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You know, this thread has kind of got me thinking about masturbation differently. I used to think that the primary issue with beating off was this feminine double standard - women masturbating is sexy, arousing and, nowadays, socially empowering due to the bullsh!t cliché that women have been historically oppressed sexually. For men, masturbation is a perversion. It implies an inability to be 'man enough' to ƒuck a real woman; whacking off is failure for a man, but victory for a woman.

I still see the double standard in all that, and while I think it's valid, it kind of only brushes the surface of self-pleasure from a social convention perspective. Sigmund Freud once said, "all energy is sexual", meaning that subliminally we will redirect our motivation for ungratified sexual impulse to other endeavors. Thus it's men, being the sex with the highest amount of libido inducing testosterone, who must look for far more outlets to transfer this motivation to than women. So is it any real surprise that it's historically been Men who've primarily been the empire builders, the conquerors, the creators, and destroyers who've (for better or worse) moved humanity the most significantly?

Masturbation defuses this impulse. It kills that drive, or at least sublimates it. So wouldn't it stand to reason that a global social convention that shames men for masturbation would be beneficial to a society interested in expanding? So the cultural meme becomes men who jack off are losers, and Men who don't thereby prove their sexual viability (because if they're not beating off they MUST be ƒucking women semi-regularly) AND become motivated to redirect that impulse to the betterment of themselves and/or society.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Rollo Tomassi said:
Masturbation defuses this impulse. It kills that drive, or at least sublimates it. So wouldn't it stand to reason that a global social convention that shames men for masturbation would be beneficial to a society interested in expanding? So the cultural meme becomes men who jack off are losers, and Men who don't thereby prove their sexual viability (because if they're not beating off they MUST be ƒucking women semi-regularly) AND become motivated to redirect that impulse to the betterment of themselves and/or society.
I think masturbation, in itself, defuses the impulse temporarily. A form a self-control, however the societal shaming perhaps could be induced as a way of keeping men down.

Say, if masturbation was encouraged, played out to be healthy and "cool". Guys wouldn't sit around and question how much is too much, or shaming themselves losing self-confidence.

Wouldn't guys just jerk off and then go back to building their castles, so to speak? Perhaps though, it would keep men from sleeping with less than quality women, for the self-boost, and an expanding society needs that.

Deep question to ponder, Rollo, for sure.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Rollo Tomassi said:
So wouldn't it stand to reason that a global social convention that shames men for masturbation would be beneficial to a society interested in expanding? So the cultural meme becomes men who jack off are losers...
I think, in the eyes of women, the negative social convention comes from the manner in which male masturbation renders them pretty much useless. It's the same as most women's attitude toward male homosexuality. A guy sees two women in bed as an opportunity; a woman sees two men in bed as having no use for her. Both would be correct, especially in regard to reproducing one's genes.

I was once giving a former girlfriend's baby-sitter and her friend a ride home and listening to the two 15 year old girls talk. As we passed a video store, a guy who looked like Newman from Seinfeld came out with a small brown bag. They started making fun of him immediately.
"Look at the big fat loser! I bet he rented a porno."
"Yeah. I bet he's going to go whack off! AHAHAHAHA"

And then they both cackled hysterically.


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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Rollo Tomassi said:
All one need do is look at the sex category sections of any free video porn site (Pornhub, Red Tube, Tube 8, etc.) to see what a parody this really is. Porn’s not just a blonde and brunette in a threesome with some random guy. It’s amateurs, asians, lesbians, interracial, orgy, fatties, skinnys, matures, teens, etc. Just name the body type, sex act, racial profile, age, hair color, etc. and there is a pornographic niche for it. Considering the sheer amount of sexual variety available for a myriad of preferences, women bemoaning their inability to “live up to” porn star requirements is ludicrous and indicative of their complete lack of understanding the male sex dynamic.
Rule 34 my man. Rule 34.