Are U a Social Robot?


Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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from here
Have you ever noticed that there's something strange about a lot of sargers?

style ones said this.....

It's as if you look at a guy, and you can just TELL that something is missing.
Some guys that i know are so amazing how they pick-up girls...U see them get the number...get that their having a great time with the girl...and its true They get great reactions most of the time. But, at the same time, they NEVER seem to have a girlfriend. the best way to be a sarger is to live ur live and take out the need to sarge...

A problem I've noticed amongst some of the most dedicated posters here, especially those who got into sosuave in their teens , is that they are, to some degree, SOCIAL ROBOTS. And, after sometime, it begins to show through to an HB that you are just a dull boring guy that don't have anything MORE going for himself. The other problem with being a social robot is that you start to think that everyone else around you is one too,

quote:"We first make our habits,and then our habits make us"-john dryden

Here's another thing Social Robots do: They use their friends to give them their repertoire of strategies... If they are around women, even at a lunch at work, they feel a stange and its like they get kind of pumped upso much, and feel as if they have to sarge. Interactions with women are no longer normal; they become like an event to feel a sense of self-worth. most guys i know get an ego boost from aproaching....their in their to feel in the alpha status at the end of the night they ask themselves what went wrong..

when I now see the difference between the guys who are succesful and the guys who are not is..that guys who are getting the girls are the ones that are actually in their to make the girls feel good about themselves and by bringing them in to their own reality...

what ever we focus on becomes the idea of our own reality

Social robots also stop seeing value in things ithat are nit realated to learnig how to become better with women, such as books and movies and even friends that they can't learn about seduction from.

So, what I'm trying to say in short is that can give you SO much -- I know it's given me so much -- but it can take away a lot too.


The solution is to put your life back into balance; spend the time you think u need to be in sosuave an; spend a dedicated amount of time just to sarging... thats true sosuave has some good advice... i know that the ultimate pain is that many of us have a created an identity that needs to totally be destroyed,exterminated,thrown out this world forever....

Cuz we want to move away from....

" Frustration"
" Humiliation"

but the answer is not to exploit your learning..but to know the right time to use what youve learned in the right situations...

ASK YOUSRSELF: who are you,anyway?

But if you can make someone whos complete and has something better to do than be sitting in a computer halve of the day learning how to pick up women have u forgotten that some of the guys who get it ar not always in the forum...cuz they have better things to do

I once became this guy whenever he had a question...he would always run to the forum and ask....anyone for an answer....most of the people i used to get was people who were here most of the time

theres a boook i once read by antnony robbins the name is called awaken the giant within...this book is just awesome because he tells to take immediate control of your mental,emotional and physical and financial destiny...the book is just so interesting that its sometimes hard to put it could buy it cheap in amazon or a thrift store...the way he tells it...its just hard to buy another book without first finishing this one!

SOME OF THE things...he wrote in the book are

BE curious....
Be will dictate how you deal with upsets an challenges..
Be confident...your willing to experiment,to put yourself in the line."
Flexibility...its the ability to change your aproach in life

Alot my friends have asked me why the sudden change...they totally saw an AFC to what you might call the resemblence of an alpha male...I felt i was on top of my game...why? because the responses i was getting....were the ones that i would always dream about...

the thing is that a year in to turning my self around ...was kind of becoming..
reverse psychology ...everything i did just didn't feel like it was of any importance...all my pick-ups were forced..i had like a universal control for any kind of situation didnt even matter if i was having suces or not i wasn't really exited..something i had once replied to was coming back to bite me in the ass...

So this question is for the all the DJ'S out their in the forums or administrators or anyone who comes in to this furum...

thats true that some of this once posted by Style

but what can u say about this..

HAS LEARNING HOW to seduce women helped you have a better life .....or has it given you like a ball and chain tied to your ankle...because the demand for learning all this techniques has taken over your life...

QUOTE:We are what we repeateadly do-Aristotle
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 6, 2006
Reaction score
wholly shyt,.... i can't believe a high schooler wrote this.. this is stuff of the physcology journal

four stars bro...thread of the year...

do you mind if I cross post this over in general discussion ?


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2007
Reaction score
no, there is something fishy about this, I've read it before, by some famous dude, I think your post applies more to asf, In my perception sosuave is about self improvement and improving social skills, more than canned lines, I think sosuave is positive, but in moderation


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
You didnt write this, ive read it somewhere else before.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Thats cuz it's by Style- the dude who wrote "The Game."

And yes elmnick, he originally posted this on ASF.

Lildevil just changed the words "ASF" to "sosuave' and added some pretty colors. If you just wanted to share a good post dude, theres no need for stuff like this. Give credit wheres it's due.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 5, 2006
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Chandigarh , India
yup..i've posed this article too on " the archive"section of this forum.
but i admit this is a gud place to discuss it. The "canned material" is used to take your mind away from words and focus on body language , tonality etc. In any case your personality shows through within the first 10 minutes of a pickup (if u last that long).
A person must develop his own routines based on who he is..


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
Reaction score
This post doesn't belong on Sosuave...

Look at all the great DJ's Sosuave has seen (Pook, Senor Fingers, Gunwitch, bondjamesbond just to name a few), NONE of them used any canned material. They are all about fixing your inner game to help your OWN personality shine through.

jtrain 289

Senior Don Juan
May 26, 2007
Reaction score
It's like what pook says those people are the citzen dildo's they are really getting used by the women as a boytoy. Their life is focused on females and theyve taken the focus out of themselves. They are purely on the Deysdoian path which is only pleasure which ultimately leads to death, they are basically playing the womens role, because its the woman whose focus is entirely on union with someone. This is why women were made to become part of another guys world, And thats why players pickup artist s and whatever you wanaa call them are not donjuans thats why their not the right way to go. A women wants to be part of another guys world but when the guys world is trying to fit into the women world theirs a huge problem because women dont have worlds they are completly molded by society thus completly molded by men because men made society. Its the man that has the ability to create things to make the world better People will argue with me that women do this to but take a close look those famous women what are the known for The only reason Hillary Clinton is even in the white house is because of a man Bill Clinton without him we wouldnt even no they exist all these women that say their independent and say that they dont men are bull****eers. Martha Stewert another person these feminsts look at to try to prove men wrong what does she do She cooks what act is cooking its merely another act to take care of the men to nurture. Feminsts are going crazy over Queen Laitifah saying she's an independent strong women because she invented something waht did she invent tho She invented ****ing hairspray just another item to make them look better to attract men another female trait. Men conquer worlds women conquer men. Man does not need women Woman need a man.

Crazy Asian

Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
notice how he purposely put 2 typos in there?
that would have been pretty smart, but they were right next ot each other and they were the only typos in the entire page.....