Are These Sh*t Tests?

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
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I know where I am going wrong..

First mistake..

I need to be realistic about the long term prospects about her... She is not long term material.

I need to stop making it easy for her. I'm too dependable in the sense that I'm always around when she texts me.

Tonight I simply backed off, as I didn't hear anything from her at all since yesterday.

She waited till around 8pm tonight and finally decided to message me... I ignored her text... 1 hour later she sent another message... Are you ok?

I ignored it... Then she called me... I ignored it... She called again and I picked up.

She asked if everything is ok, I said yeh, why what's up?

Her, well you haven't replied to me and I haven't heard anything from you all day.

I simply stated, oh I didn't even know you text me, I haven't heard chit, plus I was busy with stuff.

Anyway she mentioned that she misses me, and even mentioned meeting up tomorrow like we normally do on the weekend.

Fukin hell... I don't know what this girl is doing. She like up and down like a fukin borderline lol.

But.. I will take your advice on board.. and DGAF.. The truth is, she isn't LTR so I should enjoy my limited time with her.

But I will not bend over backwards to contact her, if she makes no effort to contact me
Have you read Anti-Dump’s machine?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
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Something that has been confusing me recently is her interest level... Her texting behaviour (lack of) or (slow replies) suggests a lack of interest, this is obvious.

However at the same time, the moment I pull away, or don't chase or make zero effort to initiate her hamster starts spinning and she double texts and even calls to find out where I am or what I am doing... This chasing or hamster spinning suggests that she is still invested.

Not only that, just the prior day of her becoming distant (no text all day) she was telling me how much she misses me.

Something about her that I have observed might point to maybe another reason for her backing off and not texting from time to time.

She has indicated to me a few times that she has depression.. I think at some point she was even talking anti depressant for it, but according to her, currently she isn't.

I have avoided the depression conversation with her, however I have noticed something..

The three occasions in the last 6 months when she has become distant and didn't text me, she at some point mentioned feeling down and depressed.

Even yesterday night, after she panicked and called me, she mentioned in a text that she has been feeling down.

This chick used to work in the same company as me, and I did observe that she does actually become detached from people when she is on a downer.

I wonder if this pulling back and then chasing again is to do with her depression rather than low interest level?

I mean yesterday on the phone she even talked about transferring some money to my account, which will be going towards our holiday to Turkey in May.

If this girl is ready to check out of the relationship, doesn't make sense that she would actively want to continue paying into this holiday.. Much rather I would expect her to avoid any talk of holidays together.

All that being said.. I'm not her doctor.. all I can do is keep smashing.. don't take her seriously for LTR and expect this to end sometime soon.

She is age 24 and I am 48 years old, I simply don't see this lasting long. However for my age I look good and look more like 35 years old.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Have you read Anti-Dump’s machine?
Found it and thanks for that... Listening to it right now.

And already I understand, that any chick that shows low interest, should be dumped.

It's a man's ego that gets in the way, or even delusional thinking, this idea that by applying some tactics her interest level will increase again. I agree she has to have genuine high interest.

Divorced w 3

Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2022
Reaction score
No where can I find it?


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for this dude