Are conspiracy theories also forbidden?

Don Ronny

Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Man this site gets more filtered out every time I visit. I can understand polticial debates not being allowed, what I dont get is why mods close a thread in which there are no personal attacks or talk of politics where folks are having a rational discussion. What a bummer! And to think..I was going to post my technique for wrapping myself in tin foil and hiding from the Lizard People but I dont reckon it would last 5 minutes here!

What gives?

I know I will just say I should go to a conspiracy nut forum to discuss these things..but those guys are, well... conspiracy nuts! There is no balance of conversation.. no ( . )( . ) to swoop in and slap people upside the head with common sense.

Granted I will respect whatever decision the mods choose, but at least let us know the rules guys


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I'm no mod, but from what threads I've posted that have been locked, only theories that could lead to political or government discussions will be locked/discarded.

The previous thread was locked because Deep Dish issued merely an opinion, that he stated as fact, only to ignite flame wars before it was locked. Moreover, his position is one of "non-thinking" individuals, those who create the controversy, DO NOT WANT OPPOSITION. The JFK assassination was ASSUMED to have ONLY been Lee Harvey Oswald, but ask anyone who was alive during that time period and people readily accept it was more than Oswald, and perhaps he had no involvement at all. Hollywood, the mega-corporation that refuses to go against the grain, ever, for fear of losing profits, made a movie on it, without any conclusion.

A post such as was Deep Dish's only further discredits himself. More evidence was proven to the CONTRARY of what he began posted, than he could provide in his favor. In most cases, though, SS is not the place for such discussions, because you can't open up the full discussion without threats of it being locked.


The one biggie to understand on so called conspiracy theories is the SAME plight that happened to Marijuana/Pot/Hemp. Originally, pot was fine. It harmed nobody, and the products of pot plants, hemp, could easily have replaced paper, and not required massive mills of paper to be produced. But fear of this drug, that could be grown, produced, and not-taxed created much fear in the government. Moreover, the resiliency of the weed/pot/hemp, proved to be better, tougher, more productive, safer, and profitable than paper. It also proved to last longer than paper products. Our fore-fathers used hemp paper. Clothes were also made of hemp. To effectively TURN the public sentiment AGAINST hemp and therefore, campaigns were waged calling pot a "rage drug," that people who often took it killed people. They even cited in the news people who had brutally murdered people were active pot users, whether it was true or, or perhaps leaving out the fact these same people used PCP and other hallucinegenic drugs.

The smear campaign worked, though EVERYTHING that was told about it were only UNCONFIRMED rumors. Pot was made illegal and people have ceased to have large scale production of hemp, a planet, at least as an alternative that would provide natural protection to the environment.

The same thing happened with CONSPIRACY theories, yet more conspiracy theories are TRUE, as opposed to false.

[] Aliens. Check. We know they exist. The universe is beyond our comprehension, despite all the references to the human beings existing on different line than the rest of existence I've heard posited here.
[] JKF. Check. When Hollywood makes a movie about it, it should be public confirmation it was a hoax from the get-go. What people SAW and what HAPPENED were 2 different things.
[] Alternate planets. They just expanded our solar system to 12 planets. Before it was a matter of conflict over definitions. But if supposed OTHER planets exist, then the realm of possibilities is infinite.
[] Atlantis.
[] Pearl Harbor.
[] 9-11.

And let's add one that has merit in locking this thread, but is based in LESS fact than the above mentionables...

[] Religion. Any religion. I'm not questioning anybody's religion directly, but suggesting, there's MORE evidence pointing to the existence and fact of the aforementioned topics, than there are religion.


People labeling EVERYTHING conspiracy are trying to make you feel BAD about thinking independently. One thing I know is, those types of people just find labels and causes, without QUESTIONING the root of incidents. I feel bad for such people, in some cases, but in other's they choose their own prison. If you've elected such opinions, fine. But don't deride or be angry because other's CHOOSE to have varying opinion. I'm willing to guarantee I've done as much or more research into various areas than most. At the very least I like to "understand" events and have a broad perspective, than the one parrotted on nightly news and local newspapers, that tries to TELL ME what reality is.
