Are all GF's families fvcked up???

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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After having an awkward run in with my ex's family the other day, I've been thinking about this. Are all GF's families this fvcked up?

My ex's family had a different dynamic, and it felt like they always expected more out of me than I could possibly offer. They clearly didn't understand the kind of person I am. It was like no matter what, I was never going to be good enough for their daughter. I'm young in my late teens, and have it together more than a lot of people my age, and am pretty responsible. But to the girls family it's like the kind of irresponsible douchebags who could be messing around with her don't exist.

I run into her parents at this hardware type store here and there, and I fvcking hate it. It's still the same kind of awkwardness, and it feels like they're just probing me for information. Her dad is really bad about it, it's like he just asks things so he'll know and can stick his nose up at it. The mother of my ex is very vindictive and passive aggressive, and I'm sure she badmouths me after walking away. I try to dodge around what they ask because I don't feel comfortable telling them things, when I know they'll see it as low of me no matter what I do.

She had two siblings. Her brother lives a few states away, I only met him once and he seemed cool. Her sister I was around for a bit, and deep down I don't think she thought much of me. She's the kind of person so caught up in her own twisted beliefs that she thinks she's better than the people who don't share the same opinions. I think she thought I was weird, and seems to have similar thoughts about most people.

The awkwardness I still have to put up with from them, has me curious and kind of worried. Is it like this with all families of the GF?
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Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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Last of the Alphas said:
Uhhh, No.

There's too much complaining and sh!t talking on this site.

Can someone please start a positive thread every now and then?
I'm just asking a question, and never post the crap that litters the forum like "MY BPD EX IS A KUNT. I tried to make the odds work in my favor by smashing 3 times a week. Then she got me fired from my job, and drives past my house ten times a day."

This was something that was kind of worrying me because I never want to deal with another family like hers. If you looked at what I post the majority of my threads are of a positive nature, and try to help people in a constructive way. If I were wanting to talk s**t I'd go more indepth on the way the EX's family is.

Too many threads asking for help/advice get derailed and ignored anymore. Meanwhile the s**t like "I met a HB9 at the gym, she gave me her Snapchat info. Help me homies" gets more attention than anything else.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 25, 2010
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They probably know that your ex is/was head over hill for you and they did not like it because they couldn't control her or they thought that somebody else could fill the bf position better than you (not sure it's true)

Not all families are like that since with my ex, the parents were very supportive of me and liked me alot (I was fixing things around the house for them, maybe that helped)


May 23, 2013
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Great people to horrible people and all the ones in between. Takes all types to make the world we live in, but bottom line, if the family a girl came from are messed up, the odds are almost 100% that she will be also.


Don Juan
Feb 19, 2015
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I agree with billtx49, if her family is fvcked up she likely is too. What was it like being with this girl? Was she fvcked up? Or was she head over heels for you? The reason I ask is that would give us a bit more insight on possible reasons why her family treats you the way they do.

Not all families act fvcked up like these people seem to. You'll eventually meet GF's families who are good, and given how young you are you'll probably deal with a few more families that act like total fvckos. But it's life, and the more experience you have the less you'll worry.

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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EveryPostHere said:
I agree with billtx49, if her family is fvcked up she likely is too. What was it like being with this girl? Was she fvcked up? Or was she head over heels for you? The reason I ask is that would give us a bit more insight on possible reasons why her family treats you the way they do.

Not all families act fvcked up like these people seem to. You'll eventually meet GF's families who are good, and given how young you are you'll probably deal with a few more families that act like total fvckos. But it's life, and the more experience you have the less you'll worry.
Being with her was definitely a ride. I believed that she loved me for a long time, but found out she isn't the type to love anyone. She fvcks around and keeps a boyfriend for cover, mostly so she won't feel insecure and alone. In the early days things were great. I thought she loved me, and that she was a nice, charming girl, but over time the phony shield came off. I saw how she had a new "bestie" every other month, she'd cling to me which at the time I thought it was because she cared, but really it was because I was one of the only people she felt she could talk to. After a while it became clear that she was very insecure and living a lie. Things didn't end very well between us, but it wasn't as bad as you'd think. She quickly got another boyfriend, some orbiter who she was talking to long before the breakup. Her cheating isn't even that hidden anymore. I'm not sure if it's because now I know what she's doing, or if she just doesn't care about hiding it. But she's definitely fvcked in the head.

As for her family. Her dad seems most aware of her true side but still seems to be in denial about it, he acts like she's perfect most of the time. Her mother is naive and while she pays attention to her kids, she's so caught up in her own world and fantasies, that I don't think she really sees many people for the way they are. Her sister rides the c0ck carousal big time, and probably doesn't think her sister does any wrong, since she herself is out living a similar life. Her brother might know, as brothers tend to see things like this more clearly, but I don't know him well enough to say.