Approaching with friends who don't know about Sosuave


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Well, I'm kinda confused on what I should do in this situation. See, the whole time I've been at this site I've been working on my solo game, and right now that's pretty solid, I can approach pretty much any girl one on one.

But, last night I was getting out of the movies with my friends, and i really wanted to approach this three-set of all HB8's and up. The thing is though that my two friends I was with don't know anything about the game. One is a total AFC who has never approached and the other is kinda a natural who goes by his good looks. I don't really want to tell these kids about this site (even if i do I doubt they would go for it) but i definitely wanted to approach and use some routines.

How do you guys go about approaching when your friends don't know about the game?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Don't allow your friends skill set stop you from approaching. If your solo game is on point, there is very little that your friends could do to hurt your chances.
If anything, you can probably HELP your friends by approaching women because they get to see first hand how it's done.

In that type of situation, tell your friends....’hold on one sec'...then approach the girls. If you are getting a good vibe from the girls, call your friends over and invite them to join in on the conversation.

Regardless of the outcome, your friends will admire your confidence and probably start coming to you for advice.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
True, but i think it would be awkward if I went over to a group of girls without my friends. I was thinking of maybe telling them things to do and then like you said lead by example.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2006
Reaction score
Awkward for whom....the girls...your friends....or you? It's only awkward if you approach in a weak, insecure way. If you are confident and up beat, the girls will pick up on this and relax. Only you can make the situation awkward.

Note: If you approach with your friends, you may be more concerned with what your friends are saying or doing (because their game isn't up to par), instead of focusing on your target(s).


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Kings_royalty said:
If you approach with your friends, you may be more concerned with what your friends are saying or doing (because their game isn't up to par), instead of focusing on your target(s).
Ya, that's exactly what i mean, i feel like it would be awkward for my friends and they would blow it.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
**** it!

You're gameless friends will undoubtedly say dumb ****. Unless they are the kinda guys who deliberately cutthroat you or are so lacking in social grace they make the girl s run I wouldn't worry.

It sounds like you are too outcome dependant and that alone will **** up your game more than having a friend who says some dumb ****.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 23, 2006
Reaction score
Dude you have become too obsessed with sarging, their are times when it is best to forget about the hot babes and enjoy other things.
If you can become an expert at seducing hot babes you can do this at any given point in time, they are everywhere when you have this skill, when you are out with your freinds put hot babes out of your mind and just enjoy being with your freinds, then when you are alone you can sarge again.
Fvcking hot babes is only one of lifes many pleasures, once you have aquired the skills to get them they will always be with you.
If I go to the beach for a swim, I may see three hot babes together, though I may prefer to jump into the ocean for a swim than seduce the girls, if this is the case then I am better off enjoying my swim because their will always be plenty of hot babes to fvck when my swim is over.

Jay Jay

Master Don Juan
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
PigAdlemPimp said:
Dude you have become too obsessed with sarging, their are times when it is best to forget about the hot babes and enjoy other things.
If you can become an expert at seducing hot babes you can do this at any given point in time, they are everywhere when you have this skill, when you are out with your freinds put hot babes out of your mind and just enjoy being with your freinds, then when you are alone you can sarge again.
Fvcking hot babes is only one of lifes many pleasures, once you have aquired the skills to get them they will always be with you.
If I go to the beach for a swim, I may see three hot babes together, though I may prefer to jump into the ocean for a swim than seduce the girls, if this is the case then I am better off enjoying my swim because their will always be plenty of hot babes to fvck when my swim is over.
Beautifully said!

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score

If you've already been approaching groups on your own then this shouldn't be too hard. Open the group and hook quickly. After that just introduce your friends. Or you could already be joking and you just stop and open them and bring them into your group.


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
PigAdlemPimp said:
Dude you have become too obsessed with sarging, their are times when it is best to forget about the hot babes and enjoy other things.
If you can become an expert at seducing hot babes you can do this at any given point in time, they are everywhere when you have this skill, when you are out with your freinds put hot babes out of your mind and just enjoy being with your freinds, then when you are alone you can sarge again.
Fvcking hot babes is only one of lifes many pleasures, once you have aquired the skills to get them they will always be with you.
If I go to the beach for a swim, I may see three hot babes together, though I may prefer to jump into the ocean for a swim than seduce the girls, if this is the case then I am better off enjoying my swim because their will always be plenty of hot babes to fvck when my swim is over.

Haha I would maybe agree with you but I'm only 17! I meet girls not even just to fcuk them but to also network. You can never have too many options on the weekends!


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2007
Reaction score
Snow Plowman said:

If you've already been approaching groups on your own then this shouldn't be too hard. Open the group and hook quickly. After that just introduce your friends. Or you could already be joking and you just stop and open them and bring them into your group.

Ya, it shouldn't be hard, except i dunno, when I'm with my friends there's like social pressures to not get rejected/make sure everything is done right.

Personally I find it easier to approach alone because nobody knows about it besides you and the girl. In groups approaching groups i feel like pressured to be the alpha male, make the group laugh, land the best HB, etc...