Approaching Police Women


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Latinoman said:
Mrpositive...why take a chance? :)
Because we're men! We take chances in life! We take chances with all women we get involved with.. :)


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
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Melbourne, Australia
There are two sides to this concept: approaching when they are in uniform (and presumably still working) and when they are off duty in a bar or supermarket, and you find out she's The Fuzz.

I'd love to work out some good openers for chicks in uniform. That would be a good fun challenge, but you have to remember that like bar chicks, they'd have limited patience for dopes. Your first couple of lines would have to be absolute killers (so to speak).

Either that, or pretend to ask directions, then drop a few compliments or negs even. Would C&F work I wonder? Got to find a cute cop first. I've seen a few in Melbourne, actually. The authorities have loosened the requirements for joining, so that more body types (i.e. shorter, not just Amazons or pro-wrestlers or potato farmers) are allowed to attend the academy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2006
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I am jumping on this late, but I can't resist. I was in that line of work for about 9 years and why would you want to sarge a police woman? I have seen my fair share of hot ones, but they generally fall in to a category of being a hoe or dyke and of course there are some normal ones as well. TO me they would just be very uninteresting to date seriously, of course if you are just trying to hit it and quit it, that is a different story. I will say that most women do not belong in that line of work, didn't say all just most. I HAVE SEEN some 5 foot nothings act like they are 9 foot tall and I PERSONALLY would not handle a woman that had an ego problem. There are a lot of men cops that have the same problem, btw. Since I DID it so long, I am not a big fan of cops. BUT IF YOU MUST, SARGE on.....NOT to mention, you would hear a lot of boring ass shop talk that would bore the hell out of you unless you are a doughnut eater yourself. Do not misunderstand me now, I AM talking from what I have experienced. MY step brother is a cop and dating one and she just gets on my nerves. You may find one that thinks of her job as just that and may leave the BS at work.

On Point

Don Juan
Jun 24, 2007
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I find some of these responses a bit riduculous.

IMO you should approach her just like you would anyone else. The fact that she is a police officer doesn't change that she is a woman. A DJ shouldn't be intimated by someone's profession.

Should you have some success with your approach you should definately take time to get to know her and not rush into things - I agree with the posts pointing out the potential downside, but I don't think you should live in fear of things that might happen, most of them never do.


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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On Point said:
I find some of these responses a bit riduculous.

IMO you should approach her just like you would anyone else. The fact that she is a police officer doesn't change that she is a woman. A DJ shouldn't be intimated by someone's profession.

Should you have some success with your approach you should definately take time to get to know her and not rush into things - I agree with the posts pointing out the potential downside, but I don't think you should live in fear of things that might happen, most of them never do.
Thanks On Point..well said.

Also, putting too many restrictions (or assumptions) on what "type" of woman to approach or date really limits your possibilities.

We all know women can and will be extremely different from each other, so why just rule out a woman because of her profession.

At least you know with a police officer she has a steady job. :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Feb 13, 2007
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Also, here's something to think about with regards to female police officers. I have a few as friends, and have dated one.

Female police officers are extremely good at seeing through BS, because of their profession. Poeple are constantly lying and trying to decieve them while they are on duty, to try to get out of traffic tickets, getting arrested, etc.

Your best approach should be geniune and straightforward I would think.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2006
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On Point said:
I find some of these responses a bit riduculous.

IMO you should approach her just like you would anyone else. The fact that she is a police officer doesn't change that she is a woman. A DJ shouldn't be intimated by someone's profession.

Should you have some success with your approach you should definately take time to get to know her and not rush into things - I agree with the posts pointing out the potential downside, but I don't think you should live in fear of things that might happen, most of them never do.
Intimidation? Hahaha.

A TRUE DJ should have options. And if he picks a woman that has the RESOURCES to make his private life miserable...then his is not a DJ to begin with. For putting himself in a position in which he literally lost power.

He is in fact an idiot.

Now...if he picks a woman KNOWING VERY WELL what he is getting into...that's a different story and don't take away from he being a DJ. He is simply taking a chance.

A man that claims to be a DJ but approach every women as if they were the same...without understanding that woman back ground or profession or ability to phuck with his a man that lacks judgement and an idiot.

Here is the thing...I have no issues phucking a co-worker or a married woman....or even a single mother or a woman older than me. But I have issues dealing with lawyers or police officers or private investigators. When I do a clean break...I want it very clean. I know the effect I have in women. And my bad luck is that even after things all over...they STILL want to be in my life.

Sorry...I'm not THAT desperate for women.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Latinoman said:
Here is the thing...I have no issues phucking a co-worker or a married woman....or even a single mother or a woman older than me. But I have issues dealing with lawyers or police officers or private investigators. When I do a clean break...I want it very clean. I know the effect I have in women. And my bad luck is that even after things all over...they STILL want to be in my life.
This reminds me of an article I read about prostitution. A psychologist interviewed a working girl very candidly about the dynamics of her profession from sexual and emotion points of view.

At one point she boasted about all of the hot good looking yuppies (i.e. young successful bachelors) who paid for her services.

The psychologist responded thusly (paraphrased):

These handsome men are not paying you for sex. They are paying you to leave afterwards.

I have never forgotten that line, nor the insight it offers into how men and women view sex. Brilliant.

Latinoman's comments are very similar. The problem with being a DJ is getting the women to leave you alone after a break.