Approach competition - who can do the most approaches?

May 23, 2006
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ElStud said:
My opinion it's only really an approach if you're talking to her and having conversation with her. Even if you TRY talking to the and she ignores you, that's an approach, but just saying "Hi" then ending it isn't an approach.
Fair enough. But if you say hi to her and she ignores you, then in a sence you tried talking to her. So, where do you draw the line, if you say hi three times like a retard who doesn't get it, then would that count as an approach, or how many hi's would hit that threshold? I mean, when you smile and say hi, you are really approaching, sometimes it's helpful, to do a light touch on the shoulder when approaching or trying to communicate with someone - obviously if they yank away then say 'what the fvck is wrong with you' and go a few steps back and next it I guess. What do you think?
May 23, 2006
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Asked a blond girl for directions for a condo house that I was showing. Since it's more than a 'hi' does that count for an approach?


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2007
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This thread is one of a kind. I'm definitely joining this competetion. although I have missed a few days, dudes I'm telling you, imma kick some azz here ;)
though for the next 4-5 days my daily rate won't probabely go above 1 because I've got some tough univ exams. I'll make my first post tomorrow.
I think cheating in this competetion is when sb counts as an approach sth that has become easy for him to do. this equals sth that won't give an ego boost afterwards.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
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Hey Luke, the competition is great but u dont' want to approach as many girls as humanly possible(def recommended for starting out but as u get better they'll be less of a need to)...but hey...sounds like something fun...keep it up.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
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But as for an approach, if u go up to her and say hi...thats an approach...
asking for directions only i wouldn't count BUT going into more gaming considered one.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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Well in that case, I agree with that who can "close" the most thing mentioned above. To actually successfully close you have to get her interested. Because if all it is is saying 'hi' then I could just effortlessly go up to the mall and say hi to a bunch of chicks and get a ton of 'so called' approaches.
May 23, 2006
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ElStud said:
Well in that case, I agree with that who can "close" the most thing mentioned above. To actually successfully close you have to get her interested. Because if all it is is saying 'hi' then I could just effortlessly go up to the mall and say hi to a bunch of chicks and get a ton of 'so called' approaches.
Then why dont you if you think you are so good? You will find that it's easier to think and talk about doing something, but actually doing it is another story.

Go up to a bunch of girls, wave at them and say 'Hi ladies! Do you want to see my weiner?'. Out loud -- I dear you (Ok, you dont have to follow the last part). I have difficulty doing that because I feel like a dork, and you are not sure if they are going to ignore you, laugh at you, or give you a group hug. Anyway....try it out then....


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
happyguy151 said:
This topic caught my eye and I will enter the challenge too, I need the experience of approaching ladies. I made 1 approach today. During my lunchbreak I decided to go in to my local Costa, never been in before and thought I would try it. I walk in and this gorgeous waitress is behind the counter. Brown eyes, long dark beautiful hair, as usual my heart began to pound and I started feeling nervous, but I knew I had to get over this shyness sometime. I approached her with a smile, although Im sure it looked nervous as hell.
Me: Hi
Girl: "Oh, hello! how can I help you?" she smiled back.
Me: "erm a Cappuchino" just then I quickly looked at her name tag
Me: "please Amy"
Amy gave me a smile and good eye contact
Amy: "coming right up"
I wasent sure what to say next, I was worried I would say something stupid.
Me: " How are you? " "are you having a good day?"
Amy: " oh, erm yeah im ok thanks."
She looked and sounded a bit uncomfortable and I thought I blew it. I said thanks and sat down in the corner. I was reading the paper but looking at Amy in the corner of my eye when she collected cups from the tables. She then approached me.
Me: "Hey!"
Amy: " Hi! listen Im really sorry if I came off as being rude earlier, its just no one has ever came up to me at work and asked me if I am having a good day, and it was really sweet of you"
Me: "that's okay" I then smiled at her and winked at her, she smiled back and began to blush slightly and these signs began boosting my confidence slightly.
Amy: "what's your name then?"
Me: "David"
Amy: "nice to meet you David"
I finish my drink and stand up
Amy: "would you like anything else?"
Me: "yeah your phone number" I looked into her eyes and smiled.
Amy: "You have only just met me" she begins to laugh a little "You dont even know much about me"
Me: "well I would like to get to know you better"
Amy smiled again, she walked up to the till, grabbed a pen and wrote her number on a napkin.
Amy: "Here you go!"
Me:Thanks Ill ring you soon" "Bye"
Amy: "Bye"
I walked out and felt so good, I had tried approaches before but none had ever worked before. I will try more tomorrow but I am really pleased with what I have done today.
Happyguy, i REALLY like how you played this and this is how it should be. sounds similar to couple of my experiences. Feels good when the girl comes over and starts talkin to you eh? :up:


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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Then why dont you if you think you are so good? You will find that it's easier to think and talk about doing something, but actually doing it is another story.
Wow, buddy I never said I was "so good", it's just that your idea of an approach is simply going up to a girl and saying "Hi" which really isn't an approach.

Did two approaches at the mall today.

Approach #1
I see these chicks walking in the mall and I go up to them.
[Tap one girl on her shoulder]
Me: Hey, how's it going?
Girl: Oh, fine.
Me: So would you say it's going good?
Girl: Yeah.
Me: Hmm... well usually when a girl tells me that it means there in a bad mood or woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something.
Girl: No, I'm in a good mood.
Me: And why would you say you're in a good mood?
Girl: I don't know, I just am.
Me: So would you say it's hot out here?
Girl: Yes.
Me: So do you go to the beach?
Girl: Yeah.
Me: You look like the kind of girl---
[Girl 2 interrupts]
Girl: Well, I have to go.
Me: You have to go?
Girl: Yeah.
Yeah, that approach sucked ass dude.

Approach # 2
Saw this hot chick working at some sort of counter and approached her.
Me: Hey, I'm doing a music survey and I was wondering, what kind of music do you listen to?
Her: Uh... I don't know. Probably pop and rock.
Me: Ah, I could see you as the kind of girl who gets home and then goes up stares, cranks up the stereo and starts dancing to that kind of stuff. Yeah, I bet you're a very freaky girl.
[She laughs]
Her: No, I'm not that kind of girl.
Me: You're not?
Her: No.
Me: So I got to tell you this funny story, I was at a track meet and I saw this dude who looked exactly like Jesus. I swear though, he had that long hair, the body and everything.
[She kind of laughs]
Me: So, why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself?
Her: Oh, well there's not much to say.
Me: So you're a boring girl? I play guitar and I'm going to be a rockstar, so maybe one day if I see you at one of my concerts I'll give you an autograph.
Her: What kind of music do you play?
Me: Oh, I play rock, jazz, a little bit of everything.
Me: Do you play any instruments?
Her: Nah, I'm not a very musical person.
Me: I see.
Me: So do you still go to school?
Her: No, I graduated.
Me: Really what college do you go to?
Her: Kent.
Me: Ah.
Her: Well, I have to get back to work.
Me: Say I never got your name, what is it?
Her: Oh, I'm Ariella.
Me: Ah, I'm Mike.
Yeah, that one pretty much sucked to. I was thinking about going for the number, but she really didn't seem all that interested. Infact, I could tell she really wasn't interesed in the end because by the time I asked her name, I could tell that she really wanted me to leave and really wanted to get back to work.
May 23, 2006
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Went across the street where I saw a family, with a few hot looking Indian women working the front yard. I went inside my home initially dismissing it, but then I looked at ElStud's approaches and said to myself, I have to get this guy - three girls are in this group, so I could get three in one and like beat his approaches.

So, I just went up to them (with getting ElStud on my mind) and just started introducing myself as the neighbour to everyone there. I stated my name for everyone and greeted everyone there. Including three women which were there. I introduced myself as 'the friendly neighbour' living opposite of them and handed out my business card.

Turns out, that one of them knows someone who may want to move into this area and I might get a referral.

No attempt at closing took place as I'm their neighbour and can go back again later. At closer inspection it appears the age of one of the girls was very young and although I shook hands with one of them, another hot girl evaded shaking my hands claiming her hands were dirty -- but she seemed to be that way from the get-go so I didn't lose points with that approach.


ElStud will argue that approaching a girl to say 'hi' is not an approach. My arguement is that it is a valid approach. It's considered one in the 'How to Succeed with Women' book where they say this is 'talking', and recommends approaching at least six attractive girls a day and saying 'hi' to them. Again, you dont have to close, or make an attempt to close as an approach, but I'm going to make a poll thread to put this to the test.

Here I did an introduction and handed out business cards, which is a bit more of an approach - you have to guage the interest and body-language of the girls when conducting an approach to determine if you are going to close.


Senior Don Juan
May 2, 2007
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Oh ****, I'm sorry. I hadn't read this post (thinking approach competition doesn't really sound like a post for me, yet). I just saw you challenged me lol.
Anyways, I'll participate just for the heck of it. In my thread, I just typed, that Ill make a point of starting actual approaches at the beginning of july! So that would be 2 or 3 months for me..


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2007
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Luke what happened to this competition? Is it still on? should I post my reports? don't let the inspiration die man. no matter what. if you keep this thread up, many people will eventualy join this competition. Its good for everyone.
Now, should I post here? I'm making approaches. but I don't want to make fun of myself! I'd love to post reports if you, atleast, are participating.


Jun 16, 2007
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how bout this competition:

who can do the most approaches that result in getting phone #s

your competition is quite stupid cuz any idiot can win this if they go up to 1000 girls and get blown out every single time
May 23, 2006
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vegas_pimp said:
how bout this competition:

who can do the most approaches that result in getting phone #s

your competition is quite stupid cuz any idiot can win this if they go up to 1000 girls and get blown out every single time
Make your own thread. I dont like your attitude you are too negative. I'd like to see if anyone can even approach 100 girls since some people on here are coward key-jockeys anyway.

Phone numbers dont mean jack sh1t either because there is no guarantee you have the right number, or you'll get further than the answering machine when you call back.
May 23, 2006
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lyamdb said:
Luke what happened to this competition? Is it still on? should I post my reports? don't let the inspiration die man. no matter what. if you keep this thread up, many people will eventualy join this competition. Its good for everyone.
Now, should I post here? I'm making approaches. but I don't want to make fun of myself! I'd love to post reports if you, atleast, are participating.
Soon I will be launching a massive approach campaign and will have 100 - 150 approaches done within a space of a few weeks.

I'll be using a low-impact opener of two versions:

Version 1: "Hi, my name is xyz, and I'm trying to get over my shyness by talking to five people today, the reason I choose you is you seem pretty nice..."

Version 2: "Excuse me, I'm trying to get over my shyness by talking to five women today and ask them what it takes for them to be attracted to a man. Do you prefer it when guys buy your attention with gifts and food, or do you prefer it when a guy teases you, makes fun, makes you laugh, and keeps you guessing what's going to happen next?"

Low-impact openers and approaches such as this one should make it easier to go up to different girls and start talking to them.

To aid with 'negativity management', I'd prefer to go on a crowded area, like downtown or something, or a mall, where I could approach a series of women one right after another, so there is no time for any negative thoughts in a failed approach to take root. Should be at least three or four women in the vicinity to make the approaches worth while in one shot and I'd just shot-gun them opener after opener, same routine.


The Approach Invasion is charging up and will be launched. Once I'm ready, I'll probably get over a hundred approaches a week.

I'll start working on other game once I've hit that belt, but given how others are doing on here I think I'll win this once my Approach Invasion operation is in full gear.
May 23, 2006
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vegas_pimp said:
my attitude gets pu$$y, what does your attitude get?
Oh, well good for you. I'm sure everyone would love to listen to you when you start making up your own threads about the secret of your magical game. So, why dont you run along now, do everyone a favour, and actually contribute something constructive to this board rather than trolling my threads?


Jun 16, 2007
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Luke Skywalker said:
Oh, well good for you. I'm sure everyone would love to listen to you when you start making up your own threads about the secret of your magical game. So, why dont you run along now, do everyone a favour, and actually contribute something constructive to this board rather than trolling my threads?

what happened to your myspace profile? have you been using that to get some girls?
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
vegas_pimp said:
what happened to your myspace profile? have you been using that to get some girls?
I've withdrawan from the 'online' scene since January. I haven't been getting good results from online dating in general (i.e. maybe one or two new people a month at best - and if I screen them, probably once in a blue moon).

I dont intend to pursue any online dating until I read e-books, net2bed, and David DeAngelo's e-books about online dating since I want to develop further game in these areas.


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2007
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Ok first of all, a word to all people who suggest the #close competition instead of the approach competition. PU skills, like all other skills take alot of small steps to master. when you start learning how to swim, your coach never puts you in a speed competition. although your ultimate goal is to be able to swim fast, nobody expects you to do it right from the start. you can compete ofcourse, but at your own level. normally the starting point competitions are about who learns faster. who puts forth more courage and energy. not who swims faster. and of all people who participate in the competition at this early stage, no one can really swim yet. its not aimed for those who can. and I know, there are many people here who are even afraid of the idea of a pool! I guess Luke started this thread for them. so please don't post discouraging replies.
and now my report:
yesterday there was this HB7 on the street. well I didn't make any eye contact. just went after her without hesitation! when I was close enough but not too close:
ME: "excuse me miss"
HB7: (turned her head towards me. )
Me: "hey beautiful"
HB7: (giving me a serious as hell look) Excuse me?
Me:How are you doing?
Me: May I walk with you a few steps? talk to you a bit?
HB7: No.
Me: (just walked away! she was so serious I didn't mind to say goodbye!)

ok its lame I admit. but at least I broke through my fear. that serious look she gave me is the worse thing that can happen when I approach a girl. when she did that I realized that's exactly what makes me afraid of approaching!
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